Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 45

 I Next

“Captain, it appears you have alopecia areata.”

Raciel’s response came swiftly and with accuracy. The once solemn and weighty atmosphere in the emperor’s office turned somber in an instant.

Unbeknownst to him, Captain Roberto, with his superhuman patience and self-restraint, clenched his fist. If not for these qualities, he would have disregarded the prejudices associated with his status and position and delivered a powerful blow to Raciel’s face.

But Roberto maintained his composure. Silently, he mourned the daily loss of his hair. As tears welled up, he raised his head, forcing a slight smile to prevent them from flowing.

‘Why am I like this because of such a thing. Sigh. If it were the Crown Prince, it would be possible.’

The captain concealed his tears, stealing a moment of vulnerability in secret. Meanwhile, the emperor felt a sense of horror brewing within.

“Are you saying that the captain indeed has alopecia areata?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“But look. The captain still has a full head of shiny hair.”

“It’s because he wears a wig.”


Raciel’s matter-of-fact response hit the mark. The emperor had no choice but to admit Raciel’s answer. This was because Captain Roberto had recently been struggling with severe hair loss and had spoken about his troubles.

However, only Roberto’s wife and the emperor himself knew the full extent of the captain’s daily struggle with balding—a secret that remained hidden from the world.

“But how did you deduce it?”

A perplexed question filled the emperor’s eyes as he looked at Raciel. The deduction was impressive, yet peculiar and difficult to comprehend. Curiosity drove the emperor to inquire further.

“Did you possess extraordinary insight, perhaps?”

“No, it’s not that.”

Raciel responded promptly.

“Captain Roberto’s wig is flawless. Even a keen observer would be unable to tell that it’s a wig. I simply examined captain Roberto’s pulse.”

“Examined his pulse?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Raciel continued.

“If you touch the inside of your wrist, you can feel the pulsation of blood flowing through the arteries. Using the Asrahan Core Technique, I sense, feel, and analyze that pulse.”

“Hmm, it may sound like a bluff, but it’s plausible.”

“Thank you for considering it, Your Majesty.”

“So, what did you diagnose to deduce Captain Roberto’s alopecia?”

“It’s quite simple.”

Raciel’s answer flowed effortlessly.

“I diagnosed captain Roberto as physically robust, with highly active mana. Particularly, the energy in his heart and small intestine was the most vigorous.”

“The heart and the small intestine?”

“Yes, there was a significant surge of fire qi from those areas.”

“Fire qi.”

“Such energy tends to rise upwards, like a flame.”

“Are you suggesting…?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Your speculation is correct. The highest point of the body is the top of the head.”

“The vigorously rising fire qi within Captain Roberto reached the highest point of his body—the top of his head?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

Raciel glanced back at the captain.

“The fire qi concentrated on the crown of his head, directly exposing the hair roots to intense heat, much like grass withering on a drought-stricken prairie.”


Listening quietly, the imperial guard captain, Roberto, teared up. The emperor sympathetically clicked his tongue.


The diagnosis seemed plausible, prompting the emperor to nod in agreement.

‘As I reflect upon it, there is some truth to Raciel’s words. Roberto’s family has produced exceptional knights for generations, and naturally, Roberto has learned the Core Technique passed down in the family. This Core Technique accumulates mana energy in the heart, making it exceptionally strong and fervent.’

Suddenly, a memory flashed through the emperor’s mind. It was of his training sessions with Roberto. The mana that surged through the swords when they clashed was rough, untamed, and intense.

‘That means he possesses such potent mana in his heart, and that energy stimulates the crown of his head.’

As he pondered, he realized that many men in Roberto’s family had a tendency to be bald. Whether it was a hereditary coincidence or a side effect of the Core Technique, he couldn’t say for certain.

But one thing was clear.

‘Regardless of the secret, he truly answered my question.’

The emperor’s gaze shifted to Raciel. He still had numerous questions about how the young prince acquired such medical knowledge and insight, but for now, he had no choice but to acknowledge it.

“Very well, I understand.”

For now, his words held truth, and his claim wasn’t entirely unfounded. The emperor didn’t know what Raciel intended to achieve, but…

“I hereby grant Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano access to the lower section of the Imperial Palace’s archives tonight.”

“…Thank you!”

“But, you will only be allowed to access the lower section and obtain one item.”


“Didn’t you hear me?”

“I heard you clearly.”

“Then what’s the issue?”

“I didn’t say there was an issue.”

“Then why are you tilting your head like a puppy who doesn’t understand human words?”

“I understood what you said. It’s just…”


“I’m not entirely sure I understand.”

“What don’t you understand?”

The emperor furrowed his brows. He had asked a question, and the child had provided an answer. He acknowledged it and granted him access to the Imperial Palace’s archives. So what was the source of his dissatisfaction?

‘Has he always been like this?’

The emperor pondered. Raciel hadn’t always been so brazen. In fact, he used to be so shy that he couldn’t even make eye contact. What changed recently that made him so audacious?

The emperor found Raciel’s transformation both annoying and intriguing. He waited for the boy’s response.

Raciel spoke up.

“Your Majesty, the great emperor, please consider my perspective. Haven’t I passed the test by working diligently and solving the challenging problem you presented me?”

“I didn’t observe any exceptional effort on your part.”

“But I solved it, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”

“So why am I only allowed access to the lower section of the Imperial Archives…?”

“Did you expect to have access to the middle, upper, and special sections merely by answering that level of question correctly?”



“You didn’t mention that I would only be able to see the lower section…”


“When you posed the test, you simply referred to the ‘Imperial Archives’…”


“And now, after I passed, the wording has subtly changed…”



“So, are you now requesting that you be granted access to all areas of the Imperial Archives?”

“Not exactly requesting.”

“Then what?”

“Just being a bit more persistent…”


“I apologize.”

This approach wasn’t working. Raciel swiftly lowered his head, sensing the emperor’s unyielding determination. It seemed futile to push any further. If he pressed too hard now, he might even lose the privilege of accessing the lower section. Therefore, he decided to settle for the current arrangement before the emperor changed his mind.

‘Anyway, he’s quite strict. I’ll have to strive for access to the middle, upper, and special sections next time.’

Raciel, with a mixture of respect and disappointment, swiftly left the office before the Emperor could change his mind. The once-noisy office returned to a calm atmosphere, and the Emperor stroked his beard.

‘Heh, indeed.’

His gaze lingered on the spot where Raciel had stood, and a natural smile graced his face. He was genuinely pleased.

‘Just being able to see him up and about is enough to make me happy. He has become so audacious, even whining and clinging to me.’

Raciel had been on the verge of death, abandoned by countless doctors. Seeing him now, acting like a normal person, brought immense joy to the Emperor’s heart.

His constant desire to accomplish things, his audacity to approach and negotiate with him, and even his shameless requests for more rewards—all of it delighted and made the Emperor proud.

‘Yes, continue doing that. Challenge me further. Every time you do, I will test you.’

He would embrace Raciel with open arms.

Children grow by challenging their parents. Through these challenges, they recognize and expand their limits. It was the role of a parent to help their child practice safely, preparing them for the time when they would face the world.

‘Heh, heh, heh.’

The Emperor contained his laughter within his heart. Outwardly, he maintained a solemn expression, stroking his beard. However, his attention was suddenly drawn to an unusual sight—the captain of the Imperial Guard shedding silent tears.

“Roberto, why are you crying?”

“Your Majesty…”

The Emperor asked in surprise, and the captain of the Imperial Guard replied with a sob.

“Earlier, didn’t the Crown Prince accurately diagnose my condition better than expected?”

“Yes, he did.”

“But why, Your Majesty, did you not inquire about my hair loss treatment before the Crown Prince left…”






“Well, later on, go to the Star Palace and receive treatment separately. Take a day off too.”



The Emperor could only pat the back of the captain of the Imperial Guard in silence.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

“Phew. My legs are feeling weak, so weak.”

“Are you alright?”


“Do you want any help?”

“No, it’s not that serious.”

Demian asked about Raciel’s well-being with a serious expression. Raciel couldn’t help but chuckle at his sincerity.

‘It’s so strange, so strange.’

Demian, who had been assigned as a guard tonight, and the Emperor, who had been engaged in a mental battle just a moment ago—they were all characters he had encountered through illustrations and texts in a novel. He had seen them speak, experience events, and sometimes even die in his imagination.

But now?

Now, they were vivid realities right in front of him. Occasionally, it felt overwhelmingly real, and Raciel couldn’t help but feel a strange sensation, just like now.

‘That Emperor’s power is no joke. I should avoid him unless necessary.’

Whenever he faces the Emperor, he gets as nervous as when he meets the landlord. Raciel shook his head, pushing away his PTSD, and followed the court lady.

“Here we are.”

After walking for about 20 minutes, they arrived.

They had traversed countless corridors, passages, stairs, and corners. When Raciel’s weak legs were on the verge of giving in, they finally reached a deep basement within the Imperial Palace. There stood a semi-transparent door, the entrance to the heavily protected treasure store known as the Imperial Palace’s Archives.

The court lady handed Raciel two necklaces.

“Your Highness, please take these.”

“What are these?”

“These are your access passes to the vault.”

The court lady provided a straightforward explanation.

“Only those wearing these necklaces can enter the Archives.”

“What happens if I don’t have one?”

“All the attack magic installed within the vault will be triggered.”


“Also, these necklaces operate by entering the permitted reading time each time. If you exceed the allotted time…”

“What happens if I exceed it?”

“Once again, all the attack magic installed within the vault will be triggered.”


“By the way, the reading time entered in the necklace you received, Your Highness, is until dawn.”

“Wait a moment. That means I only have a few hours left, right?”

“Yes, you should hurry.”

The court lady smiled as Raciel hastily put on the necklace. He glanced back at Demian.

“Let’s go inside.”


They entered through the milky, shimmering semi-transparent entrance. As Raciel passed through the magic circle at the entrance, his body swayed, and a slight wave of nausea washed over him.


His sensitive Core Technique reacted to the mana within the magic circle, but it subsided quickly. After stepping through the entrance, a vast space opened up before them.


The sight reminded Raciel of a local Home Depot or IKEA store. The interior of the warehouse was even larger than most big-box retailers. Countless shelves were scattered throughout the immense space, each filled with various items.

“This is going to be a busy night.”

When would they find the time to examine all of this? The view before him seemed to blur slightly, but there was no time to waste.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“From now on, we need to search for what we need here.”

“What should I be looking for?”

“Items related to coldness. Potions, magic orbs, and similar objects. Check everything. Here’s a notepad and charcoal pen.”


“Let’s divide the area exactly in half. You take this side, and I’ll search the other. Note down the location of the items I mentioned. That way, I can quickly review the items you checked after I finish my search.”

“I understand.”

There was no need for further explanation. Time was of the essence. They immediately set to work. Demian went to the designated area, while Raciel meticulously examined each item in his section, sorting them as he went.

‘Please, come forth. Show me the suitable item.’

They needed to find a potion or artifact that could enhance Yin energy, allowing him to restore the energy of the patient suffering from Typhus. Raciel moved swiftly, making a silent promise to himself. He rolled his eyes, scanning the items thoroughly, as if searching for a midnight snack in the refrigerator.

However, even after scouring the entire left section, Raciel couldn’t find a suitable item. Surprisingly, there were very few items with unique energies. Most of them were simply fine swords, armors crafted by renowned artisans, or beautiful decorative pieces.

‘Is it because this is the lower part of the warehouse? Hopefully, the right section will be different.’

It had to be.

Suppressing his growing anxiety, Raciel headed towards the right section where Demian had been searching. He coincidentally ran into him just as he finished his task.

“Did you write down everything as I instructed?”

“Yes, here it is.”

“What is this?”

“I marked the locations of items related to coldness, just as you asked.”

“But it’s hardly legible. You need to make sure it’s understandable.”

“I did my best.”

“Do you have poor handwriting?”


Demian’s face turned slightly red, but now was not the time to dwell on it. There was a more pressing matter at hand.

“Is there only one item marked here?”

“Yes. There were very few items related to coldness.”

“The same goes for the side I checked.”

Raciel let out a sigh. There were no items related to coldness in the left section at all, and only one in the right section that Demian had searched. In other words…

“This single item that’s marked… it’s our last and only hope.”

Raciel felt a surge of nervousness. He set out to find the shelf where the item was located, and his gaze landed on a shield.

“Perennial Snow?”

Raciel looked up at the shelf. There, he saw a shield named ‘Perennial Snow,’ but its appearance was utterly underwhelming.

“Is this really a shield?”

It appeared feeble.

It was far too small to be a shield—barely the size of a palm if one were being generous. It resembled a flat circular lump with a handle, similar in size to a mobile phone or a café call bell. But Raciel refused to be prematurely disappointed.

‘Let’s read the description below.’

Each shelf in the warehouse provided brief information about the displayed items’ origin and purpose. Raciel’s eyes quickly scanned the description.

[Name: Perennial Snow]

[Classification: Shield]

[Acquisition: Unknown]

[Classification Level: Low]

[Use: When the user injects mana, the core in the center transforms the mana to create and deploy a shield of coldness. The cold shield shatters upon receiving a certain amount of impact.]

[Precautions when using: The fragments of coldness that fall off when it shatters are pure mana crystals. They will naturally disperse over time, so please be careful not to touch or consume them.]


This was it.

As Raciel read the final part of the description, his eyes lit up as if he had just undergone LASIK surgery.


LASIK, or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is a type of refractive surgery that uses a laser to reshape the cornea, the clear front part of the eye. This can improve vision in people with nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.

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