Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 46

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Raciel’s eyes widened as he pondered over the instructions of the shield he had just read. Gradually, the truth dawned on him.

‘This shield is far from ordinary. Infusing it with mana creates an ice shield.’

Superficially, it appeared quite mundane—a flat, round object about the size of a palm. It resembled a vibrating bell with an unnecessary handle attached.

However, what happened when one grasped the handle and infused it with mana was extraordinary. It transformed into an ice shield.

‘I can’t resist this toggling ability!’

Various ideas for utilizing the shield started to form in Raciel’s mind. Countless possibilities and feasible strategies unraveled before him.

Raciel made his decision.

‘I’ll go with this.’

After all, he had already perused all the low-grade items available. In this particular situation, it was the sole item related to ice. He had no other option but to choose it.

‘But… I need to verify the information in the instruction manual first.’

Raciel’s gaze sharpened.

Naturally, it was common sense. It was imperative to confirm the authenticity of any item before acquiring it.

Does the item’s features align with the product manual? Are there any inherent defects or fatal flaws? Is it suitable for his purposes? Is it not a defective product with hidden damages? Are the reviews not filled with complaints? Is it not an extravagant purchase devoid of practicality?

If the item’s operation method is unique, it requires even more meticulous inspection. Isn’t it necessary to check if a pair of $2 gloves from a supermarket fits properly?

‘After all, this wasn’t an easy opportunity to obtain. It’s a chance granted to me by persuading the Emperor to grant me access to the Archive.’

Tonight, he could only select one item from this place. The task at hand was to decide on that one item. Raciel cautiously extended his hand, opened the glass lid of the shelf, and gripped the handle of the shield, the Perennial Snow.

“Ah, it’s cold.”

The chill permeated his senses, reminiscent of holding a freshly extracted piece of ice with bare hands.

Raciel endured it.

He lifted it up.

He recalled the instruction manual.

‘The user infuses mana, and the core in the center here converts the mana into coldness.’

He activated the Asrahan Core Technique.

The Mana Circle awakened.


The ring encircling his heart spun, amplifying and circulating the mana within his body. Raciel focused his mana on his right hand, which held the Perennial Snow. He infused the handle of the Perennial Snow with mana.



No ice formed. Instead, the core of the Perennial Snow vibrated intensely, resembling a real vibrating bell in a café.



It felt as if he should rush to get his iced americano right away. Raciel swiftly dismissed the nostalgic sensation that arose and concentrated.

‘I can’t simply infuse it with mana at random.’

As he held the handle, the truth became apparent.

With each infusion of mana, the vibrations of the handle increased or decreased in real-time, depending on the quantity of mana. Through this feedback, Raciel could intuitively comprehend.

‘Mana cannot be pumped recklessly. There’s a precise amount required to generate an ice shield.’

It was akin to driving a car, adjusting the pressure on the accelerator to maintain a stable and optimal RPM, thus achieving fuel-efficient driving. Or it was like playing hard to get, maintaining a certain level of intensity to successfully evade remaining single.

The situation mirrored this scenario.

‘Feel the vibrations returning through the handle.’


Then weak.

He perceived the fluctuations and captured the sensation of the most appropriate mana input. Suddenly, his mind wandered to the shower in the rental house where he lived in Korea.

‘That faucet was mysterious.’

The extremes between hot and cold were quite pronounced. Slightly turning the lever to the left would release scorching water akin to lava. Shouting in surprise and nudging the lever slightly to the right would result in icy water that could make one feel like a Neanderthal taking a cold shower with an ice pick.

Consequently, every time he showered, he had to become a master of faucet control.

Balancing between coolness and passion.

Navigating the realm of cold and warm water.

An exquisite equilibrium that allowed no room for error, not even a millimeter. He had to precisely position the faucet lever within that hair-thin zone to enjoy a comfortable shower without scalding or frostbite.

It was thanks to those days of rigorous training. Now, those intense experiences from the past unexpectedly proved to be helpful.

‘…I’ve found it.’

After feeling the returning vibrations through the handle for about five minutes, he finally managed to input the precise amount of mana. The vibrations gradually ceased.

‘Maintain this input.’

He held it steady.

He waited.

He anticipated.

And then, the reward of his patience arrived.


A chilling sound emanated from the flat, round center. White frost, resembling the smoke of dry ice, billowed out, forming a circular ice shield with a diameter of 1.2 meters.


It was truly astonishing.

The moment he succeeded in utilizing it, Raciel could sense the true value of this shield throughout his entire body. It provided a wide defensive area that was immediately visible, yet it felt incredibly light. Despite the shield being deployed, he only felt the slight weight of the small core in the center and the handle in his hand.

Furthermore, his vision remained unobstructed. When using a large shield, the width of the shield would limit the view on the sides, but this shield did not suffer from that drawback. Thanks to the semi-transparent shield formed by the cold air, he could clearly see the other side, as if peering through a car’s front window with 80% tinting.

‘Hah. This is truly a remarkable item. But… I can understand why it was classified as low-grade and discarded here.’

Was it due to its poor quality?

Certainly not.

Having experienced it firsthand, he knew.

‘Ordinary individuals would never be able to wield this shield.’

Firstly, the shield only activates if you inject precisely the right amount of mana. And to maintain it, you have to continuously infuse the exact amount of mana.

In reality, it was an incredibly challenging task. No, for ordinary swordsmen, it would be nearly impossible.

‘Normally, mana is used to wield a sword and unleash sword energy. Or it’s utilized to momentarily enhance physical abilities.’

This was often emphasized in the novel “Devil Sword Emperor.”

‘That’s the case for most people. Ordinary swordsmen use mana explosively. But delicately controlling and continuously emitting a specific amount of mana like this? They simply can’t. Unless they’re Sword Masters.’

Only a Sword Master could accomplish this. However, would a Sword Master rely on a shield like this?


Raciel chuckled and shook his head. Ordinary swordsmen with common martial arts lacked the finesse in mana control to use this shield. And those who could control mana, such as Sword Masters, had no need for a shield like this. Thus, the conclusion was clear.

‘This shield presents too high of an entry barrier for those who require it, and only those who don’t need it can use it. In other words, it’s a deceptive and ambiguously functional piece of junk.’

That must be the reason behind its low-grade classification.

But for him?

It was slightly different.

‘I possess the Asrahan Core Technique.’

Raciel could delicately control mana, a distinct characteristic and specialty of the Asrahan Core Technique. That’s why he could use this shield. Furthermore, the main body of the shield was small, making it highly portable.

‘Previously, I crafted a metal shield to compete with the second prince, but it was too large and cumbersome.’

That shield became a burden to carry around. These days, it serves as a stand for trimmed herbs in the Star Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic.

‘Nevertheless, this Perennial Snow is the perfect item for me.’

Raciel grinned widely.

The verification process was complete.

He was confident.

‘With this, I can do it. Mrs. Dinraier, I can heal you.’

A thread of possibility caught Raciel’s mind. He tugged at that thread, exploring ways to utilize the ice shield, Perennial Snow, and revive Mrs. Dinraier’s weakened yin energy.

He pondered and dedicated himself.

He calculated and devised.

He replayed simulations in his mind. Finally, he reached the conclusion that it was worth a try. He turned to the side.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

Demian, who had been silently standing by Raciel’s side, appeared. Raciel addressed him.

“I think I might need your assistance again.”

“What kind of assistance?”

“I’ll explain when we reach the Star Palace.”


Demian nodded and observed the prince as he eagerly packed the Perennial Snow shield.

He truly is an extraordinary individual. Demian couldn’t help but think this every time he encountered the prince, perhaps from the very beginning.

‘Is he exceptionally selfless?’

He reminisced about their first meeting when the prince saved him and the gladiators without any apparent reason. The prince healed his chronic pain and helped him overcome withdrawal symptoms. It was something Demian was immensely grateful for.

But it wasn’t just those acts of kindness.

‘He heals people without expecting anything in return. Whether it’s a child suffering from seizures or a noblewoman with a fever, he genuinely cares for them without discrimination, and he continues to do so.’

It wasn’t just superficial efforts. He even challenged the emperor and, in the end, earned the privilege to access the Imperial Archives. He was now collecting the treasures from the Archive.

But for his own personal gain?

‘No. It’s all for the purpose of healing Mrs. Dinraier.’

That seemed to be the ultimate goal. Yet, why did the prince go to such great lengths? There didn’t seem to be any significant benefit for him. Why did he exert so much effort to help others?

‘My admiration for him grows with each passing day.’

Initially, it seemed somewhat peculiar. However, the more Demian observed, the more he understood. This prince was genuine. He didn’t expect any form of compensation. He didn’t even consider the slightest reward. He simply worked wholeheartedly and sincerely to heal people.

Demian wondered how many individuals in the world could exhibit such selflessness. To be honest, he couldn’t help but admire the prince. Warmth filled Demian’s gaze towards him. Of course, Raciel could sense that gaze.

“…Why are you looking at me with such sentimentality?”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“What do you mean it’s not? Your gaze was just wistful.”


“Are you sleepy because you were dragged out in the middle of the night?”

“Of course not.”

“Then let’s get moving. We need to go see the patient… no, collect the bonus lifespan.”

“Bonus lifespan?”

“Oh, I meant to take care of the patient.”

“It seemed like… something else.”

“It’s not. What are you dawdling for?”


Is it really not that?

Demian shook his head and followed Raciel out of the Archive. The journey back was swift, and they arrived at the Star Palace. However, instead of heading to see the patient, the prince led him to a tranquil spot in the Star Palace garden for some unknown reason. He took a seat and turned to face Demian.

“Listen closely to what I’m about to say.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Demian understood.

When it came to Raciel’s words, the prince who wholeheartedly helped patients. When it came to his commands, the prince who tirelessly pursued altruistic beliefs. Regardless of the command, Demian would follow without hesitation.


“Please give me your command.”

“Well then, draw your sword.”


The prince raised the Perennial Snow shield. He deployed the ice shield as before and extended it towards Demian. With a calm expression, he spoke.

“Can you strike me until this shield shatters?”


That… Are you serious?

Demian felt his admiration for the prince decrease ever so slightly. For the first time, a small seed of doubt unknowingly took root within him.

Our prince.

No, this guy.

Perhaps he’s a little bit eccentric.


Neanderthals, an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans, inhabited Eurasia until approximately 40,000 years ago. Physically distinct from modern humans, they possessed thicker skulls, more pronounced brow ridges, and a shorter stature. However, Neanderthals had brains that were comparable to, or even larger than, those of modern humans. They exhibited advanced capabilities in tool usage and social organization. The exact reasons for their extinction remain a subject of debate, with hypotheses including climate change, competition with modern humans, or a combination of various factors.

Neanderthals are believed to have evolved in cold climates, and they possessed several physical adaptations that aided their survival in such conditions.

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