Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 47

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“Can you strike me until this shield shatters?”


This Crown Prince.

No, this man.

What kind of absurdity is he suggesting?

‘Could he have lost his mind?’

Demian tilted his head in confusion for a moment, then sank deep into contemplation. He wondered if the Crown Prince had recently suffered a severe head injury or displayed signs of excessive stress or sleeplessness.

Upon reflection, none of these possibilities seemed plausible. Thus, Demian remained perplexed.

“Do you mean you want me to strike that shield… the one you are holding, Your Highness?”


The Crown Prince nodded, his expression calm as if it were a matter of course.

“I did mention that I might need your assistance, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”

“Well, this is it.”


“If you strike this shield, Mrs. Dinraier will survive.”


“And the Star Palace Clinic will avoid bankruptcy.”


“Of course, my longevity will also be secured.”


“And the royal family will not collapse, understand?”

“….So, you want me to strike that shield?”



What is going through this man’s mind? Demian furrowed his brow. However, a part of him also sensed that there was more to the story that the Crown Prince was not revealing.

“Could you please provide a more detailed explanation?”

“Of course.”

The Crown Prince grinned slyly.

“You saw the manual for the Perennial Snow in the Archive, right?”

“Yes, I saw it.”

“Then you must remember—the instructions and precautions for using the Perennial Snow.”

“Yes. The text mentioned that a powerful impact exceeding its limit would shatter the Ice Shield.”

“Correct. Do you also recall the warning below that?”

“Of course.”

Demian nodded. He easily recollected the warning’s contents.

“It stated that the shards of ice released when the shield is damaged are pure mana crystals… and that they naturally disperse over time. It also cautioned against reckless contact or ingestion due to their potential significant effect on the human body. Am I correct?”

“Correct. Well done. Applaud yourself.”



“So, is there a connection between the warning’s content and your command for me to strike you?”


Prince Raciel affirmed.

“We intend to employ those ice crystals as medicinal herbs.”

“Wait, there was a warning about their significant effect on the human body…”

“The warning only mentioned a ‘significant effect’; it didn’t specify whether it would be positive or negative, did it?”


“So, we must collect and study them to determine whether they benefit or harm the human body. To achieve that, we first need to deliver a forceful blow that will shatter the Ice Shield.”

“But why do I have to…”

“Among those capable of delivering a powerful sword strike to shatter this shield, you are the most reliable.”




Demian swallowed the question forming in his throat and raised a different objection instead.

“So, I must strike the shield while you hold it? Can’t I just strike the shield once you place it on the ground?”


“Why can’t I strike the shield once it’s on the ground?”

“Oh, that’s not possible.”

“Why not?”

“Because of this.”

The Crown Prince deliberately released his grip on the Perennial Snow, allowing it to fall to the ground with a thud. Simultaneously, the Ice Shield that had been deployed vanished without a trace.

A smirk appeared on the Crown Prince’s face.

“As you can see, the Ice Shield disappears when the mana supply is cut off. Therefore, in order to sustain the Ice Shield, I must hold it without fail.”

“So, let me confirm: you’re asking me to carefully control my strength to break only the Ice Shield without causing you harm.”

“That’s correct. Exactly.”


“Just so you know, I’m not doing this because I enjoy it. Honestly, it’s frightening.”

“It’s not just you, Your Highness. I’m scared as well.”

“Why is that?”

“Because this act could potentially be seen as treason. So, I have one condition.”

“A condition?”


“What is your condition?”

The Crown Prince responded to Demian’s question, and Demian replied sincerely.

“For every strike on Your Highness’ shield… I request a special allowance.”


The Crown Prince tilted his head, his expression contorted oddly. Nevertheless, Demian voiced his thoughts.

“As you know, my sword is ruthless. It is unforgiving. Yet, you expect to withstand its blow with just a single shield, until the shield breaks. Isn’t that an enormous risk for me?”

“Isn’t it a risk for me as well?”


“Are you concerned that if you were to harm me, you would be charged with treason?”



“So, when I strike at Your Highness’ shield, I am also taking a significant risk.”


“That’s why I believe a special allowance, or rather, a hazard pay, should be granted for each blow.”


Prince Raciel stuck out his tongue.

“So, you want to be compensated for each strike?”


“Do you think I’m a golden goblin? An adversary who spews money when struck?”

“I… I have never heard of a golden goblin. I don’t understand what an adversary is, but my proposal is an honest opinion.”

“So, you won’t strike my shield without hazard pay?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Demian nodded with a serious gaze. Simultaneously, he pondered. This was a suitable opportunity to secure more income.

‘Prince, I see you as a benefactor. I admire your actions of caring for others without expecting anything in return. But apart from that… I should take the money that I can from you.’


Just the thought of it made his teeth grind. Reflecting on the past, all the sources of misfortune in his life were tied to money.

His mother, who had single-handedly raised him. His mother’s tragic end. Being left an orphan in a back alley. The numerous hardships he had faced alone at a young age. Ending up in the underground gladiatorial arena. The days he couldn’t escape from the arena.

The pain during those times was rooted in money. If he had possessed more money. If he had been even slightly better off. It was an unhappiness he didn’t have to endure. That’s why.

‘I respect you. But I need to secure the money. I’m uncertain how long you’ll remain in good health like this. I don’t know how long I can serve you.’

The Prince had been bedridden until recently. He had regained some health recently, enough to move around without difficulty. But Demian realized he didn’t know when his health would deteriorate again.

‘So, can I serve you for ten years?’

At most, ten years.

Or maybe five years.

Or perhaps even less.

When he realistically and rationally considered it, that’s what it was. He wanted to prepare for the day when the Prince would fall and he would have to leave his side. He wanted to be ready for the day when he would involuntarily lose his position.

By saving as much salary as possible by then. By accumulating as much money as possible. That seemed to be the best preparation. And it remained the same now.

‘I need to take the salary every opportunity I get.’

Loyalty and money are separate matters.

Working without pay out of loyalty or respect for someone is foolish. Demian looked at the Prince with a resolute gaze. In response to that gaze, Prince Raciel could only chuckle.

‘Ha. Demian, this guy, just like in the novel.’

Suddenly, the memories of the novel Devil Sword Emperor flashed through his mind. Among them, the actions of the protagonist Demian, who was followed until the middle of the story, came to the forefront.

‘That guy in the middle was unexpectedly stingy and obsessed with money. He held a grudge against wealth and always prioritized money above all else. So… it’s the same now. Exactly the same.’

The audaciousness of his demands. That resolute gaze. He could feel it all. Overlaying the image of Demian from the novel, he understood.

Unconsciously, a smile formed at the corners of Raciel’s mouth.

“Well, if that’s what you desire.”


“Yes. You shall receive a day’s salary for each strike. How does that sound?”

“That works.”


Finally, Demian drew his sword. Raciel took a deep breath and raised his Perennial Snow shield. He summoned the chilling air to form the shield.




Demian tightened his grip on the sword.

“For safety, I’ll start with a light strike.”

“…Okay, thank you.”

Raciel firmly grasped the Perennial Snow’s handle. He lowered his stance and awaited the sword attack. In that moment, Demian’s sword seemed to vanish. No, it moved with such speed that it was imperceptible to the naked eye.



Stars danced before Raciel’s eyes. The world momentarily darkened. Soon, his vision returned along with a dizzying sensation. However, Demian now stood several steps back.

No, it wasn’t Demian who moved back…


It was Raciel.

As he lowered his head due to the dizziness, he finally realized it. Two feet ahead, a trench had been carved into the ground. So this meant…

‘Incredible. Was I pushed back several steps just by blocking a single sword strike?’

And this was Demian’s idea of a ‘light strike for safety’?

‘What about the shield?’

Raciel inspected the Perennial Snow, hoping it had shattered in one blow. However, it remained intact. The cold air shield still held its strength. Whether Demian was aware of his struggle (?) or not, he calmly stated,

“It seems it won’t break at this level. Let me try again.”


“Here I go.”

“Hey, wait…”



Once again, stars exploded in front of his eyes. When his senses returned, he realized he had been pushed back even farther than before. The aftermath of the dizziness was even more severe. However, the cold air shield remained unbroken.

“What on earth…”

“Hold on tight.”




It felt like a meteor had collided with his face. But Demian didn’t halt his assault. Perhaps he was determined to fully (?) exploit this opportunity for extra payment.

His sword strikes grew more powerful. Raciel barely managed to withstand them. The sensation of being turned into a tenderized piece of meat overwhelmed him.

‘Ugh, this is insane!’

He hadn’t expected it to be this intense. While he knew Demian’s sword strikes would be formidable, experiencing them firsthand was a different matter. He worried that it wouldn’t be his shield that shattered, but rather his shoulder, waist, or knee.

Yet, Raciel persevered.

The task at hand had already commenced.

Success was necessary to obtain the cold energy crystal. With that crystal, he could attempt to revive Mrs. Dinraier’s yin energy. To bring her back to life. To continue the momentum of establishing a medical clinic. To accumulate additional bonus lifespan.

‘Longevity, wealth, and honor, a royal life! Let’s go!’

Amidst enduring and promising himself a bright future, something unexpected happened.


An unfamiliar sound resonated from the shield, akin to a giant pot lid cracking. Demian’s storm-like sword attacks came to an abrupt halt.

Thud, thump…

Something fell.

The sound of an object rolling on the ground.

Raciel instinctively opened his eyes and followed the noise until he finally saw it.


Were those shards of broken glass? No, rather, they were chunks of ice. Several transparent, crystalline pieces lay on the ground. It was the coveted chilling crystal he had longed for.


With trembling knees, Raciel clenched his fists and swiftly retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket. Worried that the crystals might vanish, he carefully gathered them.

“Are you alright?”

“…Yes, for the most part.”

Raciel couldn’t help but smile at the concerned expression on Demian’s face. He sat down on the grass for a moment to catch his breath. However, he didn’t have much time to waste.

“Ugh, I feel numb.”

Raciel stood up.

With Demian’s assistance, he made his way to the palace, heading for the kitchen that doubled as a decoction-making room. He retrieved the necessary ingredients for a decoction.

Dried kudzu root.

Ephedra and jujube seeds.

Peony and licorice root.

Ginger root and cinnamon bark.

After meticulously portioning the ingredients, he combined them and boiled purified water. It was the usual decoction he always prepared. However, this time, he added an additional step.

‘What will happen if I include the chilling mana crystal?’

Raciel retrieved the cold crystal he had obtained earlier, feeling the intense cold even through the protective layer of the handkerchief. He gently placed the smallest piece into the decoction.


As the frigid chunk melded into the mixture, the rising steam subsided instantaneously. Frost formed swiftly, and beads of sweat trickled down Raciel’s forehead.

‘Please, let it be successful. Let it work.’

Raciel fervently hoped for this experiment to yield positive results. He yearned for a herbal concoction that could revitalize Mrs. Dinraier’s yin energy. He wished and wished once more, pouring his heart into his prayers. And he prepared to consume the decoction.

‘By ingesting it and circulating it through my body, I can examine its primary components.’

A minute quantity, passing through a small opening. Just enough to ensure safety for his body. By analyzing its effects—whether harmful or beneficial—and its potency in stimulating yin energy, he could gauge the outcomes, all while maintaining a calm state of mind by checking his own pulse.

However, just as Raciel was contemplating this…


An unexpected notification chimed, accompanied by an even more surprising message that materialized before him.

[You have developed a new recipe based on traditional decoction-making: ‘Galgeuntang’.]

[As a result of this new recipe, you have successfully concocted ‘Special Ice Galgeuntang’.]

[This bold experiment has provided you with a valuable experience.]

[Your successful experience serves as a stepping stone, unlocking a new skill.]

[The skill ‘Decoction Making’ has been unlocked.]

[Skill Name: Decoction Making Level 1]

[The herbal concoctions you prepare now possess a 10% increase in efficacy compared to conventional concoctions. Additionally, you will be able to accurately assess the effects, side effects, and toxicity of the ingredients on the human body.]


This is unbelievable.

Unbeknownst to him, Raciel gasped. A new skill had been unlocked in a completely unexpected moment. Upon reading the final part of the message, a single thought dominated his mind.



Galgeuntang (갈근탕) is a traditional Korean medicine (TKM) soup made with galgeun (갈근), also known as Chinese knotweed root or Polygonum multiflorum root, as the primary ingredient. Galgeun has a bitter and astringent taste and has been used in TKM for centuries to treat various health conditions, including fevers, coughs, and sore throats. It is believed to have immune-boosting properties and promote overall well-being.

(To be Continued)

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