Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 16 – Message

Ch. 16 – Message


The next morning, they headed back down to the guild to continue training.

As they were walking, Bluey excitedly asked, “Oh, oh, can I go with Master today? It was fun with Betty, but I wanna fight with Master this time.”

Damien looked between her and Betty. “Yeah, I don't mind. Are you okay with Aurora?”

Betty smiled as Aurora rubbed up against her ankles. “Yeah, we'll go get those rabbits, right?”

“Piyu!” Aurora replied, jumping up on her shoulders.

With the pairs settled, they got the same requests as the prior day and went their separate ways.


Bluey led Damien towards the sewer entrance they had used the day prior. Bluey stopped before she stepped in.

“What's wrong?” Damien asked, concerned at the sudden second thoughts.

“Betty made a light yesterday. Do you know a light spell?”

Damien chuckled, “No, but I have this, remember?” he said, pulling out a lantern from his backpack and turning it on.

Bluey nodded, continuing her step in and leading him down the tunnel.


After continuing down the tunnel, Damien following Bluey, who could sense the water elementals. When they reached a group of two, Damien was in awe.

“Wait, you fought those!?” he asked.

Bluey nodded. “Yeah, they're not that tough!”

Damien looked at them doubtfully. “Okay, just be careful.”

Bluey jumped into the canal with a splash, before shooting off a Lightning Bolt down towards the water elementals. They were shocked instantly, gurgling loudly as they started to melt into the canal.

Damien's eyes went wide. “I know they are weak to electricity, but I didn't expect...that.”

Bluey jumped out and shook herself to get off some water, before giving a fist pump. “Yeah, it's great! Although since I just cast it a bunch, I need to wait and restore my MP first. Or just punch the next ones.”

Damien nodded, before realizing that Bluey's shirt had gotten wet. She was wearing some undergarments, but they were clearly visible. Reaching into his bag, he grabbed a towel, “I figured we might need these fighting something made out of water,” he said, wrapping it around Bluey.

As he went to pull his arms back, Bluey grabbed them. “Wait, I like that,” she explained, having Damien wrap her in his arms again.

Damien blushed, “Bluey...I like holding you too, but we can't get distracted in the middle of the sewers...”

Bluey seemed to understand, letting go of his arms after a moment and nodding.

Trying to reassure her, Damien said, “We can do more after we finish, okay?”

Bluey smiled, this seeming to give her a renewed vigor, wrapping the towel around her like a cape and speeding off down the sewer.


They ran into a few more elementals, Bluey easily dispatching them at range.

This feels a bit like cheating. These things are obviously powerful, but Bluey's Lightning attacks just destroy them. A group without that probably would struggle. He watched as Bluey jumped out of the canal again, drying herself off with a new towel he had given her. I guess we might run into something we aren't good against at some point, and need to be prepared for that, too.

“What's wrong, Master?” Bluey asked, handing him back the dirty towel.

Damien shook his head, “Nothing, just thinking about what we might face in the future.”

Bluey gave a fist pump, “Don't worry, we just need to keep leveling up!” She pulled up her status screen, “Look, I leveled!”

Damien smiled and pulled up his status screen. They both had leveled, as he could see his bar was full now. I guess the elementals are good XP at our levels.


Bluey leveled up

Slime – Level 11

STR – 126

VIT – 104

MAG – 40

DEX – 98


STR +31

VIT +8

Lightning Attunement

Lightning Bolt

Squishy Membrane


New Ability Available


STR +10

DEX +10


“Which are you gonna-” Damien asked, but Bluey had already clicked the STR +10 option.

“I have to get stronger!” Bluey said, doing more air-boxing.

“I appreciate that, but sometimes getting other stats might be good.”

Bluey thought for a moment. “Okay, I'll think about it next time.”

Damien facepalmed, “You should think about it every time,” he chastised lightly, before clicking his own level up.



Damien leveled up

Summoner – Level 6

STR – 29

VIT – 33

MAG – 72

DEX – 32


Stat Share

Heal (summon)

Summon Boost

Summon XP Trade Boost


New Ability Available


MAG +10

Message – Give instructions to your Summons telepathically. Summon can respond.


Telepathically!? Actually, I guess that's not that weird for this world. That MAG boost would be great, especially for Aurora, but again the other ability just seems too good to pass up. Clicking 'Message', his level up completed, and he turned to Bluey, “Do you know what Message is?”

Bluey shook her head.

“Okay. Supposedly, I can talk to you with just my mind, and you can respond back. I'm going to say something with just my mind, so reply back, okay?”

Bluey didn't seem to one-hundred percent understand, but held up her fists and nodded excitedly.

Okay, let's go...'Bluey, what color is your hair?'

“Master why are you asking about my hair, you can-...” Bluey trailed off, her face warping in surprise as she realized Damien hadn't said anything.

Damien chuckled, “You were supposed to respond in your mind.”

Bluey nodded, scrunched her face, and...nothing.

Why am I not getting anything?

“Did you get my response?” Bluey asked.

Damien shook his head. “Maybe we took to long. The ability says you can reply, but not just message me back whenever.”

“Let's try again,” Bluey said, shaking his shoulders excitedly.

Damien nodded and settled her down. Okay...'Bluey, what color is your hair?'

'Blue! Just like in my name. Wait...did you name me after my hair color!?' Bluey responded.

'Well sort of, I thought it was a cute name for a blue slime summon. I didn't know you were going to transform into a human eventually.'

'Oh' Bluey responded, blushing bashfully. 'Am I still cute?'

Damien wrapped an arm around her, giving her a kiss, 'Of course.'

'I love you Master' Bluey responded, looking up at him.

'I love you, too, Bl- “Wait, why are we still saying this with Message?”

Bluey shrugged, “It was fun.”

Damien chuckled. “That's fair. It'll be useful if I need to say something secretly. Or if we're far away. Actually, I wonder how far the range is?”

“I can run really far down the tunnel, and we can test-”

Damien grabbed her shoulder before we she could take off. “Maybe later, when we're not in water elemental territory.”

Bluey nodded, before alighting upon an idea, “Oh! You could try and Message Aurora!”

Damien smiled, “Good idea!” 'Aurora, how is training going?' he asked with Message. Expecting a cute, confused, 'Piyu!?” in response, he was surprised when he got something else entirely.

A rich sounding voice, something he would attest to as a woman a few years older than him, replied. 'Master!?'


- Outside of town -


Betty and Aurora were walking through the fields near Ancona. They had just dispatched another group of rabbits, and were walking in a specific direction. Betty just assumed Aurora knew where she was going, having expertly found several groups of rabbits already.

However, Aurora suddenly stopped.

Betty watched her for a moment. “Aurora?”

Aurora didn't respond, seeming to just stare straight ahead.


'Aurora, how is training going?' Aurora heard in her mind.

Aurora knew her Master wasn't around, she couldn't smell him. But somehow, he was talking to her.


After a moment, she heard back, 'Aurora? That's you, right? I was just expecting to get a 'Piyu' back in response.'

After a pause, Aurora replied, Pi-piyu...

Damien's voice replied, 'You don't need to play along, I just didn't expect you could talk.'

I can't talk, since I'm a fox, but I still understand language. Also, the training is going fine.

'That's good. Is Betty fine too?'

Aurora blinked a couple times, before realizing Betty was leaning over, staring at her.

“Are you okay Aurora? Is something wrong?”

Aurora, gave a soft 'Piyu' and rubbed against her legs. Yes, she's fine.

'Okay, we're gonna keep training. See you later.'


'What's wrong?'

If foxes could blush, Aurora would have blushed, Can you pet me later?

'Of course.'


Betty watched as Aurora excitedly ran off into the distance, seeming more energetic than before she had stopped. Did she just need to catch her breath? “Aurora, wait up!”


Later that day, the four of them met back up at the Guild, all looking exhausted.

After giving a hug, Bluey immediately said, “Betty, Master and I can talk in our minds!”

Betty just blinked a few times. “Is that an ability you learned?”

Damien nodded. “Message. I can tell them something telepathically, and they can reply back,” he explained, picking up Aurora who was nuzzling against his leg.

Betty nodded, then blushed.

“What's wrong?”

Betty looked up, “I wish I could talk with you like that.”

Damien blushed back, “That would be nice...”

Aurora nuzzled up against his face.

“I know, I'm petting you like you wanted,” he said, stroking her fur.

“Can you talk with Aurora too?” Betty asked seeming a bit surprised.

Damien nodded, “She wanted me to pet her.”

Betty thought for a moment, before realizing what must have happened earlier. “Oh! Aurora just stopped earlier. I was a bit concerned, but she must have been talking to you.”

“Most likely. Errr, actually, I can just ask her...” he said, before looking at Aurora.

Aurora seemed to respond by licking him again.

“What kind of voice does Aurora have?” Betty asked, scratching her head.

“'s kind of...mature? It's deeper than I thought it would be,” Damien replied.

Aurora nibbled on his hand.

“What!? I didn't mean that in a negative way. It's very...elegant.”

This seemed to pacify Aurora, who let go of his hand and jumped down, now rubbing against Bluey's legs.

Bluey picked her up, “I missed you too sister,” she cooed, hugging her tightly to her chest. “How was your training?”


“Well, she hit level 4, so we're doing pretty good.”

“Are we going to train more tomorrow?” Bluey asked excitedly.

Damien looked at Betty, who shrugged, “It's up to you.”

Damien nodded. “Lemme think a bit...”


After turning in their requests, they got some dinner and went back to their room. It was still a bit before it would get dark, so they they took turns taking baths.

As Damien was soaking alone in the tub, he thought about what their next steps should be. We're barely making enough to pay for all our expenses every day. I wouldn't mind living in the tent for now, but I don't know how the others would feel. Although, if we get a larger paying request, we'd only use it while traveling, and then we'll be set for a while. Since Betty can get up to Bronze, maybe we can find one there?

Deciding he would ask the others, he dried off and got dressed to head back into the main room. However, only Bluey was still there, Betty and Aurora nowhere to be seen.

“Hey Master,” Bluey said, walking over and leaning into him. “Can we pick up where we left off in the sewers?”

Damien thought for a moment, before remembering holding her earlier. Blushing a bit, “Bluey, we can't right now, maybe when the others are asleep.”

Bluey shook her head, “I asked Betty if I could have you tonight, and she took Aurora for a walk.”

Damien closed his eyes and sighed. Well, I guess they figured it out amongst themselves.

Bluey didn't seem to want to wait any longer, squishing herself against Damien and giving him a rough kiss.

Damien reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her and pushing his tongue against hers. Bluey was still inexperienced, and they sloppily intertwined tongues. Damien grabbed Bluey's shirt, pulling it off and revealing her blue bra underneath.

Bluey grabbed Damien's shirt in turn, roughly pulling it off, almost tearing it.

Damien chuckled, “Careful! You're strong Bluey.”

Bluey took this observation as a romantic compliment, blushing and kissing him again.

Damien this time unhooked her bra, causing her gelatinous breasts to flop out onto him. Turning her around, he massaged her breasts and kissed her neck.

Bluey giggled, “That tickles!”

“Do you like it?”

“Of course!” Bluey replied, turning her head and giving him a kiss instead. At this point, Bluey could feel his bulge protruding against her butt, and she reached in and gently (for her) grabbed it.

Damien answered by putting one of his hands down her shorts, carefully inserting a finger into Bluey.

Bluey grew redder, deciding they needed to continue this on the bed. Easily picking up Damien, she walked over and rolled him onto it, before yanking his pants all the way off. Taking off the rest of her own clothes, she then straddled on top of him, inserting his member into her, letting out a sight of satisfaction as she did.

Damien smiled, “Were you really wanting this?”

Bluey smiled back and nodded.

Damien grabbed her sides, pushing himself up into her, grinding against her insides.

Bluey moaned softly, grabbing his arms to brace herself as the pleasure shocked her system.

Damien kept increasing the speed, faster and faster, with Bluey's moans growing louder and louder. Eventually, he felt himself boiling up.

“Bluey, I'm about there.”

Bluey nodded, falling over onto his chest and hugging him tightly.

Damien hugged her against his chest, and with a couple spurts, released inside her.

They lay there connected, catching their breaths, until Bluey turned her head back, kissing him once more.

“I love you so much Master.”

Damien gave a wry smile. “I love you too Bluey. You don't need to call me Master, though. Just Damien is fine.”

Bluey seemed confused. “I know that's your name, but Master is Master.”

Damien raised an eyebrow. “You don't-...well, if you prefer it, that's fine then.”

Bluey nodded and kissed him again. Before getting off him and turning around. “Let's do it this way,” she said, turning to look back at him.

Damien help up a hand. “Give me a moment...”


After making love once more, they cuddled together under the covers. Bluey quickly fell asleep, as Damien gently stroked her hair.

After a while, the door opened, and Betty and Aurora returned. Aurora seemed to be asleep in Betty's arms.

Damien felt slightly embarrassed as Betty just walked up to them.

“Did...did it go fine?” Betty whispered, a bit of a blush on her face.

“Y-yeah...” Damien replied back, also blushing.

Betty smiled and nodded. “That's good. I can sleep on the couch with Aurora,” she said.

Damien was about to protest, but Betty leaned over and gave him a kiss, before heading over.

We definitely need more than one bed next time.

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