Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 33 – An Awkward Reunion in Ancona

An Awkward Reunion in Ancona


The next day, the group made it back to Ancona in the early evening. They were all tired from the long trip, so they decided they would take the next day off and relax. The girls went to make dinner, while Damien took their guild cards and went to see Liz.

As he was walking up, he noticed what seemed to be someone crying in dirtied clothes. What's going on? He looked around, but while she was getting some looks, nobody was going over to them. He hesitated, but then realized he should take care of the request first. Sorry...

Inside, he went over to the Bronze board, and found there was another Giant Eagle request for four more. Awesome! That's so much more money. He grinned as he took it off the board.

He got in line, and in a few minutes was at the front.

“Hey Damien!” she gave him a smile. “Did you finish a long request? I haven't seen you in a while.”

Damien nodded, handing over the requests and the guild cards.

Liz processed them, and just like last time they had used this 'cheat', there wasn't any issue. Liz slid over the stacks of silvers, and smiled. “Keep up the good work.”

Damien was about to say something to Liz about he person crying, but there was still a line behind him, so he just smiled back and took his leave.

Walking outside, the person was no longer crying, now just hanging their head and holding their legs, curling into a ball. He could see now she looked short (just a little taller than Betty) with a small ponytail. He hadn't realized at first since she was covered in dirt.

Damien walked over, but she didn't seem to register him. “Um...” he said, “...are you okay?”

The girl looked up. He could see now she was about his age, her eyes were red from the crying, and there was even more dirt on her cheeks. She didn't say anything, just looked at him.

Trying to think of what to do or say, after a few moments, he reached into his bag and took out three silvers. “Here, do you need a room for the night?”

The girl reacted this time, her eyes seeming to light up, then then she recoiled slightly, holding herself.

Damien blushed, “No, you can just have it,” he said, placing the three silvers down. “Take care of yourself.”

The girl seemed surprised as Damien walked away, before scooping up the coins and running off.

He sighed as he looked over his shoulder. I'm sure Betty will understand.


“Damien, you should have invited her over!” Betty said, making a slightly angry face.

“Wha-what!?” Damien asked, taken aback and confused. After he had gotten back, he explained what had transpired to her while she was cooking.

“The Goddess was obviously sending her to you, so you could make her happy,” she explained.

Damien shook his head. “But...this really was just a random girl. I might never even see her again. She probably was just down on her luck and needed some money.”

Betty had her arms crossed, tapping her finger, but then sighed. “Okay. But if you meet her again, you need to make sure she's actually happy.”

Damien, relieved, nodded, “Okay, okay.” He looked around, “Where are the others?”

Betty smiled, “Inviting Diana and her girls over.”

Damien felt a bit awkward, still a bit unsure about how he felt having all of them together, but nodded and helped her finish cooking.

A few minutes later, and the door opened.

“Mister!” Dora rushed over, giving him a hug.

Damien sat down the food, giving her a hug.

Diana, carrying Delilah, came in after, followed by Bluey and Aurora. “Hi,” she said, with a bit of a blush.

Before Damien could do anything, Betty ran over and hugged her, before grabbing Delilah. “Hey there!”

Delilah seemed excited to be held by Betty, smiling and holding onto her.

Diana came over to Damien and stood there.

Damien wasn't sure what to do, so decided to hug her.

Diana hugged him tightly back. “I'm glad you're home safe.”

Damien blushed, “Thanks, wasn't that dangerous.”

“Kiss, kiss!” Dora said, acting like she was pushing them together.

Diana blushed, then leaned forward to kiss him.

Damien reciprocated, earning a giggle from Dora.


After finishing cooking, they started eating, the apartment lively with chatting.

Bluey was recounting their recent trip to Dora. “They started to fly away, but I jumped up and kicked them back down.”

“Wow!” Dora said, eyes glowing.

Betty was talking with Diana. “Do you have tomorrow off?”

Diana nodded, “Yes. I was going to go shopping with the girls tomorrow. They already need new clothes again,” she sighed.

Betty nodded, grabbing her purse out and sliding over a few silver.

Diana blushed, “I know what Damien said, but you don't need-”

Betty shook her head, “It's for you. I'm sure Damien would be happy to see you in a cute dress tomorrow night.”

Diana looked at Damien, then smiled, “Okay.”


After they finished eating, the others left, and Betty dragged Damien towards the bedroom. “Bath time.”

After undressing and getting into the steaming tub, Betty laid on top of him, hugging him, and pressing her small chest into him.

Damien hugged her back. I feel a little bad for Betty, I have to split my attention between multiple girls, but she just has me. Well, I guess she's friends with Bluey and Aurora-...actually.. “Betty.”

Betty looked up and smiled, squinting a bit without her glasses. “What?”

“Have you thought about making some friends?”

Betty blushed slightly, “Why are you asking me that?”

“Well, if I'm going to split my attention between different girls, I feel like it-...I'd feel less worried about you if I knew you had friends to talk to or spend time with.”

Betty blushed more, looking down. “That's true. Wait-...I should be helping more! If I can make girls less lonely too, then the Goddess will be happy!” she said, sounding enthused.

Considering what the Goddess told me, that's probably true. Damien smiled and nodded, giving her a kiss.

Betty blushed even more. “I'll try and make friends, but just pay attention to me right now,” she said, grabbing his member. She seemed uninterested in foreplay, quickly getting him hard and sticking it in.


They finished once in the tub before drying off and moving to the bed.

“Damien, I want more...” Betty said as they laid down.

He straddled on top of her, sticking it in again and thrusting slowly and deeply, causing Betty to moan each time he hit inside her.

She reached her arms around him and pulled herself up, making out as they continued.

After a few minutes, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly, emptying into her, before collapsing on the bed together.

Betty smothered him with kisses, causing Damien to chuckle. “What's wrong?”

Betty blushed, “Nothing, I'm just doing what I want,” she smiled, before curling up next to him.


The next day, since they were taking it easy, the four party members woke up late, then went over to the tavern to eat lunch.

As they were eating some bear steaks, Bluey suddenly jumped up, running over to hug someone.

The others looked over, and there was Carleen, wearing her casual outfit and coming into the tavern. Bluey dragged her over, and Carleen stood awkwardly behind her. “Hey...” she said, then blushed and averted her gaze when she saw Damien.

Damien awkwardly smiled back. Does she remember our last meeting? She's acting like she did, at least.

Bluey tried to get Carleen to sit with them, but she shook her hands, “Sorry, we just got back from a trip and I'm really tired, I'm gonna go to bed.”

Bluey pouted but nodded.

After Carleen left, Betty whispered, “I thought nothing happened between you two?”

Damien shook his head, “Nothing did, besides what I told you.”

Betty nodded, “She must be embarrassed about passing out. You should go talk to her later.”

“But I'm already visiting Diana later.”

Betty blushed, “Oh, right. Maybe I'll go talk to her then.”

Suddenly, Damien felt someone hug him from behind, followed by a giggle. Based on their chest, the only person he could presume it to be was Betty, but Betty was already sitting next to him.

Damien looked around, a girl he didn't recognize was behind him. She was wearing a short, tight jacket that exposed her mid-section, baggy pants, and had her short brown hair in a ponytail.

“Hi!” she said with a smile. “My name's Kara.”

Betty's eyes went wide. “Now random girls are just introducing themselves to you!”

Kara frowned and pointed at her. “Hey! I'm not random, he helped me out yesterday.”

Damien realized, “Oh, you were, crying girl...”

Kara blushed slightly in embarrassment, but then nodded. “That was a little embarrassing. I got kicked out by my previous party and had to get back without any money.”

Betty nodded, giving a pained smile, “I understand.”

Bluey asked, “Why did you get kicked out?”

Kara blushed again, scratching the back of her head, “Ah...I'm a Rogue, but I accidentally got caught by the monsters while I was scouting ahead, and my party had to save me.”

Betty leaned over and whispered, “The Goddess sent her to us!”

Damien shook his head, whispering back, “But she doesn't seem that upset anymore. She bounced back already!”

“Because of you! Plus, didn't we talk about getting a Rogue?”

However, before they could say anything, she said, “Oh, I need to go take care of something!” and ran off. “Thanks again!” she yelled back at them.

Betty sighed. “Maybe you're right. She seems fine.”

After they spent some more time relaxing, they split up. Betty, Aurora and Bluey were going to talk to Carleen, while Damien was going to go see Diana.


Damien knocked on the door of the small house in the alley where Diana and her daughters lived.

The door opened, and Diana greeted him. “Silly, you can just come in.” She gave him a kiss.

Damien smiled and blushed, “Sorry, I didn't know...”

Diana, realizing something, dug into her pocket. “That's right, I had a spare key for you made. My bastard ex-husband took the old one when he left, so I had to get a new one.”

Damien took it, and was promptly accosted by Dora.

“Mister! Do you like my dress?” she asked. She was wearing a new-looking yellow one.

Damien smiled and nodded, leaning over and patting her head. “Of course, you look super cute!”

Dora blushed, then grabbed his hand and pulled her to her bedroom. “Come read to me again.”


After successfully putting Dora to sleep, he set the book down, and went to find Diana, who was making tea in the kitchen. She set some down for him, then sat down and leaned into him while sipping her own.

After a few moments of silence, Diana said, “Um...sorry for how I acted last time.”

Damien raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Diana blushed, “Well...I was so excited about you...I feel like I tried to force you to commit really quickly...”

Damien chuckled, “Don't worry about it. Sometimes things just...happen quickly.” Especially for me.

Diana nodded and took another sip. “I didn't get a chance to ask, but do you like my new dress too?” She leaned back a bit, to show it off.

Damien had noticed, it was a pretty brown dress with blue accents. “Of course, Dora just accosted me and I didn't get a chance to say anything.”

Diana giggled, before leaning in, “I got some matching lingerie, if you'd like to see that as well.”

Damien blushed, “Let's finish the tea first this time.”

Diana giggled, “You're right, shouldn't let it go to waste.”

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