Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 34 – Trial



The next day, they were back on the grind.

Or at least, they intended to be. As they were walking up the steps to the Guild entrance, a now-familiar face was crying at the top of the steps.

Betty and Damien looked at each other, while Bluey went up and poked Kara. “Why are you crying?”

Kara looked up at Bluey, then hugged her, crying into her bosom.

Bluey instinctively started patting her her head. “There, there...”

After calming her down, Betty asked, “Um...are you okay?”

Kara sniveled and wiped her nose. “I tried finding a new party, but nobody wants me.”

Betty, able to commiserate, patted her shoulder.

Aurora leaned up behind Damien, “Master, should we invite her to ours? She seems cute enough.”

Damien sighed, “Cuteness isn't how we determine new members.”

Aurora's eyes went wide, “But...I though you said we were all cute?”

Damien facepalmed, “You are, I'm saying-”

Suddenly, Kara, stood up, wiping her face, and giving a fist pump, “No, I won't give up that easily! I'll just go solo,” before running into the guild.

Betty's face went pale, and she grabbed Damien's cloak. “Damien...we should follow her.”

Damien raised an eyebrow. “Why? She seems fine, so shouldn't we get a request?”

Betty shook her head, “I'm worried she's going to get hurt by herself.”

Damien sighed, “Alright. I'd feel bad if something happened to her.”

After a minute, Kara came back out, holding a request. Seeing they were still there, she grinned and showed them, “One water elemental. I can take care of that, no problem!”

Betty tried to reason with her, “ it alright if we come with you? Just as back up?”

Kara raised an eyebrow, “I guess I don't mind, and you did help me out, but I kinda need the reward...”

Betty shook her head, “No, we're not after the money.”

Kara seemed to think for a moment, then slapped her palm, “Ah, you want to trial me to see if I'm good!” She gave a thumbs up, “Don't worry, I'll impress you and you'll want to recruit me right away!”

Betty and Damien looked at each other, and shrugged.


The four of them followed Kara to the sewer entrance where the water elemental territory was. She pulled out a small lantern, then slipped inside. She occasionally looked back as the others followed in after her.

They kept a small distance behind her as they made their way through the tunnel.

“Master, are we going to fight with her?” Bluey whispered.

Damien shook his head, “Not right away. Just rescue her if she needs it.”

Bluey nodded vigorously, seeming to assume this would be the case.

After a while, they saw Kara crouch down. Damien lost sight of her.

“Where did she go!?” Bluey asked, astounded.

Betty whispered, “She probably used her Sneak ability, it's one of the first ones Rogue's get. It makes them harder to detect, especially in the dark.”

Aurora seemed to be the only one still following her, seeming able to detect her even in the dark. “I smell the water elementals ahead, she must have noticed them too.”

Damien nodded. She's got good senses if they're on par with Aurora.

They carefully followed after, with Betty holding out a small light ahead of them.

Suddenly at a turn in the bend ahead of them, they could see some light filtering through, and they heard the gushing sound of the water elemental echoing in the distance. As they reached the bend, they looked down it, and could see several water elementals in the distance.

“She said she only needed one, right?” Damien asked.

Betty nodded. “Maybe she'll just get one then run away.”

Suddenly they heard a 'wha-wahhh' followed by a splash.

“Did...did she just fall in?” Damien asked.

Aurora nodded.

A water elemental started charging towards them, having been drawn in by the splash.

“Bluey, take care of it. I'll help her out or go in and get her.”

Bluey nodded, while Betty cast buffs on them.

As they got near, Damien realized the elemental was going to beat them to her. As the water elemental arrived, suddenly three daggers shot out of the water, right into the face of the elemental.

It recoiled slightly as it reformed it's head. It went to punch the water, but Bluey distracted it by punching straight through it.

As it was distracted by Bluey, Kara grabbed the side of the walkway, trying to pull herself up.

Damien ran the few steps over and held out a hand.

She blushed slightly, but took his hand and let herself be pulled up. Coughing up a bit of water, she said, “Thanks, but I don't-” she saw Bluey fighting the elemental, then pulled out a dagger and started swiping it from behind.

The water elemental cried in pain, before dispersing into water after a couple more punches and stabs.

Bluey looked over at Kara and gave her a thumbs up.

Kara blushed, “I'm glad you helped, but I was supposed to be showing off to impress you!”

Damien raised an eyebrow, “ fell in the water...”

Kara blushed more, “Yes, but...I recovered, and turned it into an ambush!”

“I guess...” Damien conceded, though not wholeheartedly.

Betty and Aurora ran up, shouting, “More are coming!”

Two other water elementals were streaming down the hall towards them.

Kara grinned, “Now I can show off more!” and started running after them, throwing daggers down the hall.


After they defeated the last two with relative ease working together, they rested to catch their breath.

“Wow, your party is really good,” Kara said, standing up after she had regained her breath.

“Those daggers you throw are really cool!” Bluey replied, mimicking the motions Kara was doing.

Kara suddenly was holding three in each hand, grinning smugly. She then started juggling them.

Aurora, who had just been standing back, was extremely interested by this. “Can you teach me to do that?”

Kara nodded, “Probably, I practiced a lot while my old party was camping. They never really talked much.”

Betty leaned over, “What do you think?”

“Err...” Damien scratched his head. “I have some concerns...”

Betty nodded.


After a couple minutes of juggling, they headed out of the sewers and back to the guild, hanging back a bit while Kara turned in her request.

“What were your concerns?” Betty asked.

“Well...she's a bit clumsy. You can't be a scout if you're giving away your position.”

Betty thought, tapping her cheek, “She recovered alright though. Her dagger throwing is pretty good, too.”

Damien nodded, “That's true. I feel like we need to see a bit more though.”

Aurora grabbed Damien's cloak. “Master, I'd like to fight something too.”

Damien got an idea, “Let's have her join us on a wood elemental request. We can see more of her skills. And Aurora can clean up easily if things get out of hand.”

Betty smiled and nodded. “Okay.”

They went inside and grabbed a wood elemental request, and then invited Kara along.

“We want to see how you do against other creatures,” Betty explained.

Kara grinned and nodded. “Of course! Let's go!”


The five of them walked out of the city towards the Wood elemental territory.

“Okay, I'll sniff them out!” Kara said as they got close.

Damien noticed Aurora's ears twitch. There must already be some close.

They followed a bit after Kara. She was slowly going tree to tree, peering around, sometimes shading her eyes with her hand. Suddenly she conjured her daggers, and threw three of them at three different trees. Each one started wriggling, roots upending and moving towards her.

Wow, she found three like that!

Aurora ran up, casting Fire Breath on each in turn.

Kara grinned smugly, “Hehe, how was that?”

Damien admitted, “Yeah, that was impressive. I couldn't tell the difference.”

Kara smiled, then turned around, throwing another dagger into a tree. It also started wriggling. She then ran up and started dashing about, slashing it. She seemed to be carving it up, but the wood elemental didn't seem phased. It started cranking up for it's attack.

Aurora seemed concerned, and Damien shouted, “Watch out!”

Kara didn't seem to recognize the danger, as Damien dashed towards her.

The tree swung around and hit Kara, who let out a 'guh', knocking her into Damien, who caught her, also knocking him back a couple feet and onto his butt.

Damien watched as Bluey bounded over them, smashing a hole through the weakened elemental.

Kara got off him, scratching her head and smiling sheepishly, “Ah...thanks for catching me.”

Betty ran over, healing both of them of the HP they'd lost.

Damien got up, shaking his head. “No, I should have told you about their attack beforehand. I didn't realize you hadn't fought them before.”

Aurora and Bluey were finishing up the couple other elementals in the area while they cleaned off.

They started walking back to town, and Kara blushed, looking down, “Sorry, I know you don't want me. I'm a big screw-up.”

Betty patted her shoulder, “No you're not, you did a good job finding those elementals. And your fighting is very...tenacious. Right Damien?”

Damien smiled awkwardly, “R-right!”

Betty nodded. “Let us talk it over tonight, and we'll get back to you tomorrow.”

Kara smiled like she appreciated it but didn't actually think they'd elect to take her on.


After parting with Kara at the inn, they went back to their apartment and started making dinner.

Betty, who was searing meat, looked over at Damien as he was chopping vegetables and throwing into the stew. “Well?”

Damien smiled wryly, “Why are you leaving it up to me?”

“You're the leader. You are the leader, aren't you?” Betty asked.

“ I?” Damien asked.

Bluey, who was sitting at the table with Aurora, stood up and raised her hand. “Ooh, I'll be the leader!”

Aurora shook her head, “Bluey, if you were the leader, that would make Master the leader, since he's our Master.”

Bluey sat back down, nodding in agreement at this wisdom. “That makes sense.”

Does it? “Fine, fine. Well, what do the rest of you think? It should be a group decision.”

Betty smiled, “I think the Goddess sent her to us.”

Damien sighed. Well, she might have, so I won't say anything. “What about you two?” Damien asked.

Aurora seemed surprised. “You want our opinions?”

Damien made an 'of course' face. “Why wouldn't I? Even if you're not official, you're still an important part of the party.”

Bluey raised her hand again. “I think Kara is super cool!”

“I'll take that as a yes, then.”

Aurora seemed to be thinking. “I think she's got a few...quirks, but she did seem like she knew what she was doing. I think she just needs some more experience.”

Damien nodded, That was a good reply. I definitely need to get her that brush. “That's a good point. I didn't think to check her level.”

“She's level 6, I checked on the Reader,” Betty explained. “She's most likely even newer than you.”

As they sat down and ate, Damien was still thinking.

Betty took a bite of stew, looking at him. “Well?” she repeated.

Damien blushed, “I dunno. It's hard to make a decision like this.”

Betty giggled, “Sorry, I'll stop bothering you.”


In the morning, Damien still wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to do. So, he decided for a middle road instead.

As they walked up to the guild, Kara was waiting on the steps. As they approached, she cheerily ran over, no sign of her subdued attitude from the night before.

Well, she definitely does bounce back quickly.

“Well, um...did you make a decision?” she asked, her fingers visibly crossed.

Damien nodded. “We're going to take you on as a trial member. If you do well, then we'll keep you on full-time.”

Kara seemed unsure how to react. “So, you're taking me, but I have to...impress you?”

“Basically,” Damien nodded.
Kara got a serious face, and did a fist pump. “Alright, I can work with that!”

Bluey and Aurora both hugged her, while Betty smiled at Damien approvingly.

Hopefully this is the right decision.

They went inside and waited in line to see Liz so they could sign Kara up with them. Once they got to the front, Liz smiled, “Oh my, is this a new member?”

Kara blushed, before bowing, “Um, I'm the new trial member for...actually, I don't know what your party name is,” she said, handing over her guild card.

Liz took it and smiled, “The Goddess' Fated Chosen.”

Damien blushed again at the name, while Betty smiled and nodded.

Kara seemed impressed, “Wow, that's a cool name. Fated...wait, like Fated lovers!?”

Betty smiled slightly, “Yes. Damien and I are...together.”

Kara's eyes darted around, “Um...are you sure you want me? I promise I won't, um, get in between you...”

Before Damien could say anything, Betty shook her head. “Don't worry about it, I'll fully support you if you want to get with Damien too.”

Kara wasn't sure how to respond, but was saved by Liz giving her guild card back.

Damien, trying to move the conversation along, suggested, “Let's go celebrate at the inn!”

All of them agreed to this, so they headed over.


After getting a table and ordering some turkey legs and drinks, they started chatting.

Kara was feeling extremely happy she had found a new party, determined to earn her spot and stay on the team permanently. However, she was a bit worried about something she had learned.

They're really together!? And why did Betty say she would 'support me' if I were to... she blushed, thinking about it. She looked over at Damien. He seems like an okay guy, but I always figured I'd meet an Adventurer husband who was a bit more...handsome. And taller!

When Damien left to go get more drinks, she took the chance to talk to Betty. “Um...I really won't try to get with Damien. He seems nice, but I don't think he's my type.”

Betty seemed slightly offended. “Really? probably just need to get to know him more.”

Bluey nodded, “Betty's right. Master is amazing. It's really fun to-” she stopped suddenly, as if realizing she shouldn't continue mid-sentence.

Kara raised an eyebrow. “What?”

Bluey seemed to be thinking, “'re in our party now so it should be fine. Master is really good at mating.”

Kara blushed, “M-mating!? You mean, like-” she lowered her voice, “!?”

Bluey nodded. “It's great.”

Aurora blushed, “Master is very gentle. I love it when he holds me...”

Kara looked at Aurora. “You too!? So he sleeps with his two summons and one other party basically everyone but me!?”

Bluey grabbed her shoulder and gave her a thumbs up, before repeating, “It's great.”

Aurora nodded, “Have you done it before?”

Kara blushed more, “Of course not! I'm a young maiden!”

Bluey seemed confused, “I thought only adults could be Adventurer's.”

Betty shook her head, “That's correct, she just means she hasn't had sex before,” she turned to Kara, “You don't need to feel pressured, he already has all of us.”

Kara calmed down a bit, “O-okay...”

“But I really don't mind if you want too. I'm sure Damien thinks you're cute.”

Before she could reply at all, Damien sat drinks down for everyone. He noticed Kara was blushing and glanced at her.

Why is he looking at me!?

Damien smiled awkwardly, realizing she was red. Looking at the others in turn, he asked, “Did you say something upsetting to Kara?”

They all shook their head.

Damien sighed, before turning to Kara. “If they try to make you do something dumb, just ignore them.

Bluey shook her head, “We didn't! We just-”

She stopped as Betty shook her head.

Damien sighed, “Well, let's just celebrate while we can...”

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