Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 47 – Revenge



'The Goddess's Fated Chosen' was currently sitting around a campfire in the jungle of Estora. They had completed their chameleon requests earlier that day, and were about a half day out from the port. Since it was night, they would be making the rest of the trip the next day.

The trip had been fruitful. Poppy was now almost level 10, Aurora was level 14, Betty level 12, and Kara level 10. Damien had made some headway towards level 12 as well. Bluey was still a bit of a ways from level 17, it seems the experience penalty got very severe after just a few levels difference. And of course, they'd be getting a good chunk of money from the three chameleon contracts they'd been able to grab (part of the reason they had gone to Estora in the first place).

“This was really fun!” Bluey said, hugging Betty.

Betty giggled, “It's just another request.”

Bluey nodded, “Yeah, but, that's the fun part.”

Aurora nodded, sneakily rubbing her tail on Damien's back.

“Hey, I see you flirting with Master!” Poppy said. She was currently sitting on Damien's head, using a ladle as a bowl to drink soup from.

Aurora giggled, then gently poked Poppy. “You get to sit on him all the time!”

“I'm sure you did all the time when you were still a fox.”

“That's true,” Aurora admitted, as if reminiscing about it.

Kara, who had gotten more used to their flirting, asked, “Are we taking another break after this?”

Betty nodded. “Yes. We should get back to Ancona by tomorrow evening, and we should probably take a day off to rest. Damien should probably visit Diana or Carleen as well.”

That's hardly 'rest', but I agree that I should, Damien thought while nodding.

“Fine, but I want to sleep with Master tomorrow night then,” Bluey said, grabbing his arm.

Aurora nodded, “I want a turn as well.”

Damien, having been through his before, gave both of them a hug. “Of course, of course, I wouldn't leave-”

He was cut off as a giant hiss came from behind him. Before he could react, Kara had thrown several knives over his head. “What!?” He stood up and turned around, and in the campfire he could see the face of a giant snake. A couple of the daggers had lodged into it's face, but it seemed undeterred. He also noticed it had what looked like faded scars on its face. Wait, is this the snake from last time!?

He didn't have much time to think, as the snake tried to slap him with it's heavy tail. Luckily Bluey caught it with her hands, before throwing it off. She then ran over and started punching it's side.

“Oh Goddess, bolster my allies!” Betty cried as she stepped back.

“Poppy, try and blind it,” Damien said.

Aurora was casting Fire Wall on the snake. It seemed to be hurting it, but was also making it more enraged.

By that time, Poppy had flown up, and cast Pixie Sparkle on the snake's face. It screeched in pain as it became temporarily blinded, and it started slamming it's head and tail every which way.

“Everyone get back!” Damien yelled.

They retreated a bit at it started smashing up their camp site. Their tent's seemed to get smashed and their fire went everywhere as the embers were knocked about. Betty cast Light to brighten the area, and with the glowing light, he could see the snake was absolutely gigantic, a couple meters tall and probably dozens long.

“Should I try to put it to sleep?” Poppy asked.

“No, let's keep attack from range,” he told everyone. He, Aurora, and Bluey used their ranged magic while Kara threw more conjured knives. They seemed to be taking a toll on the snake, but it wasn't going down.

“Master, let me bash it's head. I think I can take it out,” Bluey said earnestly.

Damien bit his lip, but they were running low on MP, and agreed this might be the best option. “Alright, I'll distract it while you get somewhere you can dive kick it.”

Bluey nodded and ran off.

“Everyone else keep attacking it,” he said as he ran towards it.

“Damien, be careful!” Betty yelled, worry in her voice.

He flashed a thumbs up back at her.

The snake seemed to have recovered a bit since their attacks had cooled off. He could smell some of it's skin was singed, and in some areas it scales were shattered and he could see it bleeding.

“Hey, over here!” he yelled.

The snake lunged at him, but due to it's size, he could cast Speed Boost and dodge out of the way. After a few lunges and dodges, he cast a Fireball into it's face, stunning it temporarily.

Bluey took the opportunity to dive. Her foot landed on it's head, and he heard a sickening crunch as it was flattened slightly. Bluey skidded off, and he ran over (Speed Boosted) to catch her.

“Thanks Master,” Bluey said, giving him a kiss.

The others ran over, making sure they were okay.

“Wow, that was incredible!” Poppy said.

Betty had a relieved look on her face. “I'm glad no one got hurt. Of all the fights we've had...”

Aurora was examining the snake. “Some of these wounds are old. I wonder if this was the same one, and it if it was still hurt from last fight.”

Betty nodded. “I thought the same thing. These snakes are Steel level, a group of Iron and Bronze shouldn't be taking it out so easily, but if it had been hurt prior, it wouldn't be as difficult.”

Steel-level!? I guess we are a pretty strong group, but still...

They walked over to their tent. It had been smashed up, though since it had been hit from above, their supplies and sleeping bags were mostly fine, if a bit smooshed. Kara's new tent (the one Damien had gifted her, had caught a swipe, but while it was knocked over, it was still intact. “Well, at least the one I bought you is fine,” he said, turning to Kara.

Except, Kara was nowhere to be found.

Betty was also looking around. “I swear she was there when we came over to you guys.”

“Master,” Bluey shouted.

“What's...wrong...” he said, before trailing off. He looked over to where she and Aurora had been trying to build a new fire, but he didn't need to ask what the problem was. The snake had lifted it's head back up, and was slowly sliding towards them again.

Dammit! “It can't be very high in HP, we'll distract it while you line up another kick,” he said.

As they got ready, everyone saw a figure on the snakes head. In the dim light, he saw the glint of steel, then it was lodged into the snake's head. It hissed in agony as it collapsed onto the ground.

Everyone ran over, and Kara, breathing heavily, clambered off the snake's head.

“Kara! Where were you!?” Betty asked.

She smiled and gave them a peace sign. “I noticed my experience hadn't gone up, so I was worried we hadn't actually killed it. When I climbed up to try and make sure it was dead, it reared up, so I hurried up and stabbed it.”

Everyone started praising her, and she blushed a bit. “Thanks...”


After they cleaned up, they made a quick lean-to with the remains of their tent. Kara blushingly offered everyone to go in there, but not everyone would fit anyway, so she slept in there with Bluey and Aurora while Betty and Damien (and Poppy) huddled under the remains.

Damien was about to drift off to sleep, when he felt his ear being tugged. He knew exactly what it was, since this was the normal way Poppy got his attention when she wanted to be quiet.

“Hey Master,” she whispered in his ear.

He gently pulled Betty's arms off him and turned around to sit up. Poppy glowed slightly in the moonlight, so he held up his hand for her to land on. “What's wrong?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Um....I hit level 10 when we killed that snake.”

Damien nodded sleepily. “That's great.”

Poppy waited a bit, then asked, “Can we have sex now?”

Damien took a moment to comprehend what she had said, then was taken aback. “ right now?”

“Yeah, I mean, I don't wanna wait any longer.”

Damien looked around, then shook his head. “I understand, but you really want your first time to be here?”

Poppy grabbed her cheeks and blushed. “I don't mind.”

Damien shook his head. “Let's wait until we're back, and we can...take a hot bath together first, and then cuddle on a soft bed, and...” he stopped as he could see Poppy was blushing harder.

“Okay. You promise?

“Yeah, yeah, of course,” he said, gently rubbing her head.

Poppy smiled and hugged his cheek.

“Come on, let's sleep now,” he said.

Poppy nodded, curling up on the pillow next to him.


The next day, they packed up and trekked through the jungle to port, and since there was a boat boarding, they immediately got on and huddled together on the boat ride back.

Once they arrived in Ancona, they were exhausted, and slowly walked back to their apartment. Saying goodbye to Kara when they got there, they went up to their apartment and into bed.

“Master, come on,” Bluey said, half-asleep.

Damien's eyes went wide. Shoot, I promised both Bluey and Aurora, and Poppy.

Poppy flew over, “Hey, I got to level 10, so I wanna sleep with Master!”

Bluey seemed like she was going to argue, but then nodded. “Okay. I'm too tired anyway.”

Aurora giggled, waving bye and heading into the other bedroom with Bluey.

Betty gave him a kiss. “I'm gonna go check on Feya. I'll probably just stay there tonight,” she said with a wink.

Damien nodded.

Poppy pulled him into the bedroom, “Come on, let's take that bath!”

“Hold on, don't you want to do the level up first?”

Poppy blushed. “Okay...I'm just a bit nervous.”

“Don't worry, it'll be fine,” he said as he clicked onto his status screen.


Poppy leveled up

Pixie – Level 10

STR – 63

VIT – 112

MAG – 212

DEX – 155


Pixie Sparkle

Pixie Dust

MAG +30

Speed Boost

Dispel Magic


Summon Customization


Poppy seemed to be barely able to contain her excitement. “What should I do?” she said as she looked at it.

“Just pick whatever you want to look like. You'll be cute regardless.”

Poppy smiled and nodded excitedly.

He smiled back, then took his clothing off and slipped into the now steaming tub. Well, it took the others quite a while, so I'll just soak for a bit.


A minute later, he felt arms wrap around him, and the familiar feel of breasts against his head. “Master, do you like my new form?”

“What, that was quick,” he said as he opened his eyes. He turned to look at her, and saw Poppy...just the same as she had been, except now big. She was probably about the same height as Kara (about halfway between Betty and Bluey) although her breasts were almost the same size as Bluey's. She was still green, and her wings flapped about. She was wearing a slipped dress that was also green, and barely covered her entire torso.

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“You...” he stopped himself. “That's what you wanted?”

“Yeah! I know it's not very different, I kind of liked how I looked already, and I thought this would appeal to Master...”

“You didn't need to just try to appeal to me,” he said, shaking his head.

“But that's what I wanted in the first place!” she said. She took off her dress, sliding into the tub and rubbing up against him. “Let's have sex now!”

Damien could feel her nipples rubbing against him, and he got hard fairly quickly. Despite her still being green, it didn't seem to affect his arousal at all. Deciding the best thing to do would be to just go with it, he wrapped his arms around her.

“Hey, careful with the wings!” she giggled.

Damien blushed and nodded. He lowered his arms and grabbed her butt.

“Ooooh, I like that,” she said. She then lowered her face and kissed him. “I can do that properly now.” She then looked down and grabbed his member since it was already at attention. “And this,” she said rubbing it.

She had seen him have sex with the others a bunch, so she already knew what was involved. She made him grab her breasts and squeeze, causing her to moan. “Don't you need to stick it in?” she said.

“Are you ready already? It might hurt,” he said.

Poppy nodded. “Don't worry, Betty explained everything to me,” she replied.

Damien wasn't sure if he was glad or worried Betty was giving sex explanations to his summons, but decided it was probably for the best. He slowly slid his member into Poppy's opening, and after some initial difficulty, she was able to go all the way down.

“Ouch,” she yipped.

“Are you okay?” Damien asked.

Poppy nodded. “It hurt a bit, but I'm fine,” she then kissed him. “Betty also said to kiss you a bunch to make it hurt less.”

Damien leaned in to kiss her, sticking his tongue in. Her tongue felt leafy, just like her skin, and they mushed together as they made out. He started thrusting up into her, holding her lower back tightly. With each hit, she moaned slightly, until he eventually felt himself coming, and picked up the pace.

Poppy pressed her breasts into him. “This feels so good,” she said, as he could feel her climaxing.

Damien wasn't far behind, and released into her with several spurts.

After he finished, they both caught their breath.

“That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt,” Poppy explained, wiping sweat off her forehead.

Damien kissed her again and chuckled, “That's good, I enjoyed it too.”

“I feel a bit lightheaded now though,” she said.

Damien nodded, “Let's dry off and go to the bed.”

They stood up and toweled off. Poppy tried to fly through the door, but bonked her head on the door frame. “Ow!”

Damien caught her, “Don't forget how big you are now.”

Poppy blushed, “I'll have to get used to it.”

They got onto the bed, and Poppy curled up on top of him, laying so her breasts were on his chest, and wrapped her legs around his. “I can do this now too.”

Damien wrapped his arms around her.

Poppy blushed, “And you can do that now.”

Damien felt himself getting hard again. “You want to go once more?”

Poppy nodded. She laid on the bed, carefully folding her wings down. Damien got on top, thrusting himself in and smacking against her thighs.

“Damien, keep going!” she shouted.

Damien kissed her. “Don't shout too loud...”

“But it feels so good!” she replied, though quieter.

They continued kissing as he kept smacking into her, Poppy seemingly ecstatic and cooing each time he slid further in.

After a few minutes, she felt himself coming again, and grabbed her waist, spurting into her as Poppy shivered underneath.

Once they finished, she pulled him down, and put his head between her breasts. “Now we sleep like this.”

Damien chuckled at the abrupt statement, “Haha, as you wish.”

Poppy kissed his forehead, before quickly falling asleep.

Damien wrapped his arms around her, freeing his head a bit so he could breathe better. Well, that went as good as I could have hoped.

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