Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 48 – A Hint of Jealousy

A Hint of Jealousy


While Damien was with Poppy, Beatrice was sitting with Feya in the tavern area of the Inn. They each had an ale, and Betty was holding hers, shaking her head.

“I told you, I don't know about you joining our party...”

Feya pouted, “But whyyy!? I can just change my class back to Witch like I used to be,” she explained pointing to her new robe and witch's hat. “And I'm the same level as you. Plus, it's not like I'm going to steal Damien away from you, I just want someone to have fun with at night.”

Betty blushed, “It's not like you would get him every night...”

Feya sighed, sitting down and taking a drink. “Are you really that against it?”

Betty blushed more, than took a drink. “No, I just...we can't really afford another member right now.”

Feya raised her eyebrows. “Whaaaat? But I thought you got that apartment?”

Betty nodded. “Yes, but there's five of us living there. Plus, we use a bit of money on one of the families nearby. And we also split with Kara.”

“What about me?” Betty heard behind her. She turned around, and Kara was there, giving a cheeky smile. “Can I sit with you?”

Before Betty could nod, Feya stood up, “Oh, you're cute! I'm sure Damien loves you.”

Kara started blushing, but since wasn't the first or even second time, she knew how to respond. “No, I'm just a party member.”

“Oh...sorry...” Feya sat back down, embarrassed.

Taken aback at the response, Kara apologized, “No, it's okay, I just get that a lot...”

Betty sighed. “Of course you can join us, but I need to finish my conversation with Feya.”

Kara nodded and grabbed a seat, while Feya sat back down.

“So, like I said, we can't really afford the money right now, since we're splitting it five ways already.”

Kara blushed, “I really appreciate it. I know I don't-”

Betty held up her hand. “Don't start again, you know it's fine.”

Kara was a bit taken aback at Betty's quick shutdown, but decided just to nod.

“That's fine, I only need a little, since I still have some money saved up. Though I might run out eventually if I keep buying stuff...” Feya said thoughtfully.

Betty blushed, “I told you not to spend your money willy-nilly!”

Feya blushed back, “Yes, but I needed to do something to take my mind off Kev. And since you're keeping Damien from me...”

“I'm just doing it for your own good, and Damien agrees with me anyway!” Betty said, a bit upset.

Feya was also taken aback at Betty's anger. “I'm sorry...”

Betty sighed, before swigging the rest of her beer. “I'll talk with the others about it tomorrow, okay?”

Feya's face lit up, “Thank you!” and hugged Betty.

Betty patted her back, then stood up. “I'm gonna head back to sleep.”

Feya and Kara waved bye, then looked at each other. Feya was smiling at her, while Kara blushed at the attention, looking back at her drink and taking a sip. Feya took Betty's now unoccupied seat, and leaned towards Kara. “So, what class are you?”

“I'm...a Rogue....” Kara murmured.

“Do you stay here too?” Feya asked.

Kara nodded. “Yeah. I'm trying to save up enough to get myself a small place eventually, but I don't have a ton yet.”

Feya alighted upon an idea. “You wanna stay with me? I hate being in my room alone.”

Kara shook her head, “That's okay.”

Feya shook Kara slightly, “Why not!? We can stay up late talking about dresses and guys and...well, maybe just one guy...” she trailed off, before shaking her head. “Anyway, I won't even charge you! Just stay with me! We'll be in the same party, too! Probably...”

Kara's ears perked up. “I...couldn't take advantage of you like that...”

“Nonsense, I don't mind!” Feya responded, shaking her again.

That would help me save a lot more, but... “Well...I'll pay half for the room. Is that fine?”

Feya's eyes lit up, and she nodded. She then dragged Kara up, “Come on, let's get your stuff to my room!”


Betty, after having had two drinks, wandered back to her apartment, a bit angry still. She knew she shouldn't be, but she couldn't suppress it. She also had an overwhelming urge to see Damien.

After getting into the apartment, she clambered over to the bedroom door. Opening it quietly, she saw Damien and who she assumed was Poppy laying together. She went over and started poking Damien's cheek. “Hey,” she whispered.

After a few pokes, Damien's eyes opened. “Wha- Betty?”

“Shh...” Betty said, pointing to Poppy.

“Wha-, you're the one who came in.”

“I need to talk with you,” she said.

Damien got a serious look on his face, and escaped from Poppy's clutches. She seemed dead-asleep, and didn't move at all as he climbed off the bed. He put his undergarment back on, and then followed Betty to the living room.

“What's wrong?” he asked, barely covering a yawn. “Did something happen to Feya?”

Betty leaned her head into Damien's chest, and blushed. “Just focus on me right now.”

Damien seemed confused. He grabbed her shoulders, and she looked up at him, tears in her eyes. “Can you just focus on me right now?” she repeated.

Damien gulped, then leaned over and gave her a kiss.

Betty wrapped her arms around him, leaning into the kiss.

Damien pulled her dress off, then laid her onto the couch. “I'm sorry, Betty, I didn't realize you were feeling that way.”

Betty bopped his head. “Don't apologize, it's not your fault. I just...I want some selfish attention right now.”

Damien nodded, and laid down on the couch next to her. The two slowly kissed for a while, as they looked into each other's eyes.

“I love you Damien,” she said, wrapping her arms around him.

“I love you, Betty,” he said, stroking her hair. He then unhooked her bra.

Betty blushed, “You don't need to do that, it's not my night.”

Damien shook his head, “I'm just being selfish,” he said, slipping her panties off.

Betty's cheeks burned, but she opened her legs so Damien could slide himself in. She suppressed a moan as she hit inside her, pushing her hands into his chest as he hovered above her.

Damien slid in and out slowly, savoring the moment as the two of them slowly kissed more. The time seemed to stretch on and on, until he felt Betty climaxing underneath him.

Betty seemed flushed, so he kissed her again.

“Hurry up, or I'll feel bad!” Betty said with a smile.

Damien nodded, and started sliding faster and faster, until he emptied into with several thrusts. He then laid down next to her, still connected, as she held onto him.


After a few minutes, she got up, and started putting her clothes back on.

Damien was confused, “You okay?”

Betty blushed and nodded, “Yes. You get back to Poppy, I'll apologize to her in the morning. I'll go sleep with Bluey and Aurora.”

Damien stood up and nodded. They shared one more kiss, before going their separate ways.


In the morning, Damien woke up, and was by himself in bed. He heard laughter coming from the main room, so he groggily got dressed and washed his face, and then headed out towards the sounds.

In the main living area was Poppy and Betty, while Aurora and Bluey were cooking bacon.

Poppy came over and hugged Damien. “Everyone keeps telling me I'm pretty!” she beamed.

“Well, you are pretty,” he patted her on the head. He looked behind her, and Betty gave him a thumbs up. Assuming everything was fine, he gave Poppy a hug. “Come on, let's go eat.”

“It's not done yet!” Bluey said, as she flipped the bacon, much higher than was necessary.

Luckily, the bacon made it unscathed onto plates, and they ate, a happy atmosphere pervading the apartment.

As they were talking, Betty said, “I already told the others, but Feya wants to join our party. She said she would class-change to Witch, and she said she would only need to take a small share of earnings.”

Damien nodded. “But wouldn't we be able to grab more requests with her? So would we need to?”

Betty blushed, “Well, yes, but we'd be splitting with another person, and doing extra requests still takes more time, even if we might be able to save by doing multiple at one trip like we do already. And they might not always be available, too.”

Damien grabbed his chin. “That's true...” He looked around, “Well, what did everyone say?”

“I'm for it!” Bluey shouted.

“She seems very nice,” Aurora added.

Poppy blushed, “It's not surprising more women are fawning over Master...”

“I didn't need that last one...” Damien sighed. “What did Kara say?”

Betty shrugged, “She was with us last night. Now that I think about it, she was with Feya when I left...”


Since they were taking the day off as planned, the four girls decided to go buy some clothes for Poppy. While Damien thought he should come along, Betty insisted he go see Diana or Carleen. “Besides, you are probably gonna be happy with anything she gets, right?”

Damien made a 'well, you're right' face and shrugged. “But...isn't she gonna stand out, since she's green?”

“What, you don't like me being green? You didn't seem to have a problem with it last night,” Poppy said, grabbing her cheeks and smiling as she thought about it.

“No, of course not, I just wondered what other people might think.”

Betty shrugged, “Is it that much weirder than Aurora's ear and tail? Everyone knows there's a summoner that lives around here, so it'll be easy to explain away.”

Damien nodded, That's convenient, at least.


After giving everyone a goodbye kiss, he went down to Diana's place. However, when he knocked on the door, she wasn't there. Thinking she might be at one of her jobs, he hoped she was currently at the washers. Heading over, he walked in.

“Here to pick up your laundry?” an old woman asked. She was stacking some clothes on a table, and turned to Damien.

“Uh, actually, I was wanting to see if Diana was here, and leave a message.”

The old lady cracked a devious smile. “Oh, it's you.” She looked him up and down. “Well, you seem good enough.”

Good enough for what?

“Diana, your boyfriend is here,” the old lady shouted down the hall.

Damien heard some splashing and suddenly a blushing Diana came from down the hall. “Damien...Sorry, I'm working right now.”

Damien blushed back. “I know, I just wanted to leave a message for you.”

The old lady cackled. “Haha, you youngin's. Why don't you fold these for a bit while I take over your wash,” she said, winking at Diana.

Diana smiled, “Thanks.” After the old lady had left, she turned to Damien. “Is something wrong?”

“No, since I figured you were working, I was just trying to see if we could spend some time together this evening.”

Diana smiled. “Of course! I have to pick up the girls after work but we can get dinner, and...if you wanna stay over...” she grabbed her cheeks.

“Of...of course. I should be able too.”

“I...” Diana started, then paused.

“What's wrong?” Damien asked, eyebrow raised.

Diana smiled and shook her head. “It's...can we talk about it tonight? We can discuss it...after dinner.”

Damien nodded.

She finished folding the last clothing, and turned and gave him a hug, then quickly shuffled off back to the washing room. “See you,” she said, looking back and giving him a smile.


After watching her leave, Damien left back to the street. Well...I guess I could go find Carleen. He started down the path towards the inn. However, he only got a few steps towards it when he was grabbed from behind.

“Damien!” he heard. He instantly recognized Carleen's voice. And recognized her breasts squashing into his back. After she let go, he turned around to see her wearing one of the white dresses she had bought while with him.

“You look nice,” he said.

Carleen smiled, “You...” she grabbed him and kissed him deeply.

Damien grabbed her arms. “Carleen, we're in the middle of the street...”

Carleen looked embarrassed and looked around. “Sorry, I was just so happy to see you...”

Since they were close to the apartment, he grabbed her hand and led her back to apartment. “Have you been in here yet? I can-” he started, but was cut off as Carleen pushed him down onto the couch and started making out with him.

“I missed you so much,” she said while catching her breath.

Damien blushed, “Don't...don't get upset. I'm here for you,” Damien tried to reassure her.

Carleen shook her head, “Sorry, I didn't mean to sound upset. I just...I want to see you more.”

Damien scooped her up in a princess carry and walked over to the bed, causing Carleen to blush. After setting her on the bed, he pulled down her dress and pulled off her bra to start licking her breasts. Carleen moaned from the pleasure, grabbing the pillow behind her.

“Damien...” she moaned, pulling him in. She grabbed his pants, and stuck a hand down to grab his member.

Damien started pulling off her dress.

“Wait wait wait...” Carleen said, pushing him.

Damien was confused. “What's wrong?”

“I don't want to ruin the dress,” she explained, standing up and carefully sliding it off.

Damien resisted the urge to chuckle, and undressed himself as well.

Once they were both totally naked, they got back onto the bed. Carleen pushed Damien down again and slid onto his member, pushing herself up and down. She moaned softly each time she slid down onto him, shivering slightly in anticipation with every hit.

Damien grabbed her legs, steadying her as she kept going. “I'm almost there.”

“Do it!” Carleen responded.

Damien started thrusting up into her to match her timing, hitting her inside even harder. After a few moments of this, he released into her, causing her to climax again, before falling over onto him.

She held him tight, squeezing herself into him as she laid on top of him, both slowly catching their breath as they cuddled. After a few minutes, she looked up at him and blushed. “I actually wanted to just go on a date...”

“Oh...sorry...” Damien blushed, causing Carleen to giggle.

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