Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 50 – A Hint of Jealousy and Serious Talks 2

A Hint of Jealousy and Serious Talks 2


A Hint of Jealousy 2


In the morning, Damien woke up with a start. He didn't realize he had fallen asleep with Diana, and the two of them were still in her bed together. After a moment he realized Diana had actually woken him, since she was getting out of bed.

“I wish I could lay in here with you all day, but I need to drop the girls off at their daycare, and get to work,” Diana explained, looking longingly at him.

Damien shook his head, getting out and getting his clothes back on. “No, I should get going too.”

Diana seemed to alight upon an idea. “ you want to go to the daycare with me? If I say you're the father, you'll be able to pick them up in the future.”

Remembering his commitment the previous night, Damien nodded. “Yeah, that's a good idea.”

“Can you go help Dora get ready while I get Delilah? I'm sure that'll make her happy,” Diana said as she was putting in her ribbon Damien had gotten her.

Damien came over and kissed her cheek.

Diana blushed, “You're spoiling me too much...” and then kissed his lips.

Damien went over to Dora's room, where she was still asleep. Not sure what the best way to wake a sleeping child was, he gently shook her shoulder. “Dora?”

After a couple shakes, Dora woke up. Seeing Damien, she blinked a few times. “Mister...?”

Damien chuckled, “I thought you were gonna start calling me Daddy?”

Dora blushed a bit, then jumped out of bed to hug him. “Are you living with us now?”

Damien shook his head. I better not get her hopes up, in case things don't pan out. “No, but I'll be over sometimes. Come on, we need to get you ready for daycare.”

Dora nodded really quick, running over to her closet. She had a few dresses stacked up. “Ummm...can you pick one for me Daddy?”

Damien walked over. He looked through them real quick, then grabbed a yellow sleeved dress. It looked like a yellow shirt that was really long, with a bare amount of frill on the sleve and a slight sash at the waist that was a few threads thick. “How about this?”

Dora smiled and nodded.

“Do you need help?”

Dora shook her head. “No, I can dress myself.” She quickly took off her pajamas and slid the dress on. However, she seemed to be trying to get her head through one of the sleeve holes, so Damien grabbed it and helped adjust it while she was squirming. When her head popped out, she blushed a bit, “Thanks.” She then grabbed her ribbon and had Damien put it in her hair for her.

At the door, Diana appeared with a sleepy-looking Delilah. “Come on, lets eat quick, then Damien is going to walk with us to daycare.”

Dora excitedly dragged him to the dining room, where they ate some cold porridge. After finishing eating, they headed to the daycare, which was two streets south. It was a large building with a small playground behind a fence next to it, and he could see several other parents with their kids walking in.

When they got in, Dora (who had held onto his hand the entire ways) dragged him over to a middle-aged lady who was greeting kids.

“Mrs. Sally, this is my new Daddy!” Dora exclaimed.

Mrs. Sally smiled at her, “Oh, is he?” she looked at him.

Before he could answer, Diana was behind him. “Yes, this is Damien” she blushed slightly. “He might be picking them up occasionally, so I wanted you to know.”

Mrs. Sally's grin grew, nodding at Damien. “Nice to meet you.” She then took Delilah from Diana, “Come on now, let's go play.”

Delilah seemed to recognize Mrs. Sally and gave her a hug. Dora gave both Diana and Damien a hug, before rushing off. Before she was out of sight, she turned around and waved again, before heading through the door.

Diana sighed. “Alright, I need to get going. Thanks for-”

Damien hugged her tightly, causing Diana to melt a bit. “Don't worry, I'll come see you again soon.”

Diana smiled, “I know, I wish I could have you all the time, but I'll hold myself back,” she giggled.

After one last goodbye kiss, Damien set off back towards the apartment.


As he arrived, he waited by the door. His mind was running through everything that he needed to talk about the others with, and he was trying to sort through it all. Okay, let's just gather everyone together, and see what they say. As he was about the grab the door handle, when the door itself swung open.

Aurora was there, looking worried. “Master, are you alright? I heard and smelled you come to the door, but then you never came in...”

Damien forced a smile. “Ah, sorry, I just had a lot on my mind, and got distracted.”

Suddenly Bluey came around Aurora, and hauled Damien over her shoulder.

“Master, come on,” she said, sounding a bit irritated.

Damien was too surprised to react. “What...what's wrong...”

They went into the left bedroom where Bluey and Aurora normally slept, and Damien was summarily sat on the side of the bed.

Bluey crossed her arms. “When are you going to spend time with us!?”

Aurora held her hands, looking a bit depressed. “Master, I know we're just your summons, but I...wish to spend more time with you as well.”

Damien felt a punch of guilt. He realized he'd been taking his summons for granted, since he'd been focusing so much on making sure all the newer girls were happy. He went red in shame. “I'm sorry...”

Bluey and Aurora both seemed concerned now. “Master, it's okay...” Bluey said. “I wasn't that upset...”

Damien shook his head, before pulling them both tightly into a hug. “No, I'm sorry, I can't neglect you just because I'm busy with others, too.”

Bluey and Aurora both smiled, hugging him tightly.

“Well, let's just spend today together then. What do you wanna do?” Damien asked.

“Mate,” they both replied at the same time.

Damien sighed. “Well, if that's what you want...”

Both of them were already undressed, so Damien took off his clothes as well. He was tackled by Bluey onto the bed, her slimey breasts squishing into his chest as she made out with him.

Aurora had grabbed his member and was carefully rubbing it, while brushing her tail over his legs.

After a minute of kissing and rubbing, Damien was at full attention, and Bluey slipped onto him. She started forcing herself up and down, her breasts jiggling each time she hit. Damien grabbed them and squeezed, causing Bluey to smile and moan with a soft 'huwah'.

Aurora came over and started kissing him slowly, so he took his left arm and wrapped it around her, gently caressing her butt and tail. She gave a loud 'piyo' when he grabbed it, blushing with an embarrassed smile, before going back to kissing him.

After a few minutes, Damien felt Bluey climaxing, and he started thrusting up into her.

“Let it out Master!” Bluey cried.

Damien did just that, releasing into her with several spurts.

Bluey fell over onto him with a squish, so he wrapped his free arm around her and gave her a kiss as well.

After a couple minutes of switch-kissing, Aurora rolled to her back and held her arms up. “Master, come.”

Damien rolled on top of her. Sticking his hard-again member in, he started thrusting up into her. Aurora wrapped her arms around him, pulling him tightly into her breasts as he kept hitting inside her.

“Yes, Master, I love you,” Aurora cried.

“I love you too,” Damien whispered into her ears, causing her to 'piyooo' again in pleasure.

After a couple minutes of thrusting, Damien felt himself boiling up again. “Are you ready?”

Aurora wrapped her legs around him, giving a fang-y smile.

Damien then came into her, hitting hard in a giant burst, as Aurora moaned under him.

Once he was finished, he rolled off her, but Aurora kept slowly kissing him as they lay there next to each other.

After a couple minutes, Bluey came over and straddled both of them. “Hey, don't leave me out!”

Damien shook his head, giving her a kiss. “We weren't.”


After going once more with each of them, the three of them lay huddled together on the bed. Damien was drifting off to sleep, when the door opened, and Betty came in giggling.

“I see you three had a good time.”

Bluey sat up, “Do you want a turn?”

Betty shook her head, “Maybe later. We need to discuss some things.”

Damien blinked, and all the stuff he had needed to discuss came flooding back to him.

Betty noticed he seemed a bit worried. “What's wrong? Do you not want too?”

Damien shook his head. “No, I just...uh...have some stuff too...”


Serious Talks 2


After everyone got dressed, they went out to the living area and sat down. Poppy was already out there, munching on a roll. When she saw Damien, she flew over in a white dress. “Do you like it?”

Damien nodded, hugging her as she flew into him. “Are your wings okay?”

She nodded, twirling around to show him her back, where two holes had been sewn in. “Betty helped me...well, actually she did everything.”

Betty blushed, “It's fine. Let's talk while we eat,” she said, grabbing a roll and sitting down.

After they all were eating, Betty started, “Feya wants to join our party. She said she'd class-change back to Witch if we don't want a second Cleric. And she's fine taking a smaller than normal share of the money.”

Damien nodded, since he assumed this would end up being the case.

“She's also living with Kara now. They're splitting the rent on a room at inn.”


Betty nodded. “I think Feya just doesn't like being alone, too.”

“Well...what do you think?” Damien said.

Betty blushed. “We should probably hear what you have to say, too, in case it affects everyone's decision.”

“Ah...good point,” Damien nodded. He then explained everything that had happened to him the prior day.

Once he was done, he got several different reactions. Poppy and Bluey seemed excited at the prospect of moving into a new house.

“Does that mean I can have my own room? Although, I'd still rather sleep with Master...” Bluey mused.

Poppy nodded, “I want one with a balcony I can fly off of!”

“Don't get too excited, we don't know if it will happen yet...” Damien tried to temper them.

Betty was thinking. “We could have Carleen help us to level quicker, but I'd be worried we wouldn't be learning properly if she's doing all of the work...”

“Is there, experience penalty for having a higher level adventurer in your party?” Damien asked.

Betty shook her head. “No, but they normally wouldn't due to penalty for fighting lower level monsters. Carleen would get basically nothing fighting them. Usually if they do, it's because the lower leveled Adventurer's are paying them, although that's frowned upon by the guild. The lower level Adventurer's also aren't getting any actual fighting experience even though they're leveling up.”

Damien nodded.

Aurora had been waiting patiently for everyone else to finish, and then went over to hug Damien. “I think you'll be an excellent Father.”

Damien blushed, “Thanks...I don't really know what I'm doing, though, but I'll do my best.”

Aurora nodded. “It'll be good practice for when we have children.”

Damien blushed more red. “Are you wanting to have children already!?”

Aurora shook her head, “No, but Betty is.”

Damien looked over at Betty, who was now blushing bright red. “Aurora, you weren't supposed to mention that to him!”

Bluey grabbed Betty and pushed her towards Damien. “You bring it up every time he's not around.”

Damien was looking at her. Both of them were blushing, so Damien just said. “Well...”

Betty said, “If...if it's true we're getting a house, and Diana wants to have one with you, and Feya is going to join us...I think it makes sense for me to have one.”

Damien blinked. “But... I thought you wanted to be an Adventurer?”

“I still do! But we said we would when we settled down, and buying a house is settling down.”

Damien gulped, remembering their past conversation. Seeing the expectant look on Betty's face, he gave her a hug, “If that will make you happy, then okay.”

Betty shook her head, “I'm already happy, I just want to plan for our future together.”

Damien, realizing there was an outstanding issue, decided to kneel down.

Betty seemed confused, “What's wrong?”

Is this not how they propose in this world? “In my world, usually couples wait until they're married to start having kids, so I was going to ask if you wanted to marry me.”

Betty blushed, “It's the same here, but I can't.”

Damien felt like a punch to the gut, and doubled over. “What? But...”

Betty shook her head. “If you need to end up marrying Carleen to get the dowry for the house, that's much more important.”

Damien sighed, standing up, “I guess you're right, but I didn't expect you to be so unworried about it.”

Betty gave him a passionate kiss. “It's fine. Even if we're not married, our feelings get through to each other.”

Damien smiled and gave her a kiss, and they embraced.

After a few moments, his three summons started clapping.

Poppy wiped a tear from her eye, “That's so beautiful.”

Damien sighed, “You girls...”

Betty giggled, holding out her arms. “Come on, you're part of our family too.”

The three summons came in, and they all shared a big hug.

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