Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 51 – Back to the Grind

Back to the Grind


After an emotionally charged few days, the group spent the next week as they normally did...grinding XP and money on requests.

Feya had started going on requests with them after their discussion. She seemed to have gotten attached to Kara since they had started sharing a room at the inn, and would stay near her on missions. While Kara seemed mostly okay with this, she would get upset when Feya got a bit too clingy.

Since Betty had told her to just stay as a Cleric for now, they actually had two healers, which Damien was fine with. They weren't really getting hurt, but Feya knew the same Bind and Shield spells Betty did, and combined they helped trivialize the already easy missions they were doing.

In an effort to stay close to Ancona, they prioritized taking quests that would only take a day or two at most, like parasaurolphus or elementals. However, while the money was okay, they were rewarding only a small amount of XP due to their levels.

After their most recent fight against some cave bears, Poppy, at least, gained a level.

“Oh, Master, should I choose the new ability?” Poppy asked.

Damien looked back at the screen.


Poppy leveled up

Pixie – Level 11

STR – 67

VIT – 122

MAG – 223

DEX – 167


Pixie Sparkle

Pixie Dust

MAG +30

Speed Boost

Dispel Magic


New Ability Available


All Abilities +8

Pixie Beam – Directs a concentrated beam of energy at the target. Deals extra damage if enemy is already affected by another Pixie ability.


“Yeah, I think so. The ability buff would be nice since normally you're supporting but giving you a damage option is probably a good idea.”

Poppy nodded, before poking her status screen to select it.

Bluey sighed, “Master, can we fight something stronger next? My XP bar has barely moved in the last week.”

Damien grimaced across the campfire. “Sorry, I just really want to get to level 12.” He looked at his own status screen, where he was about eighty percent of the way there.

Betty looked at him, “You've mentioned that a few times. Do you think you're getting a good ability at level 12?

Urgh...the Goddess still doesn't want me to talk about her... “I think...yeah, I just feel like it'll be really helpful.”

While Kara raised an eyebrow, everyone else nodded, seeming to trust Damien's intuition.

Feya, who was yawning, asked “Can we go to sleep yet? I wanna cuddle up with Kara again.”

Kara blushed, “You don't need to smother me every night! You have your own sleeping bag.”

“I know, but they won't let me sleep next to Damien yet, so I'm using you instead...” Feya said, looking over at Damien.

Damien was still worried about Feya's emotional state, but he was beginning to worry he might be doing more harm than good at this point. Especially to Kara.

Kara shook her head, “Fine, but don't grab me this time, just lay next to me.”

“Yay!” Feya said, immediately grabbing Kara and going into the tent with her.

Damien had gotten a newer tent to replace the one destroyed by the snake. It was large, and the five of them could fit comfortably in it. Of course, despite this, everyone tried to wrap up around Damien anyway. They had had to start switching nights on who got to lie on either side of him to prevent disagreements.

When they were inside and lying down, Bluey asked. “Master, don't you want to mate with Feya? It seems like you both want to.”

Damien sighed, turning to look at her, “Why are you asking me that?”

Bluey shrugged. “I feel a bit bad for her.”

Damien shook his head. “I...I will eventually. I was just worried about her after Kevander left her, and we had other things going on.”

Aurora and Poppy nodded from the sides.

Betty, who was also next to him, grabbed his hand. “Just make sure you make her happy.”

Damien sighed, “That's what I was trying to do in the first place...”


The next day, they turned in the cave bear requests, then immediately parted ways to their respective beds, tired from the overnight trip.

The day after, when they were eating breakfast in the morning, Betty suggested, “Why don't we get two bigger Iron-Rank requests this time? One that will hopefully get you to level 12 as well.”

Damien waited for a moment, then nodded. He had wanted to be careful, but given the circumstances, getting to level 12 would probably be for the best, not just for the ability the Goddess was hyping up, but also as it would allow them to take three Iron-Rank requests at a time going forward. He also felt confident their team as they were could probably handle it.

After eating, they met up with the Kara and Feya at the Guild Hall. After explaining their plan, both seemed on board, with Kara seeming particularly hyped to fight something strong, matching Bluey's enthusiasm.

They looked a bit around the Iron-Rank board, until Damien found something interesting and grabbed it. Pterodactyls!? That's another dinosaur, right?

Betty looked behind him, “Do you know what those are?”

“I...think so. They're flying creatures, right?”

Bluey looked around, then quickly grabbed another request. “Here, I found another pterodactyl one!” The two requests combined was for twelve pterodactyls.

After making sure everyone was in agreement, they went to grab supplies to head out.


The area where the pterodactyls lived would normally be a three day walk east, so Betty convinced him to instead rent a carriage over, since despite costing money, it would turn it into just a half day trip.

Betty pointed to the map as they walked to the carriage rental. “See, we can take one to Brento, and then it's just a short walk north.”

“Oh, Brento is nice, they have really good shrimp there!” Feya exclaimed.

“Shrimp? But it's not even by the ocean like Ancona is,” Damien asked.

Feya shook her head, “It comes from the river that runs by town. I think,” she added, seemingly unsure herself.

Once at the carriage rental, they quickly booked one to Brento. While Damien was a bit concerned, the charge was only five silver for the carriage, which wasn't too bad considering the over two gold they could potentially make from this request.


The ride itself was mostly uneventful. There was some discussion about who would get to sit next to Damien, but everyone seemed to doze off during the ride anyway.

Damien himself fell asleep as well, only to jolt back awake when the carriage abruptly stopped.

“We're here,” came the carriage drivers call.

Everyone quickly awoke and shuffled off, grabbing their things.

The driver left immediately, leaving them just inside the gate of Brento. Looking around, it reminded him a bit of the smaller town feel of Silaro, except even smaller. From where he was standing he could see the far gate on the other side. It was late afternoon, and while there were people about, it wasn't overly busy.

“Okay, let's get going,” Damien said, putting his sack over his shoulder and starting to walk north.

“Wait, I want some shrimp though!” Feya said, sounding disappointed.

Betty looked between them, unsure what to say.

Bluey grabbed her stomach, “I'm pretty hungry after that carriage ride.”

Damien sighed, feeling a bit hungry as well. “Alright, I guess we should eat first, in case we run into something.”


The group went and found a diner that Feya recommended. Unlike Ancona, where people seemed to take everything in stride, he noticed Aurora and Poppy getting the occasional weird glances. However, since it was obvious they were Adventurer's, most people seemed to just chalked it up to that (or at least that's how Damien was interpreting their reactions).

When they arrived at the diner, it wasn't too busy. Damien assumed they had come at the right time, since it was after lunch and still before dinner, so they were seated right away.

When the waiter came, before anyone could say anything, Feya exclaimed, “Get everyone a plate of the shrimp on me.”

The waiter smiled and bowed before leaving.

“Feya, you don't have to pay for us...” Betty said

Feya shook her head, “Nonsense, I'm the one who suggested it.”

“That doesn't mean you need to pay for it, though...”

Feya gave a 'hmpf', “I'm paying for it.”

Deciding pushing it further wasn't worth it, Betty just sighed and nodded.

After only a short wait, the waiter returned with plates of shrimp. They seemed to have been grilled in a butter with a hint of spice to it, based on the smell.

Feya immediately grabbed one and bit all the way down to the shell, grabbing her cheek with her other hand, obviously enjoying the taste.

Everyone else followed her lead, grabbing shrimp and tearing into them. Damien thought they were fairly good, if maybe not on the same level as Feya.

The plates didn't last long, and were quickly replaced by a second. However, by then everyone besides Feya and Bluey were slowing down, and they finished off everyone else's until they were picked clean.

Once they were done eating, Feya paid and they left the diner.

“Okay, are we good now? I wanna at least try fighting one today so we can get a read on it.”

Everyone nodded, and they started trudging north towards the pterodactyl territory.


After an hour of walking, they reached the boundary on the map. It was scrubland filled with rocky scrags, and crevasses every which way. Already, they could see several giant creatures flying in the distance, which he assumed were probably the pterodactyls.

“Master,” Aurora said, pointing.

Damien nodded. “Does it look like the request drawing?”

Aurora nodded.

Kara crept forward, looking down a crevasse in front of them. “This is gonna be dangerous just getting to them.”

Betty grabbed Damien's arm. “Damien, should we use the same strategy as we did with the harpies?”

Damien remembered for a moment, then nodded. “That's a good idea. Let's find an open area.”

They then started meandering through slowly while informing Kara and Feya of the plan. Both seemed to understand, nodding as Damien explained.

After another twenty minutes, they found a fairly open area. There was no crevasses in it, and only a few sparse scrubs as obstacles.

“How are we going to lure them over?” Kara said. They could see two a bit away, and a third even farther away.

“Oh, I can be the bait! I'll fly at them and get their attention, then have them follow me over!”

Damien bit his lip. I don't like risking her like that, but that probably is the best way. “Okay, but don't get too close.”

Poppy nodded, then flapped her wings and flew straight up. Once she was a fair bit up, she flew towards the nearest pterodactyl. The party watched as Poppy kept flying, until she was barely a speck.

How is it? Are they reacting at all? Damien Message'd her.

'No, they seem to be ignoring me. Or maybe haven't noticed.'

Damien waited another minute. At this point, he couldn't even see her. He did, however, see the nearest pterodactyl start to fly down.

Everything still good?

'No! It's coming after me!' Poppy responded.

Damien immediately went to run off towards her.

“What's wrong?” Betty asked.

“Poppy's in trouble, stay here unless I Message.”

“Damien, wait.”

Damien stopped and turned around.

“Oh Goddess, Bolster my allies!” Betty shouted.

Damien saw the glow envelop him, then he turned and ran off. Poppy, where are you?

'Still flying! It's right behind me!'

Try using Sparkle on it.

Damien didn't get a response, but after a couple seconds he heard a loud cry. Did it work?

'Yes, but...I think I made it angrier.'

Damien picked up the pace. After a few moments, he could now make out Poppy, and could make out the features of the pterodactyl behind her.

Poppy, when I say 'three', fly up.


One, two, three. Damien cast Lightning Bolt at Poppy. Poppy flew up and out of the way, and the Lightning Bolt flew right into the face of the pterodactyl. It screeched and flew into the ground.

Damien was tackled by Poppy, who was holding onto him. “Master! I'm sorry, it's just so fast!”

Damien shook his head, grabbing her and putting her into a princess carry, he activated Speed Boost and started running.

Behind him, he could hear the pterodactyl getting up and flapping it's wings again.

“Master, it's coming after us again,” Poppy said, looking behind him.

Damien tightened his grip on her. “Can you use Pixie Beam on it?”

Poppy nodded, holding out her hand and shooting several off rapid fire.

He heard another screech, but could also hear it was still coming. “I slowed it down, but it's almost caught up with us.”

Damien tried to run faster, although he wasn't sure if he actually could or was just telling himself too. Suddenly over the brush he could see the rest of the group. They saw Damien, and immediately started casting spells at the pterodactyl.

This was enough to finally stop it in its tracks, and Damien was able to set Poppy down, and she flew a bit behind the group.

Damien, Aurora, and Bluey casted spells at it as it tried to walk towards them. Damien could now appreciate how large it was, probably standing at least six meters tall, with its wingspan probably being closer to twenty or more.

“Feya, let's try and bind it,” Betty said to Feya, who nodded back. They both chanted together, and the pterodactyl fell forward.

Bluey and Kara ran forward, Bluey punching it repeatedly while Kara slashed at it.

“Aim for it's wings!” Damien shouted, before holding his knees. He was getting low on MP, and he was still a bit breathless from his run to get Poppy.

Both of them switched and started attacking them. Kara started slashing through one, while Bluey seemed to be trying to break the bones in the other.

After a few moments, the pterodactyl screeched and started to break free from the Bind. Kara jumped back, but Bluey kept attacking, now aiming at it's legs.

“Bluey, get back. Aurora, let's Fireball it.”

Bluey listened and bounded back, and he and Aurora hit it with dual Fireball's. The pterodactyl wavered and fell back over, this time on it's back.

“Bluey, try and finish it off,” Damien shouted.

Bluey jumped high and did her dropkick straight on the pterodactyl's face. It crumpled with a thud, and the pterodactyl quivered a few times before stopping moving.

Damien fell back on his butt as the tension left him.

“Damien! Are you alright?” Betty shouted and rushed over. Aurora was right behind her, concerned as well.

“Yeah, I'm just tired.”

“I'm so sorry, Master!” Poppy said, crying into his shoulder.

Damien patted her head, “It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're alright.”

Bluey and Kara came over, both wiping sweat off their brow.

Feya, trying to cheer everyone up, gave a thumbs up. “It's okay, we got it, right? And no one even needs healed.”

Damien nodded. The strategy worked, but that was too close for Poppy, I'm not risking her like that again. He looked up at the sky, and could see it was now the evening. “I think we should call it for today, and try again in the morning.”

Feya looked up, where they could still see one of the pterodactyl's in the distance. “Where are we going to sleep?”

Kara pointed back from where they'd come. “I think there's a couple good crags we could sleep between back a bit that way.”

Once everyone was ready, they grabbed their supplies and followed Kara. After just a minute, she took a turn and they walked into a passage underneath some outcrops. While it was wide enough at the base for them to set up their tents, at the top a few meters up, only a thin strip of sky showed.

“Nice find, Kaykay!” Feya said, hugging her between her breasts.

Kara blushed and pushed her away, “I told you, I don't like that nickname.”

Feya seemed upset, “It's cute, though!”

Relieved to have a safe spot to camp, they took out their tents and started setting them up. Aurora and Bluey gathered some shrubs to build a fire, while Poppy flew up to the top, checking occasionally.

“I see two in the distance,” she said, before flying back down to Damien.

Damien looked at her, then grabbed her into an embrace. “Are you really okay? Not scared to go on trips anymore?”

Poppy giggled, hugging him back. “No, I'm fine, thanks to Master. I'll fly and lure them in again tomorrow! Just be ready to rescue me again.”

Damien shook his head. “No, we're not doing that again. We'll have to figure something else out, I'm not risking you like that.”

Poppy blushed and hugged him tighter.

Bluey and Aurora came back and dropped their wood, then came over to hug Damien as well. “You don't all...oh fine,” he said, hugging them too.

Betty giggled as she cut up the dried meat and vegetables for their dinner.


After a few minutes, they had the stew going, and everyone sat around as it cooked.

“What do you have in mind for tomorrow, Master?” Aurora asked.

“I don't know, I'm still thinking. I wanted to do the lure strategy, but it might be better if we go to them as a group.”

Aurora nodded.

Bluey asked, “Let me scout them out! I can take them down easy,” she said, full of confidence.

Damien shook his head. “You might, but I'm not risking you going out there solo, either.”

Bluey blushed a bit and nodded.

Everyone started spooning themselves some stew and ate in silence. As they were partway through, Aurora's ears started twitching and she looked up.

“What's wrong? Did a pterodactyl come?” Damien asked.

“Two of them,” Aurora said, still looking up. It was now dark, but Damien though he could see movement above them. Suddenly, he heard the sound of something landing above them.

“What should we do?” Kara asked.

Bluey acted like she was going to go fight, but Damien held up his arm to her. “Hold on,” he whispered.

After what felt like forever, but was just a few minutes, they heard movement above again.

“Are they gone?”

Aurora shook her head. “No, they just flew up again.”

“Let's finish eating quick, then Feya and I can put up Barrier,” Betty suggested.

Everyone agreed, and they hurriedly cleaned up and went into their tents, before the clerics casted Barrier around them.

“Do you think they followed us?” Bluey asked.

“Maybe them smelled us?” Poppy asked.

Aurora shook her head, “The cooking would have masked our smell most likely.”

Damien raised an eyebrow, “Did they just come after our food then?”

Aurora thought for a moment, then nodded. “With how open and flat it is here, the smell probably travels a long ways.”

Damien nodded, “Okay. We have our plan for tomorrow then.”

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