Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 58 – An Awkward Date

An Awkward Date


The next day, Damien and Feya returned to the city via fancy carriage again.

“Thanks for the amazing time,” Feya said, giving him a kiss and hugging him again after they got out. They were standing on the side of the road in front of the inn.

Damien decided not to spoil the date now and ignored the time and place. “I should say that to you.”

Feya giggled, hugging him again, then having a realization. “Oh, I shouldn't keep you, it's Kara's special day.” She looked around. “Where is she?”

“Well, we didn't really have a meeting spot, we just agreed we'd do the date today...” Damien explained.

Feya tapped her cheek. “I'll go see if she's getting ready, stay here. Or better yet, get something to eat, I'm sure you'll need the energy for Kara,” she said, giving a wink.

Damien smiled awkwardly. While he wasn't hungry, he followed her inside and got something to drink as he waited.


He sat at the bar for quite a while, until he felt himself getting hugged from behind. “Kara!?” he said, surprised at the sudden attack.

However, as he turned around, it was not Kara, but Carleen. She was giggling, “You can't tell it was me?”

Damien blushed. I probably should have, Kara isn't that...large. “Sorry, I was waiting for her, so I thought...”

Carleen shook her head. “Well, I'm here instead. Did you miss me?” she asked, holding out her arms.

Damien stood up and hugged her. “Of course. Where were you, a mission?”

Carleen pulled up a stool next to him at the bar and said, “I went to visit my parents. Well, really just my father, I left before my mother returned.”

“Did things...” Damien started.

Carleen smiled and nodded. “Yup! My dad said he would help us out with the house. Plus, he wants to come to the wedding. He's gotten over the whole me-running-away-from-home thing.”

“That's great! And...I think that's good?” Damien asked.

“Yes...I wasn't expecting that, but it would be nice to have my father there.”

Damien raised an eyebrow. “What about your mother?”

Carleen winced a bit. “I...don't know. I didn't want to stay and talk to her. Maybe my father will convince her, but I won't get my hopes up for her forgiveness.”

Damien shook his head. “But, you shouldn't have been-”

Carleen put a finger to his lips. “I know, but it's not always that simple.” She then stood up, “Well, I better get preparing.”

Damien gulped. “Already?”

Carleen nodded. “The cathedral is probably booked for the next month or two, and I need to start looking for houses, and hiring some servants. Maybe I can ask father if Sil could transfer here...”

Before Damien could say anything, Carleen gave him a peck and then walked away waving. “I'll stop by if I need your input on anything!”

“Wait-” he said, but Carleen had already disappeared out the door. I didn't even get a chance to scan you in... And what do you mean by 'If?' He sighed and went back to his drink, taking another swig. He looked over at the stairs where he was expecting Kara.

A girl jumped back from the corner of the stairs, as if she had been spying on him and then gotten caught.

Was...that Kara? It kind of looked like her, but... He drained the rest of his drink and then walked over to the stairs.

Around the corner was who he presumed was Kara. Her brown hair was down around her shoulders instead of in a short ponytail like normal, and she was wearing a green dress that showed off her cleavage a bit. It also...emphasized her bust size as well, Damien being a bit taken aback as it was larger than he thought it would be. Trying not to stare, he asked, “Kara?”

“I look weird, don't I?”

Damien shook his head. “No, you look very pretty, I didn't even recognize you.”

Kara blushed and got slightly angry. “Are you saying I'm normally ugly?”

Damien shook his head faster, “No, you normally look pretty, this is just different.”

“Different?” Kara said, spinning a finger into her hair. She seemed to be unused to having it down like this.

Deciding to try and move things along instead of letting this awkward air continue, he asked, “So, what did you want to do today?”

Kara blushed again. “I couldn't afford the same inn as Feya...”

Damien chuckled, “Even if you could, we don't need to go there.”

Kara sighed. “I told her, she didn't need to spend a bunch winning you over.”

Glad he had gotten the mood to change, Damien grinned. “Right? I'm happy with whatever.”

Kara nodded. “Its a bit early, but do you want to get lunch? I had a place picked out.”

Damien nodded. He grabbed Kara's hand, pulling her outside.

Kara blushed slightly, but let him do so, then led the way once they started walking down the street.

After a bit of silence, Kara awkwardly asked. “ are things?”

Despite the way it came out, Damien decided to try and answer normally. “Well, pretty good, I think. Carleen might be buying us a house soon.”

Kara's eyebrows raised. “Really?”

Damien nodded. “Yeah, one big enough for all of us to live in.”

Kara nodded, looking down.

After waiting a moment, Damien added, “That includes you, by the way.”

Kara blushed. “You want me to...”

Damien squeezed her hand. “Of course. Carleen said it would be big enough for everyone, so you should have a room too. I'm sure you don't want to keep living with Feya at the inn.”

Kara blushed deeper. “I...I'm getting used to her...”

“Well, I'm sure Feya will want to stay at the house too, so you can still room with her if you want.”

Kara was silent after that, as if thinking, but in a few moments they stopped.

“What's wrong?”

Kara pointed to the door next to them. “We're here.”

Damien looked around, and saw they were outside a dingy looking cafe. He followed Kara in, then blinked as his eyes adjusted to the darker interior.

“Oi, Kara, I haven't seen you in a lick,” a middle aged man said, walking over to them.

Kara blushed. “Sorry, I've been busy.”

“Haha, it's not a problem, I was just worried some monster had swallowed you up!” the man laughed. He led them to a table in the corner, where they sat down. He glanced at Damien and smiled. “I'll be back in a bit to get yur order.”

Damien looked around. There was a few people in commoner clothing sitting around, some of them giving them odd looks. This wasn't too surprising, as the two of them were way overdressed comparative to the rest of the clientele.

“This is one of my favorite places to eat. It's really cheap but it fills you up,” Kara explained, pointing to the menu. “I recommend the meat roast and tomato soup.”

Damien nodded. “Got it.”

The server came back, sitting a loaf of bread on the table and glasses of water. “So, Kara, are you going to introduce me to the lucky guy? I'm assuming you took him to my dingy diner on a date.”

“It's not...” Kara said, before remembering. “Y-yeah, we're on a date.”

Damien held up his hand, “I'm Damien.”

The server smiled and shook it, “I'm Bart. Kara is one of my regulars, I'm surprised she hasn't taken you here before.”

“We...just started...” Kara murmured, blushing.

Bart chuckled a bit. “Gotcha. You want the usual for both of you then?”

Kara looked at Damien, who nodded.

Bart scribbled down something while nodding, then headed away.

The two sat silent for a moment, when Damien decided he should try to say something this time. “So, do you have today planned out?”

For some reason this question caused her to blush again. “Y-yes...”

Damien waited a moment, then asked, “Are you keeping it a secret?”

Kara, still blushing, looked down and shook her head. “No...I didn't know what to do, so Feya gave me a list,” she explained, pulling said list out of her pocket.

Is that why she was taking so long? “What do you want to do next, then? It doesn't have to be from the list.”

Kara seemed to be thinking, then said. “Do you want to go shopping? We don't need to buy anything, but it sounds easy...”

Damien held back a chuckle, “That should be easy. Do you need anything?”

Kara thought for a moment, “I could use some more knives. And maybe an armor upgrade.”

Damien nodded. “Yeah, I think we all do, since we're going to be fighting tougher creatures.”

Kara nodded back. “I'm a little worried about how my regular leather will hold up against those pterodactyls if I took a direct hit...”


The topic of Adventuring seemed to ease the air a bit as the two discussed their recent missions. The time passed quickly, until Bart brought out a meat roast soaking in a tomato soup.

“Here ya go! Let me know if you need seconds.”

Damien watched as Kara poured some of the soup over the meat roast with her spoon then started stabbing out chucks to eat. He followed suit, stuffing a chunk in his mouth. Mmm, this is really good!

Both of them ate in silence as they devoured their meal. The soaked meat roast was good and the soup was rich and hearty.

As they were finishing, Bart brought out two small bowls and placed in front of them. “Here, on the house for you two lovebirds.”

Kara blushed, “You didn't-” but stopped as Bart walked away chuckling.

“What's this?” Damien asked.

“Vanilla pudding, I always liked getting some after my meal...” Kara murmured.

Damien spooned out a bite. It was really thick, but tasty, with a lot of vanilla flavor added. Kara ate hers as well, quickly scarfing it down.

“Well, do you wanna pay and go?” Damien asked.

Kara nodded, taking out her coinpurse and placing a few coins on the table, then standing up. Damien grabbed her hand, causing her to blush again, and they walked outside.

Heading to the store district, Kara seemed to have gotten used to holding hands, squeezing his slightly as they went down the street. It seems like she's at least getting used to this. He watched as Kara seemed to be scanning the store windows.

“Are you looking for something?”

Kara seemed surprised, then blushed, “I...I wanted to get you a gift.”

Damien shook his head. “That's not necessary.”

Kara shook her head back. “But I want too...I feel bad I'm always on the receiving end of your kindness.”

Damien realized his error and nodded. “Okay.” Having an idea, he let go of her hand, “How about we split off and meet back at the fountain in thirty minutes with a gift for each other?”

Kara seemed a bit upset. “But I'm just supposed to be getting you one!”

Damien shrugged his shoulders. “It will be more fun like this. That way it will be a surprise, too.”

Kara sighed and the nodded. “Fine...”


Damien, despite his suggestion, didn't actually have any idea what to get Kara. He wandered through stalls for a bit, thinking of his past gift giving escapade. I got everyone else a 'fashion' gift except Betty and her...maybe I shouldn't go practical this time. Although, Kara seems like she probably likes practical gifts... As he pondered, he walked past a jewelry shop, and saw a bracelet similar to the one he'd bought Diana a while back. Maybe...maybe something like that?

Inside the shop, which was fairly busy, he wandered around looking through the cases, hoping that something would just jump out at him as he browsed. Luckily, after a while, something did – a thin necklace with a small inset gem stone, the same color as Kara's dress. That seems more girly than her normal attire, but she really made an effort with her dress and hair... After mulling it over for a moment, he decided he wasn't going to find anything better, and quickly purchased it. Presumably since it was a small piece, it was only a few silver, and he assumed Betty wouldn't have a problem with spending a bit of the budget on something like this.

Walking back to the fountain, he had a few minutes to spare before their meet up time. However, time passed and Kara hadn't show up. Damien was starting to get worried, when suddenly Kara came running from down the street, breathing heavily.

“Err...are you alright?” Damien asked.

Kara blushed slightly, and after catching her breath, replied “Sorry, I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I had to search for a while to finally find it.”

Damien smiled. “Do you wanna exchange them?”

Kara nodded. “Sure...let's go sit down though...”


After walking a bit, they found a bench in a quiet area on a side street, and sat down. Once Kara was ready, she put the bag on her lap. “Do you want to go first?”

“Sure,” Damien replied.

Kara handed the bag over, giving a small smile. “I hope you like it.”

Damien nodded, putting his hand in. Inside was...a cloth, with something wrapped in it. He took it out and started unwrapping, to reveal a large dagger. His eyes went wide, and he held it up close, seeing a slight blue glint in the silver.

Kara started explaining, “I always worry about when you run out of MP, and I figured you could use a backup weapon just in case, so I looked around for a good one. I know you can't level up dagger skills, but it should be better than your bare hands. I also got it enchanted with a simple alarm enchantment, so it will glow blue whenever bears are nearby. I figured that's what you'd most want to be warned about.”

Damien suddenly felt the urge to hug her, so he sat the dagger down on the bench and wrapped his arms around her, making her 'yip' slightly in surprise.

“You like it that much!?”

“Of course! It's very thoughtful,” Damien replied as he let go of her.

Kara was blushing heavily again and nodded. “I...I'm glad. I want to get you a sheathe too, but you need sized for that, which would ruin the surprise.”

Damien nodded. “Of course, we can do that on our next date.”

Kara blushed again, but nodded. “Of...of course.”

Damien looked at the dagger again, then handed over his bag to her. “Here, hopefully it's as good as yours.”

Kara raised an eyebrow. “Did you get me a dagger too?”

Damien shook his head. “No, just open it.”

Kara nodded back and opened the bag, taking out the box with the necklace in it. “What is...” she trailed off as she opened the box, revealing the necklace. “Damien!” she said, though didn't explain.

“ you not like it?” Damien asked.

“I...I don't deserve something like this,” she said, averting her gaze.

Damien sighed, taking the box and grabbing the necklace. He then laid it around her neck. “See, it matched your dress. And you eyes.”

Kara looked up at him, making eye contact.

Damien wasn't sure how to respond, so he grabbed the dagger and put it back in the bag. “Do you-”

He was cut off as Kara grabbed his arm, pulling him in a brisk walk down the street.

“What's wrong?” Damien asked.

Kara didn't respond. They kept walking, until Kara suddenly swerved into an inn. She took him up to the counter and slammed a few coppers down on the counter. “One room please,” she said, her voice wavering slightly.

The old man at the counter raised an eyebrow, then looked at Damien, who shrugged. The old man nodded and slid a key over.

Kara scooped it up and then continued pulling him to their room. After unlocking it, he pulled him inside, then locked the door.

Damien waited while Kara faced the door, not turning around. After a moment, he asked again. “Kara?”

Kara turned around, red in the face, looking almost....angry. She then came up and grabbed his shirt, pulling him down for a kiss. She just pressed her lips against his, seemingly unsure what she should do. After a moment, she let go, and took a step back. “Was that good?”

Damien nodded. “Yeah. I mean, a kiss is a kiss.”

Kara burned brighter. “I don't know how to kiss properly.”

“Well, I can teach you,” Damien suggested, trying to act sly.

Kara took it at face value, though, and nodded. “Okay.”

Damien walked up and wrapped an arm around her. She seemed embarrassed but didn't stop him. He then pulled her into him, pressing her breasts into his chest, and leaned forward to kiss. He started slowly, then started moving his lips, which she matched in time. After a few moments of this, he explored with his tongue, which Kara seemed to squirm at, but slowly intertwined hers with his.

After a minute, she pulled herself back. “I can't...breathe...” she gasped.

Damien nodded. “Yeah, it's an acquired skill.”

Kara nodded, then tentatively grabbed near his pants. “Umm...what do we do next...” she asked, but averted her gaze. “I...” she said, then seemed to grow redder. After a few moments, she fell to her knees crying.

Damien was taken aback, but knelt down and tried to comfort her. “What's wrong?”

“I'm nervous...” she said, wiping her tears.

Damien hugged her from the side. “It's not like you need to.”

“But...I want too...” she got out through sobs. She eventually slowed down a bit, then said, “Sorry, I'm not...”

Damien gently pulled her into an embrace. “We don't need to do anything you're not ready to.”

Kara nodded, wiping her face again.

Damien led her to the bed, where they sat next to each other. “What would you feel comfortable with right now?”

Kara seemed to think for a moment, then said. “Can...can we sleep next to each other? I already rented the room.”

Damien nodded. Despite it being just the afternoon, after the last two days, he could probably use a nap.

“Naked,” Kara added, going red.

“Naked?” Damien replied.

Kara grabbed her face. “Maybe just in our undergarments.”

Damien nodded. “If you're comfortable with that.”

Kara seemed to think, then nodded.

They both stood up and turned around, and started undressing. However, Damien heard a yip behind him. He turned, and saw Kara was covering her chest, and not wearing a bra.

“I forgot Feya made me not wear a bra under my dress!” Kara replied, crouching down and hiding.

Trying to think quickly, Damien grabbed his button-up undershirt, and handed it over. “Here.”

Kara took it, then put it on.

“Are you good?” Damien asked.

Kara blushed. “Is it okay for me to wear this?”

Damien nodded. His shirt hung loose around her, except in the chest where she was bulging out around the sides, and her panties were still visible in between. “It looks pretty hot.”

Kara blushed deeper then looked down. “Do you want to cuddle too?”

Damien nodded. “I assumed that was just part of sleeping together.”

Kara smiled awkwardly and nodded back. She crawled into bed, then held out her arms.

“Are we cuddling or hugging?” Damien said, hugging her back.

“I don't know the difference,” Kara said. Before Damien could explain said difference, Kara kissed him again, softly pressing her lips before leaning back. “Is this okay?”

“Of course,” Damien replied, kissing her back.

Kara seemed to like this, and snuggled her face into his chest. “This might be too hot to sleep.”

“Turn around,” Damien said.

Kara turned, and Damien spooned into her, holding his arm around her under her chest. “How about this?”

Kara squirmed a bit. “I like this.”

Damien waited to see if she would have any other request, but after a while, he felt her breathing slightly under his arm. Pulling out his Reader, he could see Kara's third bar was now half-filled. I guess we made good progress, then. The soft breathing of Kara was calming him, and he eventually drifted into sleep as well.

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