Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 59 – While Damien’s Away

While Damien's Away


Back on the day Damien had left with Feya, Betty sat at the small desk they kept in their bedroom, scribbling into a journal. It wasn't her journal, even though she was the one who wrote in it, but one detailing Damien and his partners. After her vision and many signs from the Goddess, she had taken it upon herself to help him keep track of the different relationships in his life and make sure he was managing them properly. This included herself, of course.

She blushed slightly, thinking of when she would get to spend time with him next. He was going to be gone for a couple days with Feya and Kara, but soon he'd return to her arms again.

Betty shook her head. No, I can't get distracted. She went back to writing, checking her latest entries on Damien's three summons.

Bluey – Gets a bit angry if she doesn't get her dose of Damien often enough. Is easily distracted though, and can be satiated for a while by spending time with her or going on a mission. Aurora – Much more calm and collected than the others (maybe even more than me). Seems to understand the bigger picture more than the others as well. I think she has interest in having children with Damien as well.

Poppy – I can't get a good read on her. She obviously likes Damien but seems very aloof about their relationship and doesn't have any qualms about waiting her turn. Need to try and talk with her more one on one and get a better gauge of how she's feeling.

Betty leaned back in her chair, tapping her pen against her cheek. I wonder how they're doing?


Bluey punched the owlbear she was fighting in the face, causing it to recoil in pain. Poppy, who was flying above it, shot it with her Pixie Beam, while Aurora breathed fire to roast it. The owlbear collapsed to the ground, dead.

Bluey came over and started whacking the side of the bear.

“What are you doing? It's already dead,” Poppy said with a giggle.

“I'm cutting off some steak for us,” Bluey explained, using her hand as a cleaver to chop off chunks of meat. “This part tastes good.”

“Aren't we training, though?” Poppy asked, landing next to her. She looked over to Aurora for backup.

Aurora was busy building a fire, and blushed slightly. “Well...we need to eat to keep our strength up, right?”

“But we just started...” Poppy said, but then caught on. “Ah, you're right, we need to.”

Aurora smiled. “Right?”

“Right!” Bluey replied, slapping a slab of meat into a pan and holding it over the fire.

The three chatted a bit while it was cooking.

“Do you think Master will get along with the other two?” Poppy asked.

Bluey nodded. “Of course. Feya is really pretty, and likes Master a lot. And Kara...” she trailed off.

Aurora jumped in. “I think Kara does too, she's just more reserved.”

“Reserved?” Poppy asked.

“She wants to make sure she's making the right decision before she jumps in.”

Poppy nodded along. She watched the steak start sizzling, thinking What about me? I was just in love with Damien right away. “What about you two? Did you have reservations?”

Bluey laughed, “Haha, no, I knew Master was the one for me right when I was summoned.”

Poppy nodded along again. “I felt the same way...” she turned to Aurora, who seemed quiet.

Aurora noticed her gaze, and smiled softly. “I did think about it a bit. I also felt felt that way when I was summoned, but I wondered why I felt that way.”

“So you didn't want to be with Master?” Bluey asked, seemingly surprised at this revelation.

Aurora shook her head. “No, that's not it. I just consciously made the decision I wanted to be lovers with him after thinking about it,” she explained with a blush.

Poppy nodded, while Bluey still seemed a bit confused.

Eventually the steak was done, and they cut into thirds to share.

“Mmm, this is really good...” Poppy said as she took a bite.

Aurora and Bluey were busy inhaling theirs, with Bluey quickly going over to cut off another chunk to start cooking. Poppy smiled and giggled as she took another bite.

“Why are you laughing?” Bluey said as she started cooking again.

“I'm just glad we could spend some time together.”

Aurora giggled and crawled over, hugging her. “Me too.”

“I'd hug you too, but I don't want to drop the food...” Bluey said, scratching her cheek.

Aurora and Poppy came over to hug her instead.


The next day, Betty and the summons were back at their apartment. They had just finished eating breakfast and were lounging around, when a knock came at the door.

“It's Carleen,” Aurora explained, with a sniff.

Betty got up, setting her knitting aside, and went to open the door.

Carleen gave her a hug. “Betty!”

Betty was taken by surprise but hugged Carleen back. “Carleen, how are you?” she got out while being squeezed.

Carleen let her go. “We have so much to talk about...”

Carleen proceeded to inform the others of what she had told Damien earlier that day.

“That's so awesome!” Bluey said, jumping up and down with Poppy.

“When will this happen?” Betty asked, a bit anxious.

“Not for a bit. We need to plan the wedding first, and figure out the timeline, and then the house will come after that.”

“It feels like all the saving we did was for nothing...” Betty smiled but sighed.

Carleen shook her head. “Nonsense, we'll need to furnish the house, and pay servants, and we'll need food, of course.”

Betty nodded.

Aurora tilted her head slightly. “What's a servant?”

Carleen tapped her cheek. “'s someone you pay to take care of your house. They cook, clean, do the laundry, stuff like that.”

“So Betty is a servant?” Bluey asked.

Betty got red and soft-punched Bluey (knowing it wouldn't hurt her). “I'm not a servant! I'm his girlfriend!”

Carleen laughed. “You all are great. I know I made the right decision,” she explained, making a reassuring fist pump.

“What do you mean?” Aurora asked.

Carleen scratched her cheek. “Uh...I was so excited, I quit my party already. I was hoping we could go add me to yours after this...”

Bluey hugged Carleen. “Yay, finally Carleen is joining!”

Carleen hugged her back, patting Bluey's head.


Carleen giggled. “Been a while since I heard that.”


Carleen and Betty went over to the guild, and got in line to see Liz. Once they reached the front, Liz smiled at them. “Hello everyone. And who might you be?”

“I'm Carleen,” she replied with a smile. “I'm here to join their party.”

“Oh!” Liz said with surprise. “Can I see your Guild Card, please?” Carleen handed it over, and Liz's eyes went up in surprise. “You're...Gold-Rank? And you want to join their party?”

Carleen nodded. “Yes. Damien and I are getting married.”

Liz's eyebrows went up higher. “Married?” She looked over at Betty, who blushed.

Betty responded to the implied question. “I know. Of course I want to, but it's better to get the money from Carleen's wedding instead. Damien and I will still be happy together.”

Carleen leaned over and hugged Betty.

Liz seemed to think a bit, then said. “Are you all free later? I'd like to discuss something with you.”

Carleen and Better looked at each other, then nodded.

Liz nodded back. “Okay. For now, I'm sure you know the responsibilities of being higher rank joining a lower rank party. You're responsible if anything happens to them if you take them on a Gold-Rank mission, and you will barely get any experience from missions of their rank.”

Carleen nodded.

Liz finished processing the request and handed the Guild Card back. “Welcome to 'The Goddesses Fated Chosen'.” She then got into a quieter voice. “Meet me at the Inn across the street when I'm off.”

The others nodded again and left to the outside.

Carleen turned to Betty. “What do you think she wants to talk about?”

Betty blushed, “Liz is also one of Damien's lovers, so maybe she wants to live with us.”

“Oh...oh! Haha, well, I'm sure we'll have a room for her as well,” Carleen smiled.


They waited around during the afternoon, and then went to the Inn to meet up with Liz as she requested.

They ordered some drinks and a snack when Liz, who had changed into a normal dress, came in. They waved her over, and she scurried and sat down. “Sorry, I wanted to change out of my Guild Girl outfit.”

Carleen nodded. “I understand, you're not supposed to have relationships with your clients, so you don't want to be seen.”

Liz blushed, “That's not...” she trailed off, seemingly too embarrassed to say anything.

Betty patted her lap. “It's okay Liz, we're happy to have you. Carleen said we should able to give you a room in our house too.”

“House!?” Liz replied, then shook her head. “No, that's not why I wanted to talk. This is about the marriage.”

Betty and Carleen nodded.

“You know the Guild offers marriages as well, right?” Liz asked.

They both nodded again. “Yes, but my parents, and I as well, want a Cathedral marriage presided by the Church,” Carleen explained.

Liz nodded. “I presumed, that's why I have an idea. The Guild also offers officially-recognized marriages, but we don't check our list with the Church at all.”

Carleen and Betty looked at each other. “'re saying...Betty could get married by the Guild, and the Church wouldn't know at all?”

Liz smiled, “Exactly. So you could both get officially married, as long as Church doesn't find out.”

“What would they do if they did?” Betty asked, staring intently.

“Ermm, I don't know...” Liz replied.

Carleen jumped in, “The Church only allows you to be married to one person at a time, so they'd annul it. Though, as long as we already have the money and house,” she shrugged.

Betty started getting red. “So...I can still marry Damien?”

Liz smiled, “Yes! Also...” she lowered her voice a bit. “The Guild doesn't have any problem with being married to multiple people, they only care if both parties are there and pay the marriage fee. So Damien could marry all of his girlfriends...”

Carleen giggled, “Including you?”

Liz blushed, “I wouldn't go that far...”

“But you've already had sex!” Carleen laughed, before taking a drink.

Liz blushed deeper. “Not so loud!”

Betty was burning up. She though she had resigned herself, but now that officially marrying Damien was back on the table, her heart was swelling in excitement. “ don't mind if I do, right?”

Carleen hugged her, “Of course not, silly! To be honest, I feel much better now that I'm not taking away something special from you.”

Liz smiled at their display. “You need wait until after Carleen's marriage, still, since the Church will check before hosting it. Once it's over, you and anyone else can marry at the Guild without worrying.”

Betty now leaned over and hugged Liz, crying slightly. “Thanks so much.”

Liz smiled and patted her back. “Of course.”


Dora laid on the floor in her room, kicking her feet rhythmically while humming to herself as she drew. Her picture was of Damien, using his Fire Magic to fight a dragon. Daddy's so cool! I hope he likes my picture.

Diana came in, folding her arms. “Dora, you know it's bedtime.”

Dora pouted, “I know, but I wanted to draw this picture for Daddy!” she explained, holding it up.

Diana giggled, then came over and patted her head. “I'm sure he'll love it. But I'm sure he also wants to get your sleep in too.”

“Really?” Dora asked, not sure if she believed her.

“Of course, you can ask him next time you see him.” Diana pointed to her drawing. “You think he can fight dragons while he's tired? Adventurer's have to get their sleep, too.”

This made a lot of sense to Dora, so she nodded and hopped into bed.

Diana smiled and brushed her hand over Dora's head. “Good. Daddy should be back to visit in a few days.”

Dora smiled and nodded, then closed her eyes.

Diana waited until her daughter was asleep, then softly sighed. I want to see you, too, Damien.

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