Cursed Heroine

Chapter 35: Tiff’s special lesson

Chapter 35: Tiff’s special lesson

When the girls saw us as we hooked up at our usual restaurant to have lunch, Sofy was immediately bombarded with questions.

“Why didn’t you show up for class this morning? You’re not sick, are you?”~Jill

“Calm down Jill. If she were sick then she wouldn’t be here even now.”~Amy

“So, why did you miss morning classes?”~Brit

“Me and Lily had an appointment with the high council this morning.”~Sofy

“Ah. I remember my father mentioning something about that. So, little Lily is truly the one responsible for the new magic system. The one that will be implemented starting as early as the next academy season. Father brought home some copies of the basic materials for me to study wanting me to get a head start.”~Tiff

“Wow, really? This is the first I’m hearing of this new system. What’s it like?”~Brit

“It basically uses magescript to write all the magic books, including all the runes and spells. This way you can study the magic up to a higher level than you can actually cast. Separate books are used to compile an index of runes at each stage and you can simply add the runes to your repertoire later, long after completing your magic studies.”~Sofy

“That’s pretty much how my father worded it.”~Tiff

The girls continued to discuss while they ate lunch. We continued through the remainder of classes as usual before returning home. Classes the following day revealed numerous young and eager men wishing to help Sofy review the missed lessons. She managed to turn most away with words and I ruthlessly knocked out any who were insistent bastards. It started snowing that day. I have long been prepared for the bad weather and simply brought out a winter coat for her from my inventory. We cozied up together over the weekend to keep warm at night, although our time together ended up much hotter than simply sharing warmth. I had tried before the chill set in to create an enchantment to regulate the temperature in the room, but ultimately failed due to the lack of necessary control that could be incorporated into it. Air cushion could be used, but the air within would eventually become unbreathable since it didn’t circulate at all. Fire runes would always be on and couldn’t be set to a specific temperature, resulting in the enchanted area becoming scorching hot before long. A warm fire, cozy bed and each other was all we had to stave off the cold nights for now.

Our days continued as usual with only one minor inconvenience that likes to show up in the research departments’ library every day. Melony now likes to take her morning teatime in the library during the days that I’m there. I’d find myself sitting in front of her, beside her, on her lap or even laying across her legs while she gets her ‘mofu fix’. Thankfully, it didn’t really affect my reading much. Since I had a good idea of how many books I could go through with the time allotted, I would just grab the books off the shelves into my inventory for the day’s reading ahead of time and put them back before leaving. One of the library attendants seemed to have wanted to stop me at first, but I had been captured by Melony before he could make his way over to where I had sat down to read and didn’t dare approach after. She would talk about herself and the troubles she has as a member of the high council. I diverted some of my attention to listen to her as some of the information was interesting. She revealed that her elemental affinities are light and water, making her a glimmer elf, which makes her very good at healing and illusions.

Elven hair and eye pigments are determined by their affinities apparently. Wood elves like Sofy have green hair, fire is red, water is blue, air is golden, earth is shiny bronze, light is crystal-white and darkness is obsidian-black. Melony’s hair and eyes are a very clear light blue color. A wood elf has affinities for earth and water elements. Affinities are not bloodline traits, but racial. This makes them innately stronger when using any spells using those elements as they can form the mana into and use the elementalized mana much easier. They also gain a blessing depending on the type of elf they become. Wood elves gain the blessing: ‘child of the forest’, a blessing that gives them excellent intuition with plants. Growing things is easier for them and they instinctively know the effect an herb will have, making them great apothecaries. A child of an earth elf and a water elf has a chance to become either of their parents lineage or become a wood elf. There aren’t any differences in features between the elves of various elemental affinities besides the hair and eye pigment. Tiff is an ice elf(water-air), Jill is a blaze elf(fire-air), Amy is a dawn elf(light-fire) and Brit is an abyss elf(earth-darkness).

Finally, the weekend has arrived at last. In preparation for this weekend, we had visited the novelty shop days ago to purchase some essentials including a couple extra lengths of specially treated rope for Sofy to practice with. She’s been trying to learn the technique using some drawings I’ve made for her, but her efforts have shown few results when she attempts to tie me up each night. Tiff came over just in time to have dinner with us on Fireday evening. I ended up modeling some of her latest fashions for her after we retreated to the room. Sofy selected my apparel for tonight from one of Tiff’s creations. An underbust corset design that looked very similar to the one Sofy has worn for me before. The main differences in mine are that it is red and instead of a halter top, it has a collar that is connected with a strap between my breast and another down my back. There were also many additional straps and rings equipped and ready for use. We then proceed into the bath to clean ourselves.

“So, which oils should we use tonight?”~Tiff

“We’re going to start with some simple mint oil and lather on something nice a little later. Lily promised to show me how to properly tie somebody up tonight and you get to demonstrate being tied up.”~Sofy

“Wouldn’t it be better to do training like that with family or just take a survival class from the academy? I mean, there are only so many ways to tie up bandits and criminals after all.”~Tiff

“That depends on if the bandit is beautiful. Tiff, this bandit, got her way with me the last time we were together. It’s only right that I should tie her up and punish her.”~me

Sofy gives my commits the eyeroll and smirks towards Tiff.

“Hehe, Lily’s method of tying people up is quite splendid. You will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised and benefit greatly from her demonstration tonight.”~Sofy

“I suppose it won’t hurt to learn something new. Well, let’s get this over with so we can get to the really fun stuff.”~Tiff

Tiff looked over at me with a glint in her eyes as she said so, doubtlessly intending to take the dominant position tonight as well. Little did she know that me and my co-conspirator had already dug her deep into my trap. We started out with a mint oil deep tissue massage. I performed the massage for Sofy first with Tiff observing. When deep tissue massage was mentioned, Tiff had asked us to teach her that as well since we were already having a little lesson tonight anyways. The next to receive a massage was me. Sofy carefully instructed Tiff on how to perform the technique while the two enjoyed playing with my body as well. The last to receive her massage was Tiff. I made sure to get extra deep into the muscles easily rendering her whole body limp and tender. Her moans of pleasure brought by my massage caused me to drip with anticipation of what was to come.

“Ah, was it really necessary to be so forceful? I can barely feel my limbs and can’t move a single finger now.”~Tiff

“We’ll be doing the binding lesson on the premise that the bandit has been rendered immobile.”~Sofy

“Oh, like they’ve already been knocked out or beaten half an inch from death? Yeah, that could definitely be a tricky situation.”~Tiff

“It’s adorable how she still hasn’t realized what’s really going on. Are you sure you don’t want to do this with Jill? I think you would find the experience enthralling.”~me

“Perhaps...I might just try it once. The thought of having two cute immobile dolls to play with is indeed enticing.”~Sofy


Once again, foot met rock and I shut up before accidentally giving her more new ideas to try out. With my bandit successfully immobilized, I begin to show Sofy the various methods of tying the ropes. After she had successfully managed to learn the various techniques, I began to arrange Tiff in the one I had chosen for her. At this point, she has started to comprehend the situation and is alternating her facial expressions between stunned silence and nervous excitement. I secured her hands behind her back and fastened her arms snugly to her sides as I began to arrange the rope around her breasts. Bending her legs back and beside her, the ankles are secured at each end of the rope making it so that her legs will act as natural tensioners for the ropes around her breasts. She finally speaks up once I’ve moved her to the bed.

“Um, maybe I’m mistaken, but these rope tying methods are special aren’t they?”~Tiff

“If by special, you mean erotic, then they are indeed special. I was starting to wonder if you were going to figure it out at all before she puts the finishing touches on.”~Sofy

“Finishing touches?”~Tiff

“Mistress, please let her know about the next steps and reassure her a bit. She doesn’t have a link like us to allow explanations after the fact.”~me

“Mm, taking your ability to move is just the start. Next, your senses will be blocked. Without the ability to move or sense anything other than touch, pleasure will become all that you know. The whole body becomes incredibly sensitive. We’ve both done this many times to each other. There is no need to be frightened as we will be right beside you the whole time, though you may not sense us.”~Sofy

“Ehhh! I’m not getting out of this am I? Umu, fine. I’ll try it once, but please be gentle with me.”~Tiff

With permission received, I proceed to gag, blindfold and deafen her. Then I got out a cream we recently acquired from the shop that is a potent aphrodisiac and applied it over her body’s most sensitive areas causing her to redden with heat. I played with her sensitive places for a while until she started to ceaselessly squirm around due to her aroused state. Sofy selected a double strap-on for me with the fitting and synced effects and I proceeded to satisfy her needs until my hips had gone feeble even with stamina boosts. Then I plugged in and started up the shop-bought quake dildo for her.

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