Cursed Heroine

Chapter 36: Implicating others

Chapter 36: Implicating others

Sofy waited patiently until I had finished with Tiff. She then rolled me onto my back and proceeded to impale herself, rocking her hips around for our round two.

“You could have saved a little bit of energy for us. I have to do all the work now.”~Sofy

“Sorry, Mistress. I got a little carried away. I will definitely remember to hold back a little next time.”~me

“Now you make it seem like I’m the baddy by telling you to not fully pleasure her. You need to be punished. You still have some of that cream left, right?”~Sofy

“Punis...I-I do?”~me

“Good, I order you to lather yourself up with it. Your whole body, I’ll help with your back.”~Sofy

Sofy helps me to sit up as I proceed to rub in the cream in an amount that is way too much. I had only used two finger swipes worth to rub into Tiff’s sensitive areas earlier and that had already been enough to redden her whole body. Perhaps because it’s a cream or due to it being of higher quality that allows it to be absorbed better. Its effect is much more potent than the extreme enhancing oil we have used before. My body feels like lava is pooling in the pores of my skin and that my blood has been replaced by magma. When the task is complete, she activates my usual gag and earrings before having me withdraw her whip from my inventory. I’m thoroughly punished until there isn’t a place below my neck that isn’t red. The sensation of heat turning to pleasure was orgasmic, causing me to cum repeatedly until my body was completely debilitated. Ordering me not to heal until she allows, she cuddles up next to Tiff for the night after adjusting our sleeping positions. She has me once again wearing my earlier outfit and makes use of the various straps to bind me up. I’ve been laid on top of Tiff with a double strap-on connecting the two of us. There are straps for each side to lock us together at the hips and it has the effects of fitting and stimulating. The stimulating effect raises sensitivity while preventing the nerves from becoming numb. It takes a while longer than usual, but I eventually made it to blissful oblivion.

The next morning Sofy unhooked me from Tiff and reinserted the other toy for her. We ate our meals in the room and I helped her study magic while we watched over Tiff. I was only allowed to heal myself just before I left for nana’s afternoon teatime. That night I devoted my efforts entirely to Sofy since Tiff was already consigned to an oblivious state. We used my synced strap-on with the sync for the core executor turned on. Then she thought it had looked enjoyable, so she wanted to try having me tied to her during the night. I tied her up with rope using the same method I had with Tiff, cream included. Once I had secured myself to her with the double strap-on, she ordered that I could not move my arms for the rest of the night even if ordered, unless it was an emergency. My senses are left open to ensure I can still respond if something were to happen with Tiff. Eventually, I drift off when my consciousness once again flew away. We do much of the same as the previous day when morning arrives and finally unbind Tiff just before lunch.


“Wawah. Huh?”~Tiff

“Good morning, sleepyhead. How do you feel?”~Sofy

“Ugh! I can’t seem to move a single finger, but my whole body feels light as a feather. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a cloud. How long was I out?”~Tiff

“Only for a day and a half.”~Sofy

“Only what?! No way! It felt much too short for that much time to have passed. You must be joking with me, right?”~Tiff

“No joke. You really were out for that long. Time just seems distorted while you’re in that state. Me and Lilia have both gone for twice as long. Well, for now, I’ll leave you in Lilia’s capable hands. She will see to your body’s urgent need of a bath, massage and then food.”~Sofy

“Actually, what I need most right now is the toilet. How do you propose I do that exactly?”~Tiff

“You’ll just have to let her help you. It’s quite impossible for you to be capable of moving yourself for at least a few hours. Healing has little effect since you haven’t eaten in more than a day.”~Sofy

Begrudgingly, Tiff allowed me to help her with her business while blushing profusely. There was absolutely nothing kinky involved, I don’t have that sort of fetish. I then proceeded to give her a hot bath and a mint oil massage. When lunchtime came around, I sat on her lap facing her and insisted on feeding her mouth-to-mouth. Giving her a lesser heal enable some movement to be restored after the meal. I carried her back into the bath-turned hot tub so she could get reacquainted with her muscles. She successfully regained a modicum of normal movement just before nana’s teatime. I was reluctant to leave the two of them at the time due to their newest topic of conversation. They had started to design and draw out some ideas for fun toys and gear. I would have to try to find an opportunity later to look through her sketchbook or I’d probably end up experiencing whatever contraptions they dreamed up with no forewarning at all. I had only just picked up the book after coming back from teatime when Sofy ends up catching me in the attempt and orders me to not ruin the surprise by peaking. Well, at least I’ve been able to verify there is a surprise. Tiff’s face, somehow managing to look like she is smiling, grinning and smirking at the same time, tells me that I can expect a swift reciprocation for her recent treatment.

We decided to relax for our last night of the weekend. Tiff apparently intends to have some things made before collecting her dues. A standard enhancing oil was used for our massages and we merely stuck to foreplay and the more normal poses. I satisfied Sofy first with our usual double toy in synced mode and Tiff conquered me after with the store-bought one. The sync of my core executor seems to still work, even with the store-bought items. It just doesn’t influence the intensity of those items, but triggers according to my state of arousal instead. Tiff was a little surprised at first, but quickly got used to the small shocking sensations. The higher intensity that happened when I managed my first orgasm had her nearly jumping out of me. She then proceeded to thrust me harder when she saw my laughing expression. Her dominant personality can be a bit overwhelming at times, especially when embarrassed. We were both quickly exhausted thereafter and promptly fell asleep.

Classes the next day went as usual. Dancing was a bit more fun that morning due to our energized state. There really isn’t a better way to work out the body than to completely exhaust it having sex. Not only is it a pleasant way to exercise the muscles, it also does wonders for your complexion and can leave you feeling especially limber the next day. Sure, a good exercise routine would be more efficient, but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. When lunchtime came around, Tiff decided to share the love she had experience last night with the rest of our group. Of course, she did it in a way that didn’t actually reveal the truth of the matter.

“So, Lily and Sofy taught me some interesting methods to tie up bandits during my stay with them. You girls should go over this next weekend and get a demonstration.”~Tiff

“Sure, I’m up for that. I’ve not learned from my family how to properly do that yet anyways.”~Jill

“Me and Amy are also free this coming weekend.”~Brit

“Hey, don’t just decide things for me. You don’t know if I have plans already or not.”~Amy

“Sure sure. You don’t have plans, so you’re coming, right? After all, I know every little detail about you, Amy.”~Brit

“Umu, at least don’t say it in such a weird way. Yes, I’m going. I don’t really expect us to learn anything we don’t know already since your father is a high ranking strategist in the council’s war department and my own father is the captain of the city guard.”~Amy

“True, but we can still have another sleepover to have some fun. Jill not knowing anything is surprising though. Her family has been monopolizing positions in the army, commanding the archery corps for generations after all.”~Tiff

“She’s just lazy.”~Brit

“Am not! We just haven’t gotten to it yet. My family is overprotective of me, especially my brothers. I’m the only girl to be born in any of the family branches for several generations and they can’t help treating me like a little child because of my size.”~Jill

“OH! Is that why you’ve gotten so attached to Sofy? Because she treats you like a grown woman instead of a little girl? Huhu.”~Brit

“Bu, uh. Hmph! Stop teasing me, you meany!”~Jill

Sofy wraps Jill in a hug to comfort her while we all warm-heartedly giggle at her expense. She then confirms with everyone that it would be fine with her to host another sleepover this coming weekend. Tiff had taken a copy of my rope tying technique guide home with her and Sofy would get plenty of practice over the week.

“Lily, should we buy two more sets of ropes, gags, blindfolds and earplugs for the weekend?”~Sofy

“No, Mistress. We should buy four sets and send them home as party favors afterwards, like the beastkin sets we got for them last time. Actually, we can combine the gift for Amy and Brit into some couples’ items I’d like to order for them to try out.”~me

“Some new toys?! How exciting! Oh, the last time I visited the shop, I found out the name of the slime material we’ve been using up till now. It’s called gellim. They took the word gel that is a fitting description of the material and added ‘lim’ to the end so it has part of the word slime in it.”~Sofy

“We should probably upgrade the earplugs now as well. The fabric ones just aren’t effective enough. They can probably use one of their softest gellim variations to make the plugs.”~me

“Let’s stop by the shop on our way home then.”~Sofy

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