Custom monster system


Obviously these preparations didn't take very long at all and so Alex was on his way by the middle of the next day. It was a clear cloudless day in the new world which worked perfectly for Alex as it meant that alatreon was unlikely to notice him far above when he dropped the star on it. For all it's power the star was actually very easy to dodge if you can react to it fast enough. In alatreon's case though there was a pretty good chance to hyper aggressive elder may even directly attack the star as it fell detonating it manually.-

Should that happen Alex very much doubted that the elder is going to get anything less than near fatal wounds. Sure this would make the fight into little more than a cake walk all things considered but Alex honestly didn't mind all that much. Truthfully speaking he was far more concerned about fatalis than anything else since that elder was both unaging and way more powerful than alatreon or safi jiiva. This was shown in the way that it can and had destroyed an entire kingdom of people long ago and had been sleeping into the burnt ruins ever since.-

Even in the game the guilds records of the event state that it had accomplished this in no more than a single night. Compared to such power and efficiency the other two apex elders were far less destructive. So when Alex hovered in the air over the canyon alatreon was at the bottom of and charged up a star made of dragon energy he had no qualms at all over it. The bright red star slowly fell straight down and caught alatreon's attention and much like Alex had guessed immediately attacked it by trying to bite it.-

As it turned out having a star made entirely of a hostile dragon type energy detonate between ones teeth does in fact cause lethal damage in the form of blasting the throat , teeth and lower jaw entirely off , who would have guessed. The fact that after that amount of damage was done alatreon wasn't dead on it's feet spoke volumes on how stupidly resilient it was. Not that the dragon got a chance to retaliate as it's body collapses and it's life slowly bled away from it. Before it dies though the alatreon sees Alex when he landed before it with a callus and uncaring look.-

'This wasn't even a fight , but assisted suicide on alatreon's part.' Alex thought as he watched the once nigh invincible dragon bleed to death from it's own stupidity. Once the elder was good and dead Alex collected it's body that was positively radiating elemental energy and returned to astera to specifically stare down the scholars as he ate the entire thing scales , horns and all. Was this petty of him , without a doubt. Did that mean he was still going to do it , you are gods damned right it did.-

It was cathartic for Alex to see the horrified and angry faces of the scholars as he roasted the whole corpse in front of them and slowly tore off mouthfuls of it that he ate leisurely while staring them down. No one moved to stop him however as they were almost as fed up with the scholars lack of care for the rules as Alex himself. In a society that held hunters on a high pedestal the action of leaving nothing of the kill for the one who hunted it was greatly frowned upon and disdained.-

The funny thing is that should Alex not have been around these very said scholars wouldn't be so hated in astera since they wouldn't have gotten greedy from the powerful corpses regularly brought in. Before Alex was a fixture in astera the standard practice for hunters was for them to kill and carve the monster in the field leaving behind most of it when they left the locale. This meant the scholars never got to take parts or whole bodies since the hunters directly placed their hauls in the storage rooms for later use out of the scholars reach.

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