Custom monster system

Island? What island?

This made Alex have to waste time clearing the mist out as well as dragging a boat over to the area from astera since the range of that star made them all very uncomfortable. Were it not just harmless mist there was a very good possibility that Alex would have just accidentally killed his friends. Needless to say they were moved onto a boat a good distance away from the island for the next test. This proved wise as the next fused element was the two element light element that was a fusion of fire and thunder.-

The moment the Star detonated Alex nearly dropped out of the sky from blindness as the sheer amount of brightness was overwhelming. It would be no exaggeration to say it was like getting hit with the flash of a flashbang. When his vision returned however he looked down at the damage and sucked in a mouthful of air at what he saw. The entire island was gone from above the surface of the water. Not heavily damaged , gone in it's entirety with only the frothing waters from the rapid movement of the sea filling the void left behind to say that it was ever there.-

'Yeah I'm going to go out on a limb and say we REALLY don't want me to use the three elemental fused elements with this ability.' Alex said as he approached the others who were just as stupefied at the lack of island. "Yeah , let's keep that one as an absolute last resort and under absolutely no circumstances are you to use that withering stuff in one of these stars of yours." the admiral said unable to tear his eyes away from the empty patch of sea that was once an island.-

Everyone else was in the same predicament as well as the shock of watching an island get entirely wiped off the map was not a small one by any means. When they got back to astera the outcome of this testing was recorded down and the origin island was stricken off all the maps since it no longer existed. Most people failed to notice this since it was done in a low key manner so as to not create a panic but it was by no means hidden so when people started to wonder by the island was missing from their maps and went looking they found out.-

This was over the course of the next three weeks how ever and most who found this information kept it to themselves. Still the day finally came when alatreon finally arrived at safi jiiva's now unoccupied nest and began to kill off the unborn xeno jiiva's it found there. It made no attempt to be subtle while doing this and as a result was found and reported immediately. Unlike safi jiiva though the guild had records of this particular apex elder dragon and knew what sort of hellish battle to expect when they attacked it.-

There was no thoughts about leaving the thing alone as all records stated that the species was highly aggressive and attacked for even the smallest reason. Needless to say Alex was once again slated to be sent against the apex elder. 'I want to hit it with a star from the start to hopefully kill it instantly or at the least weaken it enough to do so.' Alex said honestly. Many of those in the meeting looked conflicted at this. They couldn't be blamed since while it was a solid plan considering the arrogance of the alatreon species it was still one with a lot of collateral damage.-

"Only if you limit it to a single element as any more than that will destroy too much of the surroundings." the commander said sternly and Alex nodded. It was a matter of preparation after that with everyone agreeing that they simply had no place to interfere and left it to Alex. They had learned from the fight with safi that humans had not room to get involved in a clash between apex elder dragons like Alex and alatreon. Alex's preparations were quite simple in that he was going to bring a stack of world crystals and healing items to be placed just outside the area the fight would take place in.

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