Custom monster system

Apex clash

This small spot quickly became known as "Dragon roost" over the next week as the preparations were finally wrapped up. Finally the day came for Alex to go face safi jiiva as  the commander came to get him. "The plan is simple , you will go in and take down this elder with as little collateral damage as possible. You are also on a time limit as the elder will likely absorb as much energy as possible to heal itself. You are to kill it before it can cause any more damage to it's surroundings." he said seriously.-

'Really not making this easy on my are you?' Alex complained jokingly. "If it is possible try not to mutilate the organs to badly this time as it made the previous large elder's corpse's data incomplete." the head scholar said from the side. 'Oh you mean the same elder corpse that you lot all but stole from me after I so graciously allowed you to study it?' Alex said with narrowed eyes at the small wyverian. The scholar swallowed nervously and shot the rest of the people pleading looks but they all looked away ignoring the man.-

The scholars had long since been warned not to press their luck with Alex but they hadn't paid the warnings much attention in their greed for knowledge so the rest decided to let them suffer for their actions. "Um , yes I suppose we did sort of go overboard with that , but think of what we have learned since then!" the small person defended anxiously. 'I will give you sixty seconds to run before I set your robes on fire.' Alex said and stared unblinkingly at the scholar with wisps of fire curling out of the gaps of his teeth , the scholar was gone in ten seconds.-

"Ha , that should kept the eggheads in line for awhile at least." the admiral said with a laugh. 'That wasn't a bluff , I really was going to set his robe on fire if he stayed. I am tired of them not learning what the lines to cross are and what they are not.' Alex said seriously and the other could only sigh but leave it alone as the scholars were the ones who made this mess so they needed to be the ones to pay for it. The meeting after that was fairly straight forward with Alex getting briefed about what had been arranged to help him.-

They were the usual set up of various siege equipment's on each of the levels of safi jiiva's nest like cannons manned by hunter teams to distract safi jiiva for Alex. How they had managed to get this stuff set up without the elder destroying it was beyond Alex but he was more than willing to accept the help. So it was that Alex took to the sky following the directions of Zane on his back to the elders nest. It didn't take him more than an hour to arrive since his increase in size made covering large distances much easier.-

Alex didn't drag Zane into the fight with him but dropped him off near the rest of the hunter teams preparing and getting into position. Once that was done he flew to the center of the topmost layer of the nest and released his aura. An intense glow radiated from Alex as an invisible wave of aura traveled all over the world drawing the attention of the closest apex elders , safi jiiva , alatreon and fatalis. The Alatreon was already on it's way to destroy safi jiiva's offspring while fatalis mostly ignored Alex's presence since he was far far away.-

Safi jiiva however was enraged at Alex trespassing on it's nest and so blatantly challenging it. "ROOOOAAAAR!" a loud roar reverberated off the stone walls of the nest as safi formally accepted alex's challenge and approached his position. The wind was stirred up with each beat of the huge red dragons wings moving the strange solid webbing that made up it's nest. Soon the Large dark red dragon arrived and faced off against Alex with cold wrathful red eyes. Alex swished his long tail as he felt his blood boil in excitement at the moment he had long anticipated and prepared for.

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