Custom monster system

Apex clash(2)

From nearly the moment he realized to potential of his system he had been thinking of the day when he would face off against the three apex elders shown in the game , safi jiiva , alatreon and fatalis. There had been many unexpected bumps in the road along the way but here he stood finally ready to clash for the pinnacle of the food chain. He made no sound but charged safi as hard as he could which the other elder angrily received. The fairly strong web floor immediately broke apart from the violence of the clash sending them both falling to the next layer.-

Biting , clawing and all around savage behaviors were observed by the nearby hunters as the two elders ignored their freefall and tore into each other. Alex was smaller than safi and as such should have been taking more damage but the fact was that they were nearly neck in neck in damage due to Alex's powerful defenses and muscles. Shattered scales and bleeding wounds had been opened along each of their bodies and sensing their equality in this regard both switched to elemental attacks in an attempt to pull ahead.-

For safi it was a powerful fire breath while Alex used Tenshou instead at point blank range. Both attacks landed and did damage to their respective targets. In this regard Alex was definitely superior as safi was severely injured from his attack while the fire attack merely melted some scales and burnt the surface layer of skin and muscles. Compared to the deep blackened marks along safi's side and right shoulder this was nothing. Seeing how it had lost in this regard safi turned to it's second to last most impressive ability and began to draw in the energy of the surroundings to heal itself.-

Alex on the other hand merely shook slightly to shed off the damaged scales before eating an ancient potion causing his wounds to visibly vanish. Potions merely increase the effect ones own natural healing ability had and in this regard Alex was nearly unrivaled. By the time safi was halfway done closing it's wounds with the energy it had taken Alex was charging at it fully recovered. A Tenshou covered claw slammed into the elder and tore open the wounds that had just closed while also making them far worse. Screaming in pain and anger safi unleashed a vicious fire breath straight at Alex.-

Ignoring this Alex detonated a huge amount of Tenshou at once from his whole body creating a massive amount of injuries on safi as well as totally blinding it in one eye. This also destroyed the layer they were on sending them into freefall again while also forcing the nearby hunters to hide behind cover as the blast washed over the area scorching and damaging it. The only thing Alex was holding back on in this fight was the withering energy but this didn't mean that he wasn't capable of extreme feats of destruction without it.-

Landing on the ground which was also the final layer of the nest safi finally realized that it was outmatched and resorted to it's final desperate move. Alex 's senses warned him as a vast amount of energy gathered in safi's chest causing it to glow from the inside to the outside. The source of this light then slowly traveled up safi's throat and into it's mouth. Finally safi opened it's mouth a a small orb of blinding light slowly fell towards the ground and the elder immediately flew away fearful of it's own attack.-

For good reason too as the light touched the ground the delicate balance keeping it contained collapsed as a massive burst of pressure , heat and sound erupted. Alex barely had time to push as much energy as possible outside of his body to protect himself before the destruction hit him. His energy shielding lasted but a mere moment before shattering and leaving Alex to take the rest of the attack with his body. Gritting his teeth he coiled his tail in front of him sacrificing it to protect the more important parts of his body like his head. The attack ended almost as quickly as it came leaving burning white fires all over the ground and a severely damaged but still standing Alex.

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