Custom monster system

Back to the grind

Alex got three traits from the meal with the last one surprising him , [quick thinking] , [thunder resistance] and [inkosis]. [Quick thinking] was rare ranked and was automatically unlocked but at level one Alex didn't feel much difference. [Thunder resistance was common rank however so he just needed to fulfill the requirement for the trait which was merely to get shocked fifty times. [Inkosis] on the other hand was legendary ranked and was smoothly unlocked much to Alex's confusion since as far as he knew he lacked the dragon element. He had both poison and water as and had been using them for quite a long time now but nowhere on his status screen was the dragon element listed.-

Even stranger was that if he did have the dragon element then why didn't it fuse with his other elements like the system had already shown to do. There was a whole list of different combinations of dragon energy and some other element including those that he currently had. 'What's so different about this particular element?' Alex thought with a frown. Thanks to his new trait Alex could try and figure out what the problem was since he just needed to track the dragon energy during the fusion process for it.-

It was difficult to pinpoint with all the different elements contained within him but after a few days of trying he finally found the problem. 'Why is there so little of it? I am nearly at the food chain yet I barely have enough dragon energy to even say that it's there , but why?' Alex wondered in confusion. It was a well established rule that the stronger a monster was the more dragon energy it would possess if it had any to begin with. Somehow Alex broke this rule as he was both very powerful and yet had less than even a T1 monster.-

'Don't tell me it's because of THAT trait.' Alex suddenly had an idea where the problem was and he was not happy about it at all. [Elder dragon] was most likely the cause of this strangeness since Alex had had it for a very long time now. 'It is possible that this entire time the dragon energy I was supposed to manifest and grow has been suppressed by this trait.' Alex thought with a irritated expression. The trait in question needed him to hunt and devour exactly one more elder dragon to unlock which bothered him since the things aren't super common.-

In fact compared to the various other species in the world elder dragons were actually in the minority and were rather ellusive most of the time. 'Now that I think of it I never did get to eat any part of that blue suicidal bastard and weren't there more than one of those?' Alex grinned showing his teeth as a plan formed in his mind. Simply put he decided to hunt down one of the other Xeno jiiva's before killing it faster than it could choose to follow its brethren's footsteps and self destruct.-

Alex was rathe curious about what he might get from the energy vampire since from what he could tell his [archon] trait was the peak of all energy based traits as it didn't even have a level or tier. It was also a unique ranked trait so it was very much unlike any other trait in the world. Alex considered whether or not the trait actually belonged to the jiiva species but when he tried to drain energy like they did nothing happened so he dismissed that idea.

He assumed that whatever trait it was that allowed them to drain the energy of their surrounding it functioned entirely differently than his own [archon]. 'I wonder what would happen if the two were to fuse? would it reveal a previously hidden rank of trait or would it just be and upgrade of [archon]?' he pondered but didn't really have any clue since he barely understood the systems rankings beyond that it had a lot to do with how many things in the world posses the trait. The power tended to go up as the rank went up but that wasn't an absolute thing either.


my patrons can read at least five chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa treon_loskro

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