Custom monster system

Fruitless hunt

Alex left astera and headed for the mouth of the everstream and could only sigh at how much the terrain had changed. None of what he saw was familiar anymore near the mighty river as everything had collapsed , risen and been buried by the shifting of the earth. The river itself was the only thing that remained the same mostly as the faintly glowing waters flowed unobstructed into the sea. Alex swam up the everstream while carefully sensing the energy flow to try and pin point another xeno jiiva but he felt nothing even when he reached the underground forest.-

One of the fish researchers who were fishing the everstream for some odd reason nearly shit themselves when Alex swam past them under the water. To them he appeared as an extremely large dark thing rapidly moving up the stream that had literally nothing living in it. Alex paid no attention to the freaked out researcher however as he continued his search for a xeno jiiva. Leaving the underground forest from the other side Alex could only grit his teeth as the energy in the water began to cause changes in his body thanks to the [sublimation] trait.

The percentage slowly began to rise from10% to 15% as the energy that he could digest was taken into his body while the rest was damaging it. It got so bad that Alex had no other choice but to abandon the hunt as he was starting to overclock his body heavily. He hunted a tobi kadachi for his dinner while discouraged at the failure to find any signs of his target at all. Still the thunder monster did help him unlock his [thunder resistance] trait so he gave it a quick and painless death in the form of removing it's head entirely.-

The increase in his [sublimation] percentage had small but visible effects on his color where the ratio of whit to black shifted slightly more towards white. The difference was negligible though so no one noticed at all. Alex tried to find a xeno jiiva for four whole months after that but failed spectacularly. A few things had changed during this time besides that as he hadn't neglected his other traits during this time and astera didn't stand still either. For example the statue in the center of the town was officially replaced with a stone version.-

Alex had even taken a few days to create an extra piece to go alongside it since he disliked being represented as an object of worship. This extra piece was a perfectly sized statue of Zain himself that took Alex quite a bit of effort to carve with his claws. Alex waited until everyone was busy in the middle of the day to place the statue next to his to show a bit of symbolism. The commander thought it rather poetic that the statue of the dragon was made by men while the statue of a man was made by the dragon.-

The architecture had also been thoroughly upgraded thanks to the "ideas" that Alex shared that totally weren't stolen from earth. Wind cooled stone huts and even roman concrete streets and bricks were now common place in astera. It was a huge contrast in comparison to the previously very primitive hide and bone huts that were used before. Alex made no attempt to modernize the town beyond that point however as he rather enjoyed the way the society worked at the moment and any more and things may change. During this time he had also maxed out quite a few traits and to his amazement saw them vanish from his status screen as they became part of his [tempered] trait.-

[Tempered bones] , [venomous claws] , [venomous tail] , [hardened bones] , [smooth scales] , [hard horns] and [slick scales] specifically. All of these traits were devoured by his [tempered] trait , he still got the tickets for getting repeats of the traits but they were pretty much not a thing anymore. An interesting thing that Alex noticed about this phenomenon was that each trait devoured by the [tempered] trait also ever so slightly increased to strengthening effect the trait had on him and all of these had pushed it up to eight times increase from the seven.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian

TITLE: Evolving star dragon

AGE: 1 year , 9 months , 2 weeks

Generated traits: elder dragon 9/10 , focused horns , dense horns , ambidextrous , weaponized horns , -

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 ,Compact stomach level 3 , Amphibious eyes level 2 , Bone eater level 2 , poison eater level 2 , poison resistance level 5 , Fire resistance level 9 , Paralysis resistance level 4 , enhanced ears level 4 , accelerated healing level 2 , metal eater level 1 , stone eater level 1 , telescopic sight level 2 , earth resistance level 6 , toxirosys T6 , enhanced life span T1 , metallic claws level 2 , hydrosis T6 , shock absorption level 8 , enhanced smell level 3 , enhanced lungs level 3 , telepathy level 1 , tranquilizing poison level 4 , enhanced vision level 2 , water resistance level 3 , layered horns level 3 , light resistance level 4 , acid resistance level 2 , paralyzing poison level 2 , effluvia resistance level 2 , insulated scales level 3 , variant pyrosis T7 , Tenshou T7 , scale regrowth level 1 , ice resistance level 5 , bloodletting claws level 2 , sharp instincts level 1 , explosive poison level 1 , earthen camouflage level(max) , lingering flame level 1 , double circulation level 1 , reinforced skin level 1 , metallic skin level 1 , wind resistance level 1 , explosive scales level 1 , death walker level 1 , variant electrosis (T6) ,  elemental discharge level 1 , energy pathways level 1 , energy gem T1 , charged skin level 1 , elemental flow T1 , Sublimation 10% , tempered level 1 , quick thinking level 1 , inkosis T1 , thunder resistance level 1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2 , lesser dragon body , Apex muscles T7 , hunter senses level 2 , eagle vision level 2 , incomplete adaptive camouflage(max) , scale grenade level 1 , archon -

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 2 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 9(max) , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging , two horns , tail regrowth


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pa treon_loskro

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