Custom monster system

Kulve taroth

Alex put off his hunt for xeno jiiva for the moment since whatever members of the species remained were clearly keeping their heads down. Instead he began to focus his attention on getting his water , poison and thunder elements to master rank. [inkosis] may be a fusion of three different elements much like [Tenshou] but it's strengths clearly lied in close combat compared to the laters long range capabilities. Unfortunately this clearly powerful trait was merely T1 when Alex obtained it since he sorely lacked the dragon energy to support more than that.-

This was actually why he hadn't consumed the gem that he had gotten from the unknown leviathan elders body. Doing so would be highly wasteful when his body simply couldn't support a higher tier of the trait. While xeno jiiva was out as an option to finally unlock his [elder dragon] trait that didn't mean that there weren't other elders who would work just as well. If he was willing to spend a month or so traveling Alex would have targeted the shantiens in the old world that had a well defined area of influence. But going to the old world simply to unlock a single trait when the events of ice borne were fast approaching seemed pointless.-

Thankfully the new world had a whole host of elder dragons that hadn't appeared quite yet but were present. All Alex needed to do was go and find them before dragging them out and devouring them for himself. This proved to be unnecessary however as hunters out in the field began to find traces of gold all over the place. All of the first through third fleets were excited about this as it meant that an elder they had tracked years back had finally shown it's head again.-

"Kulve taroth is a large elder dragon literally covered in gold as well as other magnetic metals. She's a tough one however as nothing we did back in the day slowed her down all that much , now however it's very different as we have Obsidian with us." the admiral said with a wide grin. "With his help we are confident that we can take her down in order to thoroughly study what makes her tick. Thanks to the diligent hunters in astera we have finally narrowed down where Kulve taroth has been making her lair all this time." the commander said and pointed at a spot on the rough map of the new world.-

"This is where a series of mineral rich caverns were discovered after following the traces she left above ground. It became clear after a survey of the area that she's been there for years moving about undetected. We believe the movements of the earth have caused her to surface once more , likely in order to obtain food that she may have been cut off from as a result of the shift. Our scouts have also reported that she's trying to dig her way back to that source as well which we can not allow if we want to study her." the commander said seriously.-

'Would it be accurate to assume that this elder dragon is fairly harmless to people?' Alex asked surprising everyone gathered for this meeting. "From the data that we have collected that is correct." the head scholar said honestly. 'In that case would it be acceptable to turn this into a capture only mission?' Alex asked seriously. The commander looked deep in thought for a moment before nodding. "It will increase the difficulty of this mission by a good bit but unlike with zorah capturing Kulve taroth should be doable. Why the sudden act of mercy though?" he asked curiously.-

'I don't have any problem at all hunting and killing dangerous monsters as should be clear.' Alex said and everyone nodded in agreement. 'But It has been proven that there are monsters that pose no danger to people with their existence such as myself , the cloud dragon and even that runt we adopted. The thought of killing another such monster that clearly wants nothing to do with us leaves a bitter taste in my mouth , so I would like to capture her instead so that once we have gotten what we want from her she can be released.' Alex explained honestly.


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pa treon_loskro

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