Custom monster system


It was small things like flash frozen animals and strange crystal like shards of something that only Alex was aware was scales from the elder. It wasn't yet time for Velkhana to show up though as the handler finally met up with the wanderer(female). This also sparked off the official appearance of the subspecies of monsters showing up as the viper tobi kadachi appeared and got hunted by Zane. The man complained about it though as every hit from the damn thing that he took was heavily poisoned and needed him to use a lot of antidotes.-

He still killed it and had it's body taken back to seliana to be studied by the scholars since subspecies are very rare normally. Speaking of subspecies the runt back at astera had tried to join Alex over in the hoarfrost region but decided against it when it felt the frigid temperatures. Alex definitely didn't blame it as it truly was very cold all the time and anything without resistance to the cold would find itself miserable here. 'I suppose I should go check out the the waters nearby since those are a big unknown from the game.' Alex thought one day and stretched to loosen up his cold ridden joints.

He kicked up a bit off wind when he took off into the air but no one batted an eye at it since there was no dust or powders to get blown around. Storing such things in the open air with the constant snow was asking for them to get ruined after all. From the sky Alex could see the surroundings much more clearly then he could from the ground. As a result he could also spot the predatory movements of a barrioth between the shade of the trees.-

'Worth a shot I suppose.' Alex thought casually after wondering what traits the monster may give him. The Barrioth was a very large monster with a snowy white body and features very similar to a large sabre toothed tiger save for the scales along it's spine and bladelike front wings. The tail was also very strange as it was nearly as long as the main part of the creatures boy and ended with a forked tip all while being mostly covered in thick scales as wide as a person. All in the monster was fairly intimidating to look at by human standards.-

To Alex however it was merely just another monster for him to add to his rather impressive list of kills. Much like most predatory monsters this particular Barrioth didn't have a habit of looking up regularly or it may have noticed Alex before he meteor dropped a flaming claw through it's skull. The claw went through the skull and struck the crack cracking the frozen earth for close to six meters in every direction. Alex pulled his now blood soaked limb out of the earth and not obliterated skull and quickly washed the filth off with some water.-

He then grabbed the still twitching corpse and took off into the air once again to return to seliana with his kill. Everyone there was only slightly surprised to see what he had brought back but since the barrioth species was well known to live in frozen areas they quickly got over it. The corpse was quickly and expertly stripped of parts and meat before the cold could start to freeze it and Alex took the bloody red meat to the canteen. The head chef in seliana wasn't the strangely muscle bound cat of astera but rather a chunky looking fluffy elderly feline with a personality like the stereo typical kind grandma.-

She had apparently been the original head chef of astera before retiring after teaching the current head chef everything she knew. Much like the other head chef she started by first cooking a small piece of the meat without any seasoning to get a feel for the taste and texture of the meat. After that she ground the meat up and shaped it into a several large thick hamburger patties before baking them in the large oven with some onions and carrots. once they were done she poured thick brown mushroom gravy over the entire meal and served it piping hot to Alex as barrioth Hamburg steaks.

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