Custom monster system


Alex was of course sent on collection duty for these things since he was clearly the fastest way to get them. He didn't process the materials but merely collected and dropped them off as specified by the French sounding resource girl. Her accent bothered Alex still since not a single person in astera had a similar accent and she was born there. Despite this she was fantastic with logistical work and used Alex's gathering ability to it's fullest. The housing area was finished by the end of the day and everyone ate roasted popo and potatoes for dinner except Alex who hunted and cooked a beotodus.-

Rather than waste time trying to nit pick Alex's stone building the builders instead simply built the rest of the housing around it's side's while leaving the hotspring behind it alone for now. They made each part of the housing building blend into each other since they had an idea that alex fully agreed would look awesome. See with the buildings being made of thick stone the builders figured that they could carve motifs into the buildings when the rest of the village was done. Alex was all for this as it sounded cool as hell.-

The next day started out just as fast paced as the previous as people rushed to and fro with materials to get the job done as efficiently as possibly. This was one of the biggest benefits of this civilization as once a child reaches seven years of age they are tested for various vocations to see which they were talented at and then they are taught those vocations by the experienced masters of the older generation. This meant rather than needed to hopefully find a talent in any given field the talent is found and cultivated from a young age making the whole civilization benefit.-

With each and every worker being talented in their field the work was done much faster and as such the village took form noticeably in real time. First was the canteen in the center of the village , then the smithy to the left of that with the back up forge that had been sent over from astera. The gathering hub came next as it was amongst the largest of all the buildings. Finally the meeting area and research areas were constructed to the right of the canteen.-

After that was the small stuff like the stairs , walkways and road for the supply carts to travel on. The builders also had Alex dig out the area around the hotsprings and turned it into a separate gender bathing area. The wall separating the two areas wasn't very sturdy but then again with how reliable everyone was perverts weren't really a thing. If someone of the opposite sex showed interest it was no problem at all for the two parties to have a casual fling before completely ignoring the other. This only changed when you sought to get married at which point it was just like back on earth most of the time.-

Finally seliana was complete and a grand feast was held to celebrate much to everyone's excitement. It took a week after that for the supply line back to astera set up with a harbor being set up off the nearby coast. Alex of course needed to clear out the dangerous monsters and underwater obstacles such as the minerals or coral in the area. As a bonus of that though he now had more money then he reasonably knew what to do with from the large amount of astralite he dredged up in the process.-

Due to this harsh cold of the hoarfrost area that seliana was situated in the entire village was covered in lit braziers and dense fur to heat up the area. Alex himself was a popular heating element as he tended to gently release fire energy from his entire body to ward off the cold that he still wasn't the biggest fan of. Zane took the lead on exploration in the area as Alex was content to wait for the real events to start popping off. It didn't take long at all as within a week of the supply chain getting set up traces of velkhana were found.

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