Custom monster system


Using his knowledge from the game Alex narrowed his first search area for the definitely not subtle monster to the elder's recess. It became quite apparent that the thing had been there as well considering the various damage marks it had left behind. Craters , gouged out crystal walls and more than a few dismembered monster parts littered the area in a trail of carnage leading Alex straight to the beast. It came as no surprise to him however when the behemoth immediately attacked him on sight to try and kill him.-

It used it's full power to swipe it's front claw down on Alex but came up short when Alex caught it mid swipe and proceeded to cut it off with his claws. The behemoth howled in pain and fury as it's right front claw had been amputated mercilessly. It's eyes glowed and Alex felt the winds pick up where he was standing but all it took was Alex punching the beast in the face to stop that magical nonsense in it's tracks. Alex then proceeded to vent his frustration on the poor beast for the next ten minutes until finally it had had enough and used it's final attack , ecliptic meteor.-

This attack was basically just the beast using it's magical energy to drag a small chuck of space rock down on it's location. Normally Alex would would let this play out but he very much didn't have the patience for it at this point and immediately rendered the attack moot with his own Tenshou attack blasting it apart. Alex could only get even more frustrated when he took a bite of the now very dead monster to see if he could get any traits from it but not only failed but even grew horribly ill as the magical energy clashed with his own energy.-

It was at this point he figured out why magic worked in this world but no natives could use it without an outside force like the rune stone Geralt left behind. As it turned out the energy held within all monsters in this world violently rejected magical energy. This meant that the natives of this world who basically had no choice but to eat monsters also had this energy in them and as such were unable to use or learn magic at all. It was slightly frustrating for Alex but he quickly got over it.-

The moogle looked only slightly surprised to learn that he had ended the behemoth. Apparently in it's world behemoths were at roughly the same level as a weak dragon so finding out that Alex who was definitely top tier even in it's world had man handled the beast was not all that surprising to it. The moogle then used it's crystal to return to it's own world but had already left it's mark on the world much like the leshen had in the form of a new creature permanently added to the ecosystem.-

Due to their fairly docile nature the cactuars had become popular pets in astera after that with them being especially loved by the herbologist. This differed greatly from the nekkers from Geralt's world that no matter how you looked at it was far too humanoid and ugly to keep as a pet and as such tended to be ignored by hunters in the forest. Once this whole event was finished though Alex finally got to relax as he waited for his tail to finish regrowing. Even after it was regrown he didn't really completely relax as he knew that soon enough alatreon will arrive and he'll need to deal with that as well.-

So he waited for himself to fully recover so that he could test his newest and most powerful attack to figure out how it compares to alatreon's escaton judgement. It was no surprise then that the very day he returned to his peak state he whisked off the commander , admiral and Zane to the origin island to see just how powerful his own [star] trait was compared to safi's. They were rather surprised to find that the island was covered in thick greenery in the form of vines and moss.

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