Custom monster system

Visitor from Eorzea

'Didn't realize that attack was actually a trait to be unlocked. Though thinking back simply condensing energy without it resulted in a different outcome than the emperors star of safi.' he thought to himself seriously. Sure he had managed to condense his energy into orb form but it was always chaotic and unstable when he did so whereas the "star" was stable enough that safi could flee the area as it fell to the ground. The biggest difference however was the level of destruction the star had was vastly superior to the simple condensed orb.-

Alex didn't hide his acquisition of this new ability from the others as it was a powerful ability that he might eventually use to battle. They were surprised about this but wanted to have the attack formed tested first before Alex randomly used it in a fight. Alex agreed with this as in terms of pure amountage of energy he was currently several rungs higher on the ladder than safi jiiva was so his star is also likely to be much more powerful. This didn't even take into consideration his more powerful elemental energies such as Tenshou , ink and withering as well as the energy that contained all the elements that the system hadn't named surprisingly enough.-

Strangely this energy was also totally harmless normally and seemed to simply fuse into the world itself whenever he used it so he had simply ignored it. He had thought that it was maybe for healing instead of harm but that was also not true , it simply didn't do anything at all. Alex and the others agreed to use the origin island as the testing ground of the [star] trait. This testing wasn't done immediately of course since Alex wasn't at full strength yet and as such was put off for later.-

It took Alex another month to fully regrow his tail during which time he was mostly just relaxing though astera did get a rather interesting visitor. Alex recognized the flying plushy looking creature as a moogle and could only sigh. He had long since assumed that Geralt was the only visitor from another world who would be stopping by unlike in the game but it seems he was wrong. Unlike Geralt however the appearance of this specific visitor was a sign of a rather unpleasant creature showing up , a behemoth.-

Behemoths were strange horned panther-like creatures about the same as him and absolutely stacked with muscle in a way that shouldn't work anatomically. But the worse part was that they were innately extremely violent and were prone to attacking anything and everything near them. In a way they could be considered like a much more terrifying version of the deviljho species in their blatant disregard for the food chain. Unfortunately these monster also had another problem that made Alex irritated , magic from their origin world. Since magic still worked in this world for whatever reason yet none of it natives had it this meant that the behemoths had no competition in terms of magical power.-

To try and prevent any of these frankly absurd creatures from shifting over to this world Alex terrified the moogle with his appearance and forceful interjection into that events story line. Even in the moogle's original world dragons were apex monsters so coming face to face with Alex was enough to make the tiny creatures heart skip a few beats. It took quite a lot of convincing from the normal people for the thing to stop cowering in terror in Alex's presence.

After it narrowed down the search area for it's magical crystal Alex went and retrieved the thing as fast as possible. Still it appeared as though he was too late as both an uncomfortable number of cacuars of all things and a single powerful behemoth had came through the connection before the moogle blocked it off. Cactaurs were strange things that for all intents and purposes were animate cactuses that could run , jump and most importantly attack but they were harmless if left alone usually. The biggest problem was the behemoth that came through that Alex now needed to put down.

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