Custom monster system


Alex stretched out his body to loosen up the aches in it from staying still for an entire week before actually getting up. Noticing that his scales hadn't regrown yet leaving his skin exposed Alex flexed his entire body and a layer of dense sharp multicolored scales emerged from under his skin row after row until he was fully covered. He then shifted to his "standard" black coloration that he was comfortable with. His tail however was an entirely different matter as even after a week it had clearly not regrown very much of itself.-

He wasn't that surprised about this since regrowing his tail took an equally long time the last time it was cut off as well. Looking around Alex saw that he was outside astera in a slightly quarantined spot with a thin ceiling and walls to stop the weather from effecting his recovery. Clearly it wasn't designed to keep people out since the doorway was totally lacking a door. 'Guess I should let them know I am awake.' he thought and stood up all while ignoring the tingling in his limbs. Frowning that the doorway was too small for him to fit through Alex eventually shrugged and directly walked through the overhanging part tearing it down.-

The flimsy construct totally fell down with a loud sound which drew a lot of attention that Alex ignored as he stretched out his wings to soothe the muscles in them. Rolling each joint and eliciting satisfying pops from them Alex flapped his wings finally and shot into the air with an intense gust of wind. Shooting through the clouds overhead Alex basked in the warmth of the sun on his scales before folding his wings and freefalling into a dose dive back to astera.-

He unfurled his wings and landed carefully outside the canteen making his intentions fully obvious to those watching. More than a few people laughed when they saw this as it was such a him thing to do to be more interested in food than anything else right after a week long injury induced coma. Alex eyed the giant endless stew cooking gently nearby and a gruff feline voice spoke out "Don't even think about it Sid." the head chef said as he made his way to the dragon kitchen while a group of hunters went to retrieve the meat saved for Alex.-

'Can't blame me for being tempted , I'm starving. How long was I out for this time anyways?' Alex said not bothered about getting stopped. "Bit over a week , not bad considering the state they brought you in." the strangely muscular cat person said honestly. Alex shrugged 'I am pretty sure that I am nigh unkillable at this point with how stupid fast I heal.' he said jokingly. The chef chuckled "I'd believe it too , you had large holes and burned bones Sid. Most things don't ever recover from stuff like that much less in a week." he said with barely hidden concern.-

'I'm not quite at a hundred percent but I won't have any left over complications from healing save the possible hatred for red elder dragons.' Alex said jokingly while pointing out the missing length of his tail. While they waited for the meat to arrive the commander , admiral and Zane all showed up to check on Alex and inform him of the events following his battle with safi jiiva. Alex scoffed derisively when he eard about the action of the scholars but was not surprised at all. The scholar might usually follow the rules but they had no problem at all ignoring them if it benefited their research.-

Eventually thought the meat from safi jiiva arrived and was immediately cooked up into a giant stew due to it being very tough. Alex split it between him and the others since the actually amount of stew made was far too much for him alone. This netted him a rather interesting unique trait called [star] that was frankly terrifying. Basically what it did was allow him to condense nearly all of his energy into a "star" that he could spit out to cause an obscene amount of damage when it detonated.

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