Custom monster system

Catching up

The wanderer and admiral had long since vacated the area so Alex didn't need to worry about them. Instead he was far more focused on getting the hell out of dodge and surviving the incoming explosion. He covered miles in moments but it proved to be insufficient as soon a massive burst of wild white energy erupted from Xeno jiiva's location atomizing it instantly before spreading. The world itself seemed to dull for a moment as the energy expanded like a dome of pure destruction. Alex quickly realized that he wasn't going to escape the blast entirely and grit his teeth and curled around Zain protectively.-


That was the last thing Alex saw before he blacked out and fell from the sky still smoking from the blast that launched him forward. Alex didn't dream in this blackness nor could he sense his surroundings , almost as if he was in a state of limbo. He felt the passage of time however and it was by no means a small amount. He couldn't say exactly how long this horrible situation lasted but it felt like years to him before a light finally came into view.-

He fervently chased this light in hopes of escaping the dreadful emptiness he was in and even though it was slow going he never gave up. His persistence finally paid off however one day as he caught the light and awoke. "BOOM!" the ground where he rested cracked as his aura expanded wildly and his energy boiled violently along his skin. He paid little attention to this however as he opened his eyes for what felt like the first time in decades and felt whole again. He tentatively stretched out his limbs and felt a dull ache from his joints as if they hadn't been moved in a long time and almost cried.-

He could move and feel it now , his nightmare was over finally. It took him a few minutes to calm down and observe his surroundings where he was surprised to see that he was in his nest in astera. He quickly noticed that his aura and energy were fully out on display and awkwardly retracted them with some difficulty since he was rather out of practice. A few minutes later the door to his nest opened and Zain walked in quickly and excitedly.-

He looked differently than Alex remembered as his hair was much shorter and he had burn scars on the left side of his face shaped like scales. Zain saw Alex was truly awake and immediately rushed out of the nest excitedly "HE'S AWAKE!" he yelled as he did so. Alex assumed he had been unconscious for a pretty long time as a result of Zain's actions. 'Ironic that I seem to have taken his place in this particular cutscene from the game.' Alex thought as he shakily stood up no longer familiar with his body after all that time in the darkness.-

He froze however when he finally saw his claws as he took a step towards the door. his scales had drastically changed color from pure black to dotted by white as if if someone had painted a starry sky onto him. A quick look over himself showed that this was the case on his entire body and he opened his status to see what had happened but was shocked at what he saw. Most of his maxed out traits had been removed from his status and he gained two more traits that were unfamiliar to him , [sublimation 10%] and [tempered].

The first of which apparently was what caused subspecies of monsters to come into existence and required a god awful amount of pure energy to initiate and finish. 'Must have been the explosion.' Alex figured out pretty fast what caused this trait to appear in his status. The second trait however was both familiar and different than he imagined it to be. All those traits that had suddenly vanished were apparently consumed , not fused into but consumed by this trait that qualitatively jumped all of his abilities forward by a large amount. The most disturbing piece of information however was his age as show to be almost four months older than before the fight.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian

TITLE: Evolving star dragon

AGE: 1 year , 5 months , 1 weeks

Generated traits: elder dragon 8/10 , focused horns , dense horns , elemental discharge , ambidextrous , weaponized horns , -

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 ,Compact stomach level 3 , Amphibious eyes level 2 , Bone eater level 2 , poison eater level 2 , poison resistance level 5 , Fire resistance level 9 , Paralysis resistance level 4 , enhanced ears level 4 , accelerated healing level 2 ,venomous claws level 5, metal eater level 1 , stone eater level 1 , tempered bones level 7 , telescopic sight level 2 , earth resistance level 6 , toxirosys T6 , enhanced life span T1 , metallic claws level 2 , venomous tail level 3 , hydrosis T6 , shock absorption level 8 , hardened bones level 8 , smooth scales level 5 , enhanced smell level 3 , hard horns level 5 , enhanced lungs level 3 , telepathy level 1 , tranquilizing poison level 4 , enhanced vision level 2 , water resistance level 3 , layered horns level 3 , light resistance level 4 , acid resistance level 2 , paralyzing poison level 2 , effluvia resistance level 2 , insulated scales level 3 , variant pyrosis T7 , Tenshou T7 , scale regrowth level 1 , slick scales level 5 , ice resistance level 5 , bloodletting claws level 2 , sharp instincts level 1 , explosive poison level 1 , earthen camouflage level(max) , lingering flame level 1 , double circulation level 1 , reinforced skin level 1 , metallic skin level 1 , wind resistance level 1 , explosive scales level 1 , death walker level 1 , variant electrosis (T6) ,  elemental discharge level 1 , energy pathways level 1 , energy gem T1 , charged skin level 1 , elemental flow T1 , Sublimation 10% , tempered level 1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2 , lesser dragon body , Apex muscles T7 , hunter senses level 2 , eagle vision level 2 , incomplete adaptive camouflage(max) , scale grenade level 1 , archon T6-

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 2 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 9(max) , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging , two horns , tail regrowth


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pa treon_loskro

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