Custom monster system

Xeno jiiva(2)

Alex definitely had the newborn elders attention as the orange glowing eyes were locked on him. Zain easily got under the huge monster and made a nuisance of himself with his longsword leaving gashes on the elders underbelly. Xeno jiiva went to deal with the annoying thing stinging it's belly only for a purplish glowing orb the size of a car smash into it and explode. Unbearably high heat and pressure tore open and scorched shut the contact point of the blast in an instant. This was Alex's first real attempt to use his new elemental power and the result spoke for itself.-

"ROOOAAAR!" Xeno jiiva screamed in agony and thrashed about hoping to ease the pain but it had no such luck. Zain expertly avoided the panicked elder and got some distance between them to observe it's reaction to injury. Alex however had no such qualms and charged the large monster to inflict even more damage. No matter how one sided this fight may seem all it took was a single mistake to end up seriously injured or dead. As if to prove this a massive burst of energy radiated out of the newborns body knocking Alex back and melting some of his scales.-

The energy was less hot and more corrosive to organic material as even xeno jiiva wasn't unscathed from the act thought it was much less affected than Alex. Some of it's vibrant skin had grown grey and dull in color from the effects of that blast and alex had a bad feeling that the new born didn't even know what it was doing. Pure bioenergy from the earth needed to be refined before it could be considered safe and the newborn had basically expelled the unsafe leftovers it had accumulated forcefully.-

'I hate when monsters pull shit that didn't show up in the game out of their asses.' Alex thought irritated and already having shed his scales to get rid of the damaging energy stuck to them. 'Lets try something new then.' he decided and began to focus his [Tenshou] energy into the spike at the end of his tail. Xeno jiiva glared at Alex and opened it's mouth letting forth a beam of white energy the thickness of a tree right at him. Alex jumped into the air to dodge as the tip of his tail began to glow purple and crackle with energy ominously.-

"FWIP!" He whipped his tail as hard as he could towards the new born in a sideways motion and a razor thin sheet of purple flew between them. Xeno jiiva wasn't stupid as it could easily tell that whatever this was wasn't good for it's health and decisively used a blast of energy to try and counter the attack. Unfortunately for it the nature of the attack made such an action nearly pointless as the beam only stopped a single part of the sheet leaving the rest free to cut into it's flesh.-

While its throat was protected thanks to the beam the entire side of it's body and a good portion of it's tail was still hit by the attack. At first it seemed to only cut into the flesh and dissolve but when the end of the sheet struck the wound all that energy exploded in a a violent burst of purple and cyan. "ROOOOAAAR!" Xeno jiiva screamed as a massive wound was literally blown open along it's side and sticky blue blood poured out in staining the ground. The elder wobbled in place as the blood loss and damage caught up to it.-

It began to pant and shake as weakness crept into it and death began to approach it as it simply couldn't sustain such damage. Xeno jiiva could tell this and in a desperate bid to survive did something VERY dangerous. It raised it's front claws and slammed them into the hard stone ground and began to draw out the energy of the local area to fuel it's own regeneration. Alex's eyes widened in terror before he dashed over to Zain and roughly grabbed him before fleeing into the sky as fast as he could. Xeno jiivas action just focused the entire energy supply in a single spot and there was no chance in hell it could handle so much at once so the mother of all explosions was about to occur.


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pa treon_loskro

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