Custom monster system

Xeno jiiva

'Whatever it is that you are thinking is probably both true or possible yes.' Alex said pulling the man out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry , it's just the implications of what you've said are terrifying to say the least." the man said honestly. 'Which part , the fact I have the potential to be the most powerful creature to ever exist on this world or that with enough time I'll be unstoppable?' Alex asked leaving all three people gaping at him in astonishment. 'What , did you think I wasn't aware of where I would eventually end up at my current rate? Don't be ridiculous , I've known it longer than all of you.' Alex said with a mental scoff.-

"Why didn't you say anything then?" Zain asked confused. 'It wasn't necessary. None of you are stupid so it was only a matter of time until it dawned on you. Plus do you have any idea how it sounds for  someone to talk about themselves in such a grand way?' Alex explained with a shrug. "Well you aren't wrong , but it still would have been nice to get a heads up." the admiral said with a sigh.-

After that the group followed the wanderer along a branch of the everstream with the people taking a boat and Alex swimming along behind them. "I originally found this area on accident while following the energy trail of the area. For some reason this particular branch is drawing in larger amounts of bioenergy then normal and I assumed you all would like to find out why with me." The wanderer explained as the admiral pushed the boat forward gently. 'Stay behind me when we get up here , my instincts are telling this won't be a smooth trip.' Alex said seriously.-

Everyone tensed "Is it some sort of monster?" the admiral asked all business. 'I don't know , but whatever it its has me anxious for some reason so stay behind when we get there.' Alex lied for their own good. He remembered the cutscene from the game where the wanderer is hit with a beam of pure bioenergy. He isn't an expert what he definitely knew that the man was affected beyond what you see in the game. His body wasn't designed to handle energy like that and if it dropped his lifespan dramatically or crippled him Alex wouldn't be surprised.-

'I'll be fine if I get hit however since I can just channel the energy elsewhere.' he thought to himself. After about an hour the group reached the end of the branch and the boat was docked to the shore by the admiral. Alex climbed out of the water and took point in front of the group and Zain had his hand on the handle of his longsword cautiously. "It appears to be a nexus of energy of sorts , but why here?" the wanderer said confused. He picked up a glowing crystal from the ground "No , it's too pure. Somethings wrong." he said in alarm raising his voice.-

As if on cue the thick lasers of energy shot out of the cocoon around Xeno jiiva damaging the surroundings but unlike in the game Alex tanked the beam headed his way. Unlike the pain he was expecting however his body greedily sucked up the energy like a parched desert. Alex had no idea what was going on but soon Xeno jiiva was revealed in the cocoon as it fell out onto the ground groggily. 'Get him out of here , we've got this!' Alex yelled at the admiral who nodded "That thing doesn't leave the nest understood!?" the man said loudly and both Zain and Alex nodded.-

'Go for it's underbelly while I grab it's attention, GO!' Alex said to Zain and charged at the newborn elder in the distance. Alex reached it right as it was getting it's bearing and plowed into it's side , hard. "ROOOOAAAR!" the nearly transparent cyan dragon roared in pain and anger before back handing Alex off of it with a display of surprising flexibility. He grunted from the force of the impact but besides a bruise he was unharmed.


my patrons can read at least five chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa treon_loskro

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