Custom monster system

Catching up(3)

'Yeah , I suppose I owe him a little for the scar but only this once , I'm not so god to be worshiped after all.' Alex said sternly. "Funny story about that , quite a few people seem to think you are in fact some sort of god beast come to guide us to prosperity. I think they're a bunch of loons to be honest but they are entitled to their beliefs." The admiral said with a helpless shrug. Alex had a shocked expression 'You're joking right?' he asked in disbelief. The admiral laughed "Nope , you are officially the newest divine myth in our worlds history accepted by even the guild." He said with a boisterous laugh while Alex groaned in exasperation.-

'Ugh , I won't start preaching so nobody better ask me to or I swear I'll figure out how to reach the moon.' Alex said with a huff. The admiral chuckled "You wouldn't be the first divine beast said to do so , though you would probably the first positive one. White fatalis created all the other elders if you believe the legends and that didn't exactly do us much good." he said with a shrug.-

"Well I probably shouldn't keep you from checking the rest of astera out or the others might chew my ear off so I'll see you at the feast later Sid." he said before walking off casually. Alex strolled down to the smithy to see what had changed there but he was surprised to notice that literally not a thing had changed. "Wonderin' why nothings changed eh?" the second fleet master asked with a smug grin. Alex nodded "When I came across the sea I knew I'd spend the rest of my days over here so I made sure the smithy ain't need for nothing. It's already perfect kid , no need to go messing with that now is there?" The dark skinned man said with a proud smile.-

'I always wondered why the rest of the town seemed half done but it seems only you had planned to stay long before the option was given.' Alex said with a chuckle of his own. It was so like the old man to not do anything halfway but to hit it with his maximum effort. After the smithy Alex checked out the gathering hub that was a shabbily reused ship as it's building. Now however the parts that were unneeded had been stripped away and sent down to the new buildings as materials.-

Instead the entire gathering hub had been remodeled with massive glass walls and a glass ceiling to keep out the bad weather but still enjoy the view. Alex could not fit in the building so he could only admire the changes from the outside. He then glided down to the ground slowly so as to not kick up any wind. Most of the new people gave him a wide berth nervously but he ignored them to observe the massive changes that this area had undergone.-

First and foremost there was actual small booths set up near each other instead of the on the ground cluttered trading area that was there originally. There was rows of huts beyond that that clearly served as the living areas for the new folks and maybe even the older folk. They were simple constructions of bone , wood and leather but had small personalized touches that distinguished each one. Walking further Alex found that a large dock had been constructed for a more steady trade with the old world. There was also a large wooden building that was the new stockpile of astera that had gotten a massive upgrade to manage the greater demand of supplies the town now needed.-

The foreman was still in charge of the supplies themselves but now he was joined by the dark skinned girl who worked for resource management and appropriation that had a suspiciously French sounding accent. "Oi! You're up at last sid! Never had any doubt you'd be fine." The foreman exclaimed happily when he saw Alex looking around. 'Yeah , it's a bit disorienting at how much the town has changed while I was out.' he said honestly and the man nodded in understanding.


my patrons can read at least five chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa treon_loskro

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