Custom monster system


"Aye , it's been a pain to deal with for us without your help as well. Really put into perspective how much we've come to expect your help with the monsters nearby. Once the ground settled the monsters went on a rampage all around the new world with the elders recess being by far the worse. Only good thing to come of it really besides all this extra space had to be that tunnel to the Everstream forest that opened up. Made getting in there and setting up safely much easier , well after the big bladed lizard was dealt with any ways." The foreman said honestly.-

'Rezzar , yeah those are some strong monsters and not very friendly either.' Alex said with a nod. "Aye , gave Zain a run for his money from what I hear." The foreman said  with a chuckle. 'How'd you guy's deal with the terrantoads?' Alex asked curiously. "Turns out the little buggers can be smoked out with pepper dust since it makes em cough. Funny story about that discovery really as one of those eggheads in research tripped in the dark while carrying a bag of the stuff. As it happened this saved his life as the monster about to get him broke into a coughin fit right alongside him." the foreman laughed at the mental image that presented.-

Alex also chuckled at this as it was pretty funny to imagine in his mind. 'Had any trouble with the Laventis living in the nearby reefs nearby?' Alex changed the subject. "Nah , don't know why but the things actually like a well behaved but shy dog at this point. It shows up when the ships are nearby and keeps the other monster away in exchange for a portion of food. Thing doesn't like gettin too close to the ships though." The foreman explained honestly.-

Alex was surprised to hear this since from what he understood of the monster it was rather sedentary in nature and tended to hunt via ambush. 'I suppose this may be my fault to a degree as the thing has probably figured out that I am living with these people and might be trying to suck up to me.' Alex deduced easily enough. The monsters subservient attitude towards him was well known so it trying to curry favor by helping his "underlings" wasn't that much of a stretch.-

'So long as it hasn't proven itself to be a nuisance I think I'll just leave it be.' Alex said honestly after a moment. "Aye , seems like a useful thing to have around to protect our cargo at the very least." The foreman said in agreement. Alex left after that and walked off the end of the docks into the murky water below. He wanted to check up on the reef and nearby aquatic monsters so that no nasty customers like legiacris had shown up after the tectonic rearrangement. Just because they had made a nuisance of themselves yet didn't mean they weren't there waiting for an opportunity.-

A good example of this quickly made the poor decision of attacking Alex as he swam with a bolt of thunder. A juvenile legiacris much smaller than the adults was responsible by Alex made no distinction on age for monsters beyond redemption like this young and very stupid monster. Alex calmly swam up to the arrogant little monster and punched at it's head , Hard. "THWUB!" "KRAKOOM!" Alex seemed to have underestimated his own strength however as the force behind this strike shifted a large amount of water creating a strange sound before connecting with the dumb monsters head causing it to explode into a bloody cloud in the water.-

'That was unexpected.' Alex thought surprised since he had thought he had only used enough force to kill the thing not blow it's fucking head off. He knew that it was likely a result of his two newest traits that caused this miscalculation on his part. The [tempered] traits description did say that it improved his abilities by a large amount but Alex had assumed it meant once or twice over , not whatever this was. He had accounted for at least a three times boost in his abilities but this was clearly a good deal greater than that.


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pa treon_loskro

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