Custom monster system

Elder leviathan

'This could become a problem later' Alex thought seriously as he dragged the juvenile monsters corpse back to astera to be dismantled. He wasn't done clearing out the water just yet with this single kill so he simply dropped off the corpse and headed back out. This time rather than relax and move nice and smoothly he pushed his body to it's limits to try and figure out exactly how large of an increase his abilities obtained. 'Seven times , it was a seven times increase in sheer strength.' Alex thought with a frown after roughly figuring out where he stood.-

Alex wasn't one hundred percent sure but he guessed that this put him firmly in the middle of master rank in terms of brute force. This didn't only count for the monsters in the new world either but in the entire known world. This didn't sound like a huge increase in power but it should be kept in mind that the distance between tiers grew larger and larger the higher you went. The difference in power between a T7 monster and a T8 monster was massive and Alex assumed he was firmly set in the former despite only recently entering the later months ago.-

He was slightly relieved at this since it meant he hadn't suddenly reached a level of power that might prematurely draw the attention of Alatreon or Fatalis. Alex knew that this was the case since it was only the T9 Safi' jiiva that had barely caused them to stir as it started to approach their level. 'I am nowhere close to that level of power yet , at best I might prove to be irritating for them to deal with.' Alex chuckled at the idea. He patrolled the waters around the new worlds coast carefully looking for anything dangerous but only found a few things that needed his intervention.-

The biggest problem he found was merely a couple of angry leviathan class monsters that he didn't recognize. One of them was an odd looking creature with two wings and a sharp tail that reminded Alex of a stingray save it's otherwise crocodile like body. This monster proved itself to be a master rank brute wyvern but was unfortunately weaker than Alex and died. The second monster however made Alex wary as it had an extra set of limbs signifying it's status as an elder dragon.-

The appearance of this elder was hard to make out due to it constantly filling the water around it with a thick black liquid that Alex quickly identified as ink. What Alex was able to identify from the monster was a thick body with four long thin claws and a set of waving wings that reminded Alex of a squid. He may have mistaken it for some form of giant squid had it not been for the reptilian head and rows of razor sharps teeth that had the ink seeping out of. Alex took no chances at all and directly flooded the area with electricity.-

This proved to be a poor decision as the elder went from passive and watching him to thinking he was food. It became pretty clear to Alex from that behavior that whatever this elder was it probably regularly hunted Legiacris who tended to do similar things. The elder rushed at Alex under the water with gaping jaws only to get uppercut by him. 'Yeah , no I am not just gonna let you eat me.' Alex said stunning the elder long enough for him to release a purple and cyan colored orb of energy from his mouth at it.-

"BANG! ROAAAR!" The Tenshou blast struck the elder firmly on its side and exploded searing a wide area and causing a large amount of agony. Alex didn't let up and dived under the recoiling beast and slammed into it from below sending it out of the water and into the air. Alex finally got a good look at the thing now that it wasn't surrounded by an ink cloud. It was an odd thing that looked like someone had taken features of a squid without tentacles and tossed them onto a wingless western style dragon.-


my patrons can read at least five chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa treon_loskro

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