Custom monster system

Hard won victory

Despite it's odd look the elder quickly realized that Alex was not a food item but rather a predator like itself. It was confused why Alex had his aura suppressed which is why it made the mistake of targeting him to begin with. Most monsters gave no care for their aura's and as a result it was easy for the others to know if they should turn hostile or flee. Still the elder had it's own pride and refused to allow itself to go down without a fight and hovered in the air above the water waiting for Alex.-

Contrary to what it was expecting Alex burst out of the water behind it rather than below it making it miss it's planned attack. It was a jet of black ink released from it's mouth likely intended to blind Alex. Failing to do so the elder flapped it's wings and dodged to the side before Alex could catch it sending him right past it. He still landed a blow however with his long tail however , opening a gash along it's side. Without stopping at all Alex turned around and started to fill the air with thick poisonous mist restricting both his and the elders vision.-

[Wind resistance] proved it's usefulness at this moment as he carefully glided through the fog without causing much of a disturbance. The elder coughed as the poison started to affect it and did something that surprised Alex greatly , it exploded. To be more specific a huge amount of ink shot out of it's body from every angle dissipating the fog while also covering Alex in it. It was at this point that Alex realized that this ink was an elemental power made from water and dragon energy fused together with poison.-

Why? Because he resisted two out of three of it's parts when it started to affect him. This didn't mean it didn't sting like nothing else to get hit with the stuff. "ROOOAAAR!" Alex roared in pain and anger before releasing his Tenshou fully in much the same way Shantien does. A hurricane immediately flared to life around him and the elder but he ignored it and charged at the struggling elder. It was clearly not designed to fly in powerful winds like this as it was getting pushed and pulled uncontrollably in mid air.-

Alex slammed into the elder and the fight broke down into a full blown brawl as they tore into each other in an attempt to end the other. Unfortunately for the elder , Alex specialized in defense and raw power and as a result was decisively better at brawls like this. After receiving many injuries Alex finally came out on top and slew his opponent. 'Geez that was a tough bastard , it's going to take me at least two days to recover from these injuries.' Alex complained while looking over his wounds. Missing flesh , torn scales , thick bruises and the ink that was stubbornly burning him even now like acid.-

Grabbing the corpse of the elder that looks even more battered than himself Alex reigns in his energy and flies towards astera. Many people were wondering why the weather had taken such a violent turn for the worst in the distance but those aware of Alex's newest elemental power knew it was his doing. They were worried about what he must have found that pushed him so far but when he returned with the corpse of the elder and covered in horrifying injuries they knew what happened. They weren't surprised that another unknown elder dragon lived in the sea since it was the least understood part of the world.-

What did surprise them was how powerful the elder had to be considering that even Xeno jiiva who was the most powerful monster found so far in the new world was nearly helpless against Alex. "Really put you through the wringer huh sid?" the admiral said while looking over Alex's injuries. 'Yeah , it was a tough fight. Word of warning , don't touch the black stuff if you value your skin.' Alex said seriously as the medics got to work cleaning his wounds.


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pa treon_loskro

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