Custom monster system

Draconic demigod

Alex set down the meat near the chef and waited for the guy to work his magic. It didn't take long either as the chef tested the meat and and made an unusual expression when he did so. His face was a strange mix of joyful and hateful at the same time as he looked at the meat he had taken a piece of moments before. In the end the large lynian merely sighed before oiling up the stone cook surface of the dragon kitchen before tossing the meat on it without breaking the meat apart somehow.-

Salt and pepper were all that were added to the meat as it was cooked thoroughly and then served in a huge pile to Alex. He was rather surprised at how little effort the chef put into the food this time around but didn't complain and dug in with gusto. Immediately alex realized that it wasn't that he hadn't liked the meat and as such wasted the minimum amount of effort on it but rather the meaty simply didn't need that much effort. Apparently the poorly digested energy throughout xeno jiiva's body had caused it's meat to be full of flavor as if it had been seasoned before it was cooked.-

Oddly Alex couldn't actually identify the flavors within the meat as if there was no such seasoning found and used in the past. 'No wonder the chef  made such an expression , this stuff a mockery of all of his effort while being completely natural.' Alex thought amused. Still he didn't neglect the entire reason he had hunted the thing to begin with an looked over the notification from the system. He got an extremely unusual four traits from the meal much to his surprise , [energy vampire] , [thick skin] , [energy regeneration] and [energy condensation].-

Alex's jaw almost hit the floor at the list of traits he got from xeno jiiva as three of them were energy based unique ranked traits while the last of them was one he already had. [Energy vampire] let it's owner drain the energy from their surroundings for their own use regardless of if that energy belonged to another creature or not. This alone was massively dangerous for whatever environment the owner of this trait found themselves in as they could very easily turn that area into a barren wasteland by draining all the energy there.-

The [energy regeneration] trait however allowed it's owner to use pure energy to accelerate it's healing ability by a massive degree for a few moments. The downside however was that it couldn't be spammed for invincibility as it greatly damaged the owners life force in exchange for the healing. It was basically the equivalent of lowering ones own future age in exchange for an instant boost of healing. For elder dragons that live millennia like Alex or xeno jiiva this wasn't too big of a price since a few decades off a thousand years was nothing much but for short lived species this was a last resort desperation move or plain suicide.-

The final energy based trait , [energy condensation] , worked in the exact opposite manner that Alex's [archon] did as rather than spreading the burden of such powerful energy to his every cell it increase the density of the energy within those storage area's instead. Contrary to how this sounds this new trait actually complemented [archon] wonderfully as it increase the density of energy within each of his cells but nearly three times. It may even be higher in the future considering [energy condensation] was merely T1 at the moment.-

Alex was stunned however when after obtaining these traits the system congratulated him for qualifying for the title {Draconic demigod}. Thanks to the frankly ridiculous amount of energy his body now contained he had apparently crossed the threshold off divinity by the tiniest amount. It was at this point that the system revealed that all of the "apex" elder dragons also fell into this category as they too had the ability to wipe out vast swaths of land by their own power. In other words this world contained the closest thing to a god that was possible for mortals without actually stripping away their mortal restrictions.

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