Custom monster system

The finish line

The system also revealed that the peak of the "demigod" realm was the highest any creature in the world including him could reach. Alex assumed that if he could manage to become ageless as well that he would be just a single peg below an actual god. It was an odd concept to him as he hadn't thought about what he was becoming as he grew. He was so focused on just growing stronger that now that he was able to see the finish line he was rather lost. Sure he still planned to reach the true apex of this worlds food chain but after he didn't know.-

No matter how he thought of it there was simply no real challenge for him after that point and so he also didn't need to live forever as he was sure to get bored and possibly malicious in the process. This wasn't a joke either as boredom was a terrible thing that messes with the mind in horrible ways. People were known to injury themselves or even others just to feel something other than boredom be it pain or the exhilaration of watching the light fade from their victims eyes.-

Alex didn't want that to be his future so he was left with only a couple of options , first was to hibernate for vast lengths of time before waking up to a totally different time than his own. Second was to simply not obtain agelessness and to live his natural lifespan before quietly fading away into death. The last was to restart entirely by purging all of his traits at the end of his life and restarting his whole journey again but he would eventually grow bored again this way as well.-

Helpless he could only leave this problem for when it actually became a problem in the future. For now though he could still focus on getting all of his elemental traits to T9. His physical traits were almost completely folded into his [arch tempered] trait when they were maxed out so he mostly ignored them as he was stupid strong already and more wasn't really needed. So time started to pass as Alex focused exclusively on his elements and another five months passed by without anything interesting happening. In this time Alex had raised his water elemental trait to T7 and had improved the traits he had gotten from xeno jiiva to the point of each of them being T4 at the moment.-

It showed as well as the energy within Alex's body was like thick oil that when fully released warped the surrounding space every so slightly from it's weight. He had also raised his [sublimation] traits percentage to 57% and the amount of white on his body had become noticeably larger than the black. No one really cared about this as monsters changing color due to becoming variants was very well known. Speaking of variants the little wyvern was anything but little anymore as even for the rathalos species he was on the larger size.-

Like most reptiles the runt reached physical maturity within a year of life and was now just a young but mature member of the rathalos species. This also meant that the wyvern had left Alex's nest and set up it's own near the gathering hub. The admiral tended to sleep there now days rather than in Alex's nest as he said that Alex's presence in the nest made his instincts scream at him. He couldn't be blamed since it was hard wired into nearly every creature on the planet to stay away from "apex" existences.-

Finally reports of legiana being spotted in the ancient forest came in and Alex knew that the events of ice born had finally began. Master rank monsters were soon to become normal sights and quite a few apex elder dragons were going to show up. The list wasn't super long but the fact that there was even a list at all was impressive on it's own. The thing that Alex was most anticipating however was the appearance of the velkhana species as he should get the ice element from it. There was no sparing the members of this species unlike the kulve taroth as velkhana were naturally antagonistic towards people.

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