Custom monster system

Hoarfrost area

Alex didn't get involved in the events surrounding the tracking of the legiana as he needed for the theory that there was another landmass to pop up first. Sure he could just go straight to the frozen land that awaits them but that would pretty much all but tell everyone that he already knew about the place. Needless to say this was a conversation he didn't feel like having if he could avoid it as it would be a rather awkward talk. Zane and his handler didn't fail to provide results however as not more than two days later they turned in their report about the migrating legiana.-

"Alright people we have an entirely unidentified landmass nearby that's been hiding right beneath our noses this entire time. I want a group to be sent ahead to scout out the area , I imagine the fifth fleet will be taking point?" the commander said with a knowing look that Zane laughed at and saluted to. 'I'll head on ahead then and get an area cleared out for construction.' Alex said from his area of the meeting spot. The commander thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement "I expect it to be a get spot sid." he said Alex nodded before gently pushing off the ground and into the air.-

Alex had always been confused how you could spend decades in a place on an exploration and research mission without figuring out that there was another landmass nearby but he found out after this trip. The warm air of the new world and the cold air of the Hoarfrost region clashed out at sea and created harsh winds , waves and thick fog that made seeing the other lands impossible without what may as well be a divine act.-

By divine Alex of course meant an elder dragon fucking with the weather because they could rather than an actual divine being descending. None of this hampered Alex at all during his flight as he passed through the air above the sea and finally got a good look at the new land mass. It came as little surprise that the landmass was way bigger than it was in the game much like the rest of the new world. Feature wise it was still a wintery land covered in frost , hotsprings and and evergreens that was fairly rocky.-

It honestly took Alex no time at all to find the area that seliana was built upon in the game from the air but he ignored it at first to see if another place would be more suitable. As if fate was messing with him there was literally not a single decent location as all of them either required more effort than needed or simply had whole nest's of less than friendly master rank monsters. 'Whatever the same place as in the game works too I guess.' he thought as he landed in the area.

Before the village was constructed here the area was a snow covered area with a set of hotsprings and both raised and lowered rocky areas. There were a few trees as well as other plants covering the area but Alex torched those with master rank fire. He then started to carve the land into a flat ground by laying a claw flat against the ground and cutting through any raised parts. He flapped his winds to blow away the dust and loose rocks that resulted from this leaving a pristine flat area behind. Besides this he also decided to mess with everyone and took the air to find some really large boulders.-

Once he had about fifty of these car sized rocks he began to carve them into massive rectangular bricks. Each boulder gave him three very large bricks that he then began to stack into the shape of a building. Soon Alex had what could only be described as a miniature fortress built up , the walls were two feet thick and twenty five feet tall. The whole building was roughly thirty foot by thirty foot long and wide and the roof was the really impressive part as Alex had carved out a massive pyramid shaped stone to serve as the cap for the building  , it was hollowed out of course to prevent stress from collapsing it.

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