Custom monster system

Guiding lands

There was a bit of a funny situation involving Alex in this last month that a few people had a good laugh about. Roya , the monster scholar who came to the new world to study Alex , had officially turned in that request to the guild alongside her notes and research. The funny part was that right at the start of the papers was a note that said {For whoever this concerns the information held in this report is already likely to be irrelevant by the time it arrives due to the constantly changing nature of it's subject.}-

She then took a ship back to the old world without hesitation vowing to never investigate an anomaly like this again. Alex almost felt bad for her as despite how dedicated she was he made all her hard work pointless with his rapid acquisition of traits changing the facts considerably. Saya on the other hand had basically been excommunicated by her clan to permanently keep an eye on the situation over here while they constantly threw the guild off the trail in their search for other members of tamed species. The guild felt that searching every known inhabited area for tamed monsters was important once they learned it was possible and the tribe was nervous of being found out.-

Still despite being a bit sad to not be able to return she was pretty happy in the new world all things considered as she was surrounded by the brightest minds in every field who had volunteered to come. This meant that if she mentioned anything seriously that she saw as problematic it got fixed in no time at all or changed entirely. For example she mentioned how it might be a good idea to raise specific monster to serve as mounts and the scholars had already hatched a kulu ya ku and started to train it into a mount for transporting things quickly.-

Alex's arrival in astera set off a bit of a commotion as no one had seen him in an entire month in either of the settlements. So him suddenly showing up from the sky caught more than a few people off guard. The commander showed up alongside the admiral to meet Alex and get a report from him as he landed. "Where've you been this entire time?" The admiral asked rather bluntly after Alex tucked his wings against his body.-

'Up the everstream pushing my sublimation forward. Did I miss anything interesting?' Alex asked calmly. "Well we found this nifty place up past the mountains of the elders recess we are calling the "guiding lands" that is a strange mix of every biome of the new world all thrown together within walking distance. The place was uber strong monsters too , might even give you a run for your money." the admiral said with a smirk. Alex raised and eyebrow 'I very much doubt that at this point. Anything else?' he asked casually.-

"Yeah found a kirin with it's horn snapped off about a week ago that we are investigating to find the cause." The commander said seriously. 'Don't rajang tend to that to get high or something?' Alex asked interested in the topic. How could he not be when the rajang as a species were one of the few monsters that were not only not reptilian but also on the same level as an elder dragon in terms of combat power since they tended to hunt kirins for their horns. The crazy part though was that they weren't actually elders at all despite this as they didn't embody any aspect of the world.-

The two men's eyes widened as they realized that he was right "It certainly fits the pattern but with how rambunctious rajang are why haven't we seen any till now if this is true?" the admiral asked out loud confused. 'It's possible they were all in the guiding lands hiding from the catastrophe's this place keeps getting.' Alex suggested helpfully. They nodded in agreement "Well that solves that problem at least since we know how to deal with the species but what about the strangeness of the guiding lands?" the commander pointed out but Alex merely shrugged as he had no clue.

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