Custom monster system


The two monsters tore into the other removing scales flesh and blood as neither compromised in their offensive. Alex bit and clawed at the ruiner and it did the same to a considerably less damaging effect. This wasn't to say that alex wasn't being injured as he very much was but rather that he was not taking as much as the ruiner. For every deep gash the ruiner left behind Alex left three of the same size or bigger. It was so bad a pool of constantly splashing dirty blood had formed on the ground as they fought.-

Alex got tired of trading blows and uppercutted the ruiner snapping it's head upwards so hard that it's front limbs lifted of the ground before following up with a powerful tackle to it's exposed chest. This caused the ruiner to have the air knocked out of it's lungs as well as be flipped onto it's back which was very bad for it. Alex knew this and capitalized on the opportunity to drive his claw into it's soft underbelly causing severe internal damage and the ruiner kicked him off of it before fleeing into the air with blood leaking from it's mouth.-

"I feel like I wasn't needed at all." Zane complained after he was sure the ruiner had truly left. "You can say that again." the wanderer(female) said as she and the handler showed up for some reason. 'Uh , you know that wasn't the elder we are hunting right?' Alex asked seriously and the wanderer looked confused for a moment before her eyes widen in realization. It was too late though as the ground began to collapse as that same song like sound rang out shaking the island. Alex managed to scoop up all the people as the second level of the island became visible alongside the stone armored shara ishvala.-

'That IS the monster we are after however.' he said as he set the two noncombatant woman in a higher up alcove where they would be safe. Zane meanwhile sheathed his thunder longsword and equipped the elementless one before dashing off to the side to attack the very large elders flank. Alex meanwhile shot a volley of explosive scales at the front of the elder to loosen up it's armor while distracting it. This tactic worked in regards to a distraction as the shara covered it's head with a stone covered wing to protect it's eyes that were the only part of it's body truly visible.-

The strange yellow pupils were off putting to say the least so Alex had no problem at all attacking them. Zane rushed in from the side "HA!" and slashed down his sword but a it sound of metal being deflected rang out as his longsword reverberated off the hard stone armor on shara ishvalda's side. 'Aim for the shoulders and head! that is where it appears most vulnerable!' Alex shouted at Zane and the hunter nodded and dashed towards the spots mentioned by Alex and slashed out again.-

This time however his strike actually carved of a chunk of stone making him grin and repeatedly slash out his sword in an artful combo attack. The elder under attack finally had enough and smashed it's rocky wings down and in front of it and charged at Alex. Zane was caught slightly off guard with this and got trampled a bit forcing him to eat dirt. Alex meanwhile leapt high off the ground and onto shara's back bringing his claws down in his version of a haymaker onto the stone armor on top of it's head.-

A huge amount of stone cracked and shattered under the force of this blow ever so slightly revealing a bit of shara's true body hidden underneath. Ever more shara had been forced to a halt from the pressure suddenly exerted on it's head and back. Alex knew better than to stay on this particular monsters back however and jumped off to the ground behind it. Zane meanwhile had picked himself up out of the dirt and was chugging a potion to heal the damage he had just received all while thanking his past self for putting on his current armor.

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