Custom monster system

More violence

He didn't have a lot of time to fix the damage however as the armored elder went postal after Alex attacked it rampaging all over the area. This unfortunately meant Zane needed to dodge a lot to save his own skin. Eventually shara got tired and stood still for a moment to pant which was frankly stupid in Zane and Alex's opinion as they immediately capitalized on the opportunity to go ham on the stone armor removing quite a lot of it. Shara finally decided to strip off the stone armor revealing it's true form to them.-

It was almost the same size as xeno jiiva but had thick bands of muscles visible along it's entire body. It's skin was a strange mix of sunset orange , pinkish purple and eggshell white while it's face was short and stubby almost like a turtles. It had four long fangs at the front corners of it's mouth but the rest of it's teeth said that it was an herbivore due to their flat shape. It's wings were much more like hands in that the "fingers" lacked webbing for flight and could be moved individually which was why Alex wanted to stay away from their "grasping" range.-

The reason why he specifically avoided those wings was because they were the part of the elders body it used to channel it's innate ability , solid sound. That's right visible and hard hitting sound was shara's specialty and the stuff was devastatingly effective against solid defenses like Alex's due to it rattling the hard stuff apart into sand. A yellow chameleon like eyes locked onto Alex and Zane angrily and shara roared sending out a burst of sound that shattered the relatively small area of the armored stage of this fight.-

'Whatever you do , don't get hit by those wings.' Alex said to Zane before dashing to the side as a beam of sound struck his previous location precisely. The beam turned the solid stone into sand as it cut through it sending a shiver down Zane's spine. He focused on shara to make sure that he didn't get struck by those beams himself but the large colorful elder seemed to have a grudge against Alex as it kept targeting him while ignoring Zane. The man couldn't exactly blame it either as between the two of them Alex was by far the bigger threat.-

Clearly shara was aware of this as well as it was sniping at Alex with it's wings forcing him to dodge constantly. Getting irritated at having been put on the back foot Alex started to fling balls of Tenshou energy at shara with his tail as he dodged. This made it clear to Zane however that shara was not a very fast monster as even when it tried to dodge it seemed to move it's legs with much trouble. The reason for this was actually it's own fault as constantly having so much weight on it from it's stone armor meant that it's muscles were strong but unable to expand and contract quickly.-

This let Alex return fire to devastating effect as the Tenshou balls burst on contact scorching and greatly damaging the elders skin and muscles. Zane wasn't idle either as he had ran under shara and was slashing away at it's front claws to try and bring it down. The best part though was a combination move that he did by slinger mounting the monster before sending it towards alex with an explosive slinger round to the face. Alex took this opportunity to viciously upper cut shara with both of his front claws clasped together and his back legs pushing him upwards as hard as he could.-

To say it was effective would be an understatement as shara's head snapped skyward and the rest of it's body soon followed suit as the momentum demanded. This left it's under belly vulnerable and coating his front claw with withering energy Alex haymaker's shara right in it's chest bone. The withering caused his claw to tear through the skin, bone and flesh with ease and Alex explodes a full burst of Tenshou directly inside the elders body shattering all of it's organs in an instant sealing it's fate.

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