Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

The dark street party will be open at least for now. The so-called “playing clubs” or collective gangs are mostly interesting in the glory of singing and dancing.

Therefore, even if there is already a plan in the heart of the Golden Boss, at this time, it is still necessary to consider the business.

The so-called business, that is, how to get the group of rioting alien monsters, and then the process of playing big boss.

This process now seems to be extremely difficult, and in the eyes of Jin Yu, there is actually only one contradiction point – the control of the spiritual contract.

As long as the antidote is at hand, even if he can become a dragon, he can also unite with everyone to fight him down.

So the first thing that Jin Yu did after he got home was to let Jia Wu and Bing Ding bring people Zhang Liangshan and Jin Qian back together. By the way, I would like to inform other people, and Jin Yu is back! ! When Zhang Liangshan and Jin Qian saw Jin Yu at the No. 138 singular beast shop, the former was excited and came forward with a bear hug, and then they used Jin Yu’s slap I took the back of Jin Yu and shouted in my mouth: “Ha ha ha! I know that you will have nothing to do! Let the big brother be scared to death, nothing is fine, nothing is fine!!” In Jin Yu, he felt that he was being When he was photographed, Yan Qinglin finally shot, and then the unscrupulous physician said with a look of relief: “It really is a scourge for thousands of years. The poison of origin has been poisoned and killed several important people. I have not studied it yet. Any detoxification clue, hey, you are still alive, I think that in fact, as long as you are in front of Fei Yuxi, there is the possibility of scaring him.

“I couldn’t help but turn a blind eye and pumped my mouth.” This probability is too small, and the chances of letting you and Xiaobai have a son are still small, or forget it.

Who told you these messy things, look for two of you to say something you should be clear.

“How is the antidote?” If he does not make him, he will feel that he is the great emperor.

Jin Yu looked at the live broadcast message broadcast on the screen at this time, and felt that the hand was a little cramped.

This guy is too owed to fight–[Do you think what I am doing is crazy and irrational? Do you think that I am killing innocent people and destroying peace? Do you think that the path I have insisted on is wrong? ! I tell you, since I dare to stand here and stand in front of you, then I firmly believe that I am correct! ! 】[What animal and human beings coexist peacefully? What human beings want to give their possessions to alien animals? Even crack the spirit contract! ! This is simply a slippery world! ! absurd! ! Human beings are the longest things of all things. From the moment we were born, we are doomed to trample all things in the world! ! All of this has been ruined by the mediocrity who is now greedy, fearful, and praying for stability. As the people of all things, can you endure all this? ! No matter how you think, but I can’t! ! 】 [So, I will use everything I have to change the ridiculous status quo, let everything return to normal, return to good.

And I also know that even if I do everything, the matter is still difficult and hindered! ! Therefore, I am here, as the first of the new human beings, invite you to have the same thoughts as me! Come to my side, let the world’s things surrender, let everything step on our feet! ! 】boom! One.

Jin Yu’s eyes looked at Zhang Liangshan’s hand and gave him a small square table of the golden jujube tree, and then he whispered: “It’s too bad!! What is he doing!!” “…big brother, you Excited to be excited, this small square table 100 gold coins, don’t forget to give me the money for a while.

“” Brother! When is this all the time! What is the money? That kid is obviously a man-made counter that wants to be restless! In this way, we are passive and will be entangled in our hands and feet.

Zhang Liangshan’s righteous words looked at Jin Yu, but in the latter’s contempt, after a while he couldn’t help but say: “I can’t change my home with you.”

“Jin Qian heard the amount of support,” I said, this is not important, what is the development of your antidote on the other side? Although I have a bit of a clue on this side, it seems to be a very troublesome thing.

“When I heard Jin Qian’s words, Zhang Liangshan looked positive and his face was not very good: “In fact, we have encountered some problems here, maybe exchange?” “But Jin Qian is shaking his head. “Forget it, I can basically guess where your problem lies.

And if we are all stuck here, I am afraid that things will be a little troublesome.

“Zhang Liangshan heard a frown.” We have one less trace element of the spiritual contract toxin, and this element is completely absent from the capital star and the five wild stars around it, dozens of large and small satellites.

Jin Qian heard a nod and a helpless smile on his face: “It is true that we know that this element is really there, and it can also suppress the toxins of the spiritual contract.”

Listening to the dialogue between the two men, Jin Yu’s brow is twisted into a beggar. Do you want to play such a riddle.

“Hey, is it an element on the earth before?” If it is, then it is not a problem.

Only Jin Qian and Zhang Liangshan shook their heads.

The former also added: “I have thought about this before, but I let Xiaodie go to detect it, it is not an element on earth.

If it must be said, it is determined by the information I had before, and it is an element of Pluto in the Earth’s solar system before the Cataclysm.

“I can’t help but smile.” But now even the earth is completely different from the previous ones. The solar system is gone. Where can we go to find the elements on Pluto? I also borrowed a set of astronomical equipment from Long Chang, and as a result, it was impossible to observe any planets around the earth. Except for the sun and the moon, of course, they all changed.

“If you hear Jin Qian, Jin Yu has nothing to say.”

The earth is still a miracle. If Pluto and the solar system are still there, it is a miracle… In this world where the Cataclysm did not bring God, miracles or something, don’t think about it.

“Where are the other wild stars around? Since the capital star is unusually similar to the Earth’s climate, there are also ten wild stars around it. Why don’t you go to other wild stars? Maybe there is!” What Jin Yu said after his speech was the same smile of Jin Qian and Zhang Liangshan.

Then the next sound was inserted: “The exploration of the first and second wild stars around us has caused us to suffer. The star-studded station has only been set up in the last ten years.

And the three stars of the Stars 3, 4, and 5, even if we want to explore, there is no such strength, not to mention the existence of the Three Emperors.

In addition to these five wild stars, the remaining five wild stars are almost the scorpio that human beings can’t get involved. Once the capital star organized a super power actor with S-class aliens and strength at fifteenth level to explore the wild star six. The result went to a total of ten different animals, twenty people, but only three people came back.

The three men died shortly after returning.

The remaining 17 people were confirmed to have 15 deaths, and the two were unknown.

Long Chang’s voice was low. While talking, he couldn’t help but look up at Yu Qinglin. After receiving the gaze of the person, the latter’s eyes were condensed, and the momentum of the whole body rose.

“…hey?” What happened? The atmosphere is obviously wrong.

“When did you know?” Long Chang couldn’t help but open his mouth. This is the secret that he and his grandfather had been grinding for a long time.

In the face of Long Changyi’s doubts, Yan Qinglin’s face can’t be black anymore. He didn’t say anything at all. He just saw Jin Yu’s face as a question, and he hated the opening: “I only know, The dead old man is the only super-five-level abilities in the last hundred years.

He disappeared three years before I was born.

When I heard the words of Yan Qinglin, Long Changxiao smiled and nodded. “You are right, this is quite easy to guess.”

Within a hundred years, the fifteen-level super powers have only twenty-five people, and half of these twenty-five people are the top ten family members.

“Isn’t that two of those who haven’t heard yet, there is Grandpa?” ! “Jin Yu looked at Yan Qinglin’s eyes and eyes, mother, ah, before I was still in my heart, where did the old guy die? Wouldn’t this guy really die in the wild star? Yu’s face knew what his partner was thinking, so he shook his head. “Not dead. This is the induction between the family’s blood. Although it is very weak, it is alive.

“If it is not sensed that this old and immortal is still alive, he was estimated to be directly killed by Yuan Jingya, instead of being left on the satellite by the brain wreck of nothing.”

After all, he is the blood of his family.

“Oh, since the old man is still alive, how can we stay like this?! Go to save people!!” In Jin Yu’s bones, it is quite a virtue of prehistoric human beings.

Yan Qinglin shook his head and nodded. “I also know that the dead man is in the wild star six today. Well, let’s go there tomorrow.”

Look for the old man, look for the detoxification element by the way.

“Jin Yuwen is just the head, but it is pulled by Long Changyu Jin Qian and Zhang Liangshan.”

“Golden brothers, there are too dangerous, and the twenty super powers are broken. How can we only let you and Qinglin go?” “Oh, the scourge of the millennium must be a scourge of self-knowledge, if the old birthday star hangs Who is looking for death, who is it?! “Yeah, brother, you and the boy can not be impulsive, now the capital star is still chaotic, we can’t even do the backup work, the adventure is still slow, etc. The world is peaceful again!” Listening to Zhang Liangshan’s words Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin looked at each other and then sighed and shook his head: “Big brother, what are you kidding, waiting for the world to be peaceful, it is estimated that the father is hanging, not good for the whole The capital stars have changed, what are you still slowing down? Hundreds of thousands of fires!!”

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