Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Although it is a matter of urgency to find the old man who has been missing for a long time, but it is really urgent to start doing it, if you don’t prepare anything, you will go to the Star of the Stars, and it’s no different from finding yourself dead. Although Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin are completely unclear about the dangers that exist in that place.

However, in the end, it is impossible to stand the alarm of Jin Qian and Long Changzheng, and honestly prepared all kinds of self-rescue equipment. Among them, the most gold is the variety of food, and the most of the belts are… This is really hard to say.

Anyway, summing up the sentence is that these things are completely unnecessary in the eyes of some people, but they are indispensable to some people.

Amount, don’t think about it, this is really pure.

After Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin brought the things on the belt, and a few white and white buns were ready, the two people joined the six animals on the second day and set foot on the journey.

When he left, Long Changyu gave Jin Yu a signal receiver. Although this thing is not necessarily useful, but it is better than nothing, maybe it can send a signal? In addition, Xiaobai and Huofeng and N are more than the remaining beasts of Jin Yu who expressed their extreme dissatisfaction before they set off, especially the guy of Xiaobai, whose dissatisfaction has been a lot of tiredness. The beasts were not controlled by themselves and went to various wall collisions. They almost even had the charm of the buns and the two blacks, and they burned themselves and died.

For this, the boss of Jinda knows that he always has to give a statement, so he can only go to Xiaobai’s side with a bitter face and deep hatred. “Little white, don’t be excited, don’t be excited! I really want to Take you with you, but you think, the ones I took away are basically in pairs except Xiaoxue and Xiaobao. The rest of the snow is mainly that it can fly, and Xiaobao this guy will change. Just two of them are spare emergency measures, plus they are single, so say… I need you to stay in the town! The group of old things, although one’s brain is good, but they are half-dead! There is more than enough power! And most of the powerful ones are very embarrassing. Besides you, the boss, I really can’t think of who should stay and see the site!” Hey! ! “Oh, do you say big white and Want Want?” Jin Yu looked at the two very calm nods: “You didn’t see the two of them next to the two who will only sell the murderer? I let them explore, how? Say you have to bring the two of the goods in the town? Otherwise, if the two of them are dead, I am not good at it.

“When Xiaobai heard Jin Yu, he couldn’t help but straighten his eyes. He dared to eat it. The reason is that “it is too normal” is not normal.! Can’t help but scratch the wall, Xiaobai feels very entangled – it If you commit the crime, it is too much to violate your own aesthetics, but if you don’t commit the crime, you have to leave the big army!! Nima II is still the same, this is a problem!! In the end, Xiaobai still has no courage to let himself and the buns two black down. It’s left to comfort yourself with the claws of the beasts of their own beasts. Look, at least the other half of the house is not a bit different, but also a good dish of burning! Just in Jinyu and Yan Qinglin At the same time, the spacecraft flew to the Stars 6 and Fei Yuxi also received the news. After all, the movement of the spacecraft was not small, and Fei Yuxi’s attention to Yu Qinglin was just in him. The second important position under the ambition, so, after more than a month of leisure, Fei Yuxi finally got a tail drawn by a whale.

The confidant next to him only saw that he was not afraid of anything. Recently, the limelight became more and more prosperous. Even if a big mountain sag was in front of him, the ‘leader’ would not be discolored. The color changed, and then silenced for more than ten minutes. Finally, I suddenly slammed the coffee table in front of me and let a set of precious utensils be broken into pieces.

“…this is absolutely impossible!” Fei Yu’s face was blue and green, and all of them were shaking.

He really can’t believe that even someone will live alive after the origin! ! That is the toxin that he has spent nearly a decade of hard work to extract from ancient eucalyptus. Why can someone be unaffected? At that time, he had already felt that the man was going to die, and the unicorn was going crazy! Moreover, even if this toxin is wrong, why is it wrong in the place where it should not be mistaken? ! The consequences of this are simply what he can’t afford.

Even now Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin did not find a door to settle accounts after the fall, but he still clearly felt at this moment, his neck was suddenly put on a sharp knife, just waiting for the opportunity, others took the knife Fall, and he is screaming.

Absolutely not! ! Fei Yuxi stood up fiercely, his great career just started, if he died at this time, it is the most sorrowful thing in the world! How many people are waiting for him and need his guidance? He must not sit still like this! As soon as you bite your teeth, you can kill you for the second time and the third time, until you kill you! ! Face to face collision with each other, his winning rate is not big, but the means of poisoning, he used from small to big! ! “Isn’t you found out who leaked the news?! Let’s find the strange animals you have found? Didn’t find it!!” The sound of the flying cymbals made the people around them shake. The air stagnate for a while before a confidant of Feiyuyu reported: “General, through the careful recall of everyone on that day, it seems that there is more than one person in the shadow guard, I don’t know how to mix it in, only However, we have basically found out the identity of the ‘person’.

“Fei Yu sings and raises his eyebrows, “Oh? “It should be the panda family named Xiaobao.”

It is one of the top ten beasts of Jin Yu, ranking not high, but it is very incomparable, and it is good at conspiracy, and we know that one of its main abilities is to ‘transform into anyone or its volume. The appearance of things that differ by a factor of three is just after the transformation, it can’t speak.

“” It is the past.

Fei Yu picked up his eyes.

“Hey, if this guy can talk, it’s about the same thing I want to find.”

So what about the beast? “Back to the general, the kind of beast that can completely simulate the transformation is extremely cherished. It is difficult to find in the present situation, but we caught a butterfly beast in a forest, plus the deformed beast, it should be able to reach you.” The same effect is required.

The deputy said, couldn’t help but look up at Fei Yuxi, who had no expression on his face, but there was always no anger.

“Continue to find, although this can basically survive, but what I want is foolproof. After ten days, it is the ranking of the top ten families. At that time, I need to be the king of the family under the witness of the top ten family leaders. If there is any slight error in the middle, all this will be abandoned. At that time, you will join me in the anger of burning the world!!” At this time, Fei Yu’s eyes are full of madness, although he is arrogant, But there is no madness to think that you can surrender to everyone by moving your fingers. The reason why he dares to do this is that except for those who are called taboos in their minds when they are born, the rest is The riot of the beast and the blood in his body.

Now using that knowledge, he has flattened almost all the occupants, and he has achieved a very high leading position with the riot of the beasts, and has received a lot of men.

Then the rest is to raise his existence to a point that is daunting, and let all those who oppose him shut up! ! After that, it will be the result he wants! ! He is too clear about human inferiority, whether you are right or not, as long as your strength is strong enough, everything can be taken for granted! ! The top ten family ranking conference will be the starting point for him to become a god, and also the brilliant beginning of his time! ! And what he has to do afterwards is to eliminate all the hidden dangers within ten days, even if it will be tired of people who should not be tired! “Would you like to go out to Hong Kong to go to the Stars? Whether you are looking for the old ones or looking for an element that is impossible to exist, I will let you go back!! The spaceship flies out but can’t come back too much, A lot of you guys!!”

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