Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Interrogation 2

"Do you think I would allow one of our brothers on the force to snitch on another? No!. You know kid? to me the Ncpd is my family, and I would do anything to protect it... anything!

So if your alleged attack by Mendez you have nothing..... so you can start talking or maybe I'll ask your girlfriend, If I turn off the cameras too and see if she tells as many jokes as you do."

When he named Jud, with that disgusting smile on the Detective's face, the mine was erased and I stared at Han, I'm not going to forget what this shit said, about.... jud.

"I'd like to see you try, she wouldn't back down against a corrupt pig like you, don't underestimate her old man, Jud will make the same jokes I would make with you. Besides, fuck you!, the screaming that Mendez was doing, got the attention of the people in the nearby flats who came out to see what was going on, don't make me talk to the people who were walking down the street, I'm sure some of them recorded what-"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA do you think so kid? that's where your security comes from? from a stranger who recorded what happened?"

"HAHAHAHAHAAH you're a funny kid I'll give you that, HAHAHAHAHA kid let me take you out of your fucking wonderland world you live in, this is Night City!"

"Do you think these people would refuse to turn over their videos or rectify their testimony if an Ncpd officer said the right words with the right tone? explaining to them what opposing the Ncpd would let them accomplish, do you think the corps members would pass up evidence that would put the entire Ncpd and their brethren on the spot?"

As Han finished his villainous monologue about how the Ncpd does whatever the Hell it wants someone opened the door to the room and spoke.

"I think you speak too much...Detective Han and before you act like a thug please make sure the next room is clear. If you would be so kind as to step away and stop talking to my client with that tone, I would be very grateful, besides this whole conversation is off the record, what you are doing is a crime, detective.

I have already processed a criminal complaint against `one of your Ncpd brothers, Police Officer Mendez along with the entire institution that represents the Ncpd for attempted homicide and police brutality by one of your ``Ncpd family'' members to my client.

So please do me a favor and keep talking about your cover-up of evidence along with your threats to my client and witnesses, I beg you, let everything I am recording since you turned off the microphone and cameras, help me to win another lawsuit against the Ncpd"

With what he said The man who entered the interrogation room, who was wearing an elegant 3-piece suit, dark purple with fine lines on his suit of the same purple color, but darker, with a black shirt and tie, seemed to wear a Neo-Kitsch style but `more classy and less flashy ♪´.

With his hair slicked back, with cyberware in his eyes and face, but not too noticeable or lush metals in them, giving overall, an Elegant and Chromed feel, but without being too pompous.

A smile formed in my mind as I thought, 'so you're already here eh'.

"Who the fuck are you? And where the fuck is Ward? I told him to keep an eye out for anyone coming in?"

"Detective Han, I am the personal attorney for my client Sora Inuzuka, becoming his representative and advisor in his legal problems, I am a member and senior partner of `Spencer & Litt attorneys. "

"Nice to meet you I'm Harvey Spencer, here is the copy of the lawsuit." Harvey said as he handed a pad to Detective Han.

When Spencer introduced himself to Detective Han, Han was surprised.

Because of who Spencer is and what the hell was doing the senior partner of `Spencer & Litt' one of the top 3 law firms in Nc, representing me.

Also, one of the 3 most expensive .... Harvey that fucker charges 0.80 Cent of Edis per second. paying 48 ED per minute, coming to 2880 fucking EURODOLLARS per hour...that bastard.... made me count every second he was in this room so I know how much his stabbing is going to cost me when this is all over.

26...27....28....29 (Sora counting)

Although he almost made his salary worth it. When he can get Han's face to twitch and cloud over, as he read the copy of the complaint Harvey had just given him.

"As you can see" Harvey said as he pulled a semi-spherical object out of his jacket it looks like a portable holographic player, and when he turned it on a video popped up.

"In the video, I also attached the demand that I have given you. Recorded by a witness who was passing by the area alerted by the screams generated by your.... `brother´ agent Mendez, in the video you can see how the agent screams grabbing his head, demonstrating insane and erratic behavior.

Just stopping screaming, to immediately hit his partner and shoot my client.... that unpredictable and reprehensible behavior of one of the people in charge of protecting this city don't you think Detective Han, or was it his family too?"

41....42....43.....45....46 (Sora still counting how much his lawyer is going to cost him)

Said Harvey to a visibly upset Detective Han, which I was glad to see, but I was staring at the video (while still counting), which cut off just as Mendez's gun went off, plus he was keeping his back to the camera that was recording him and you couldn't see his possessed green eyes, nor could my response to the shots, plus when the green eyes possessed Mendez most of the lights overloaded covering Jud and me mostly in the dark, I imagine the Ncpd couldn't see my response at all either because of how dark it was where we were.

"Wait, how the hell did you get this video? we talked to all the witnesses and 'recovered' all the evidence, this video may have been tricked no judge will accept it without knowing where it came from, or the original digital evidence proving the time and location of the video."

"In the face of that disgusting display of corruption Detective Han, I can do nothing, without going on a crusade against the entire system, but I can give you source information of the video along with the identity of its owners, who bought this video as fast as it was uploaded to HIS platform, making it their property and out of your overpriced reach Detective."

Harvey said as he paused before responding, shit fucker I don't pay you to be dramatic, talk fast enough bastard ...1:16...1:17....1:18....1:19.... My Edis I notice them burning every second.

"They are also the ones who pay my fees to represent Sora so you can stop counting, the bill won't come to you."


" NICE!!! ¡¡FUCK THAT'S AWESOME, FUCK YOU HAN!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha" With that Harvey said I exploded with happiness, also knowing who had bought the video and paid Harvey, the same ones who presented it to me to prepare a legal document, when I wanted to release all my songs to the public domain, but wanted to shield them from being used by corporations, well all but one...

"The ones that have contacted me and bought possession of the video, which I personally would like to see you try to threaten them into handing it over, as I know you are planning to do, Detective Han.

It is the Cyglee Corporation, the owner of the net search engine with the same name along with the Cybertube platform."

"WHAT!!! What the hell is the Cyglee Mega-Corp doing interested in this, this, THIS freakin' PUNK!"

"Also, as Sora said, it looks like your new leash has already been announced, apparently Arasaka marketing has also been signed up to advertise the show made by my client, announcing along with NC's outreach the donation of 15 patrol cars, with a dozen of Arasaka's Tanken drones.

So if you're done processing everything I've said. You're not going to get any confessions tonight and if the department wants to take it to trial, so be it, with everything I have recorded today, I can win all the cases I want to you, Detective."



Hearing that scream and guessing who had made it I turned to Harvey who had also been startled by the sudden scream and asked him.

"Hey Harv Harv, quick, are the cameras still off?"


"Tell me quick fuck, are the cameras still off, another thing are you sure about what you said about always beating this bastard?"

"The cameras in the room are off on the detective's side, the only ones recording is the ones on my eye implants.

And as for whether I'm sure, of course I'm, you haven't heard the idiot as he's banging on about eliminating evidence and coercing witnesses so, yes I'm pretty sure, but why do you ask-?"


"AAAAHHH fuck that hurts," I said as I broke my nose against the table leaving shocked Detective Han and Attorney Harvey surprised by my actions that seemed unpredictable, but I had two reasons!

The First;

PAAK(door opening with force).


"OJIICHAN!!!! Good thing you're here" I said as I threw myself with open arms to my grandfather.

"Ojiichan I-I I'm so sorry, I was scared the de-de-detective turned off the cameras, the room mics and started hitting me Ojiichan thank goodness you've arrived, I-I-I-I don't know how much more I could have taken his blows"

"YOUUUU BASTARD!!! what have you done to my grandson!"

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