Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


When I regained consciousness I was in a patrol car in handcuffs with Judy next to me also in handcuffs.

Taking us to the now.

Where I was in an interrogation room still feeling like crap about what my body had been through.... to find out that I have something inside me...possibly an AI....but I don't know I an AI?

Tch if I'm an AI I might have had cooler memories I don't know, replicant type stuff;

-I've seen things you people wouldn't believe-

-Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion-

-I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate-

-All those moments will be lost in time-

-like tears in rain-

Something cool like that, not like the shit I got as a sick bastard half my life, when I thought about my former life, for the first time with some joy. As it made me doubt my theory that I am an AI, that someone would have been such a bastard to give me that kind of backstory.

Apart from the other obvious things that break my theory a bit like; the Cyberpunk videogame, the anime, as well as all the songs I have uploaded like Jackie, that if I had really existed behind the black-wall some of the songs would have some physical copy that would have survived.

Thinking about all that.... I came to an idea; why I cares what I am? .... it's still me, and if it's not me I haven't noticed it either.

It would be like the case of teleportation, is the Human that has been destroyed on one side and reconstructed on the other side is still the same person? If the person is not aware that he is not the original one, could it be said that he is not?

Conclusion; I don't give a crap, and if I were, I just had to close my eyes and remember how I feel.

I remembered kissing Judy and knowing what it's like to be in love for the first time in my life.

I remembered when we jumped off the bridge and know what it's like to be excited to do some crazy shit.

I remembered when I deflected those 3 bullets with a single sword movement, how happy I was when think that I wouldn't die a virgin again and how my heart was beating for that unknown feeling for me.... the thrill of combat and surviving it, the face the green eyes made when I almost had him....

That for some strange reason..... wanted more, that almost intoxicating feeling I felt as I followed the holographic lines making my sword turn into water... was... FUCKING AWESOME.

I am happy, human or AI I don't care. Even if you tell me I'm the CEO of Militech I'd still sweat it and I wouldn't change the way I think.....Well, I would have a great time as CEO of Militech, thinking about all the toys they keep `Gaahgahgaah' makes my mouth water, but I wouldn't change who I am, as long as I'm me, I'm Sora and the rest doesn't matter.

When I was thinking all that nonsense in my head, someone spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sora Inuzuka, 14 years old, born February 24, 2055, son of Tsume and Akio Inuzuka who died in the same year, in Japan in a traffic accident, in which you were the only survivor, leaving you an orphan when you were only two months old, becoming the only heir of the old Inuzuka family famous since the Japanese Edo period known as `warrior dogs'.

With custody given to the next of kin, that would be your great aunt, your only living relative. Mrs. Aoi Hakate and her husband Musashi Hakate.

That when they were given custody of you, they moved from Japan to Night City, where at the age of 3 years you passed the civil registration as a citizen of Night City and in turn of The New United States of America (NUSA)."


I whistled impressed by everything the detective had said in front of me.

That is my story of my family and my birth.... in the papers.

This is one of the few secrets of my birth and my identity that the grandparents told me.

Apparently Tsume and Akio really were Aoi's relatives that they had in an accident with their 2 month old son in a car, in which all 3 really died, but according to the grandfather, when my mother found out, according to him.

She changed the official accident report to make believe that the baby in the car was the only survivor, which my mother used as an opportunity in that tragedy for me to take his identity.

"Impressive summary"

Clap! Clap!

Clap! Clap!

"BRAVO! detective, dont call that for nothing didn't you detective.....? whatever then... don't know how there are so many unsolved homicides in the city?, if all the detectives were like you detective `whatever'"

" Kid!!! You think this is a game, 10 cars fucked up with your water cannon antics plus 3 more with the car's electrical system smashed to smithereens along with 12 drones for the dragnet because of your illegal EMP grenades, over 23 holographic billboards destroyed... 18 cops injured from broken arms to cyberware malfunctioning in their software from exposure to the EMP grenades you threw...

Tell me boy... how long do you want to be locked up in juvenile hall?... do you know how much the drones you destroyed cost? Do you know how much the damage you've done amounts to?"

"They were Griffin drones from Militech so they would be pretty expensive" I responded to the rhetorical question from the man in front of me and continued.

"You know what? let me think about it for a second okay? These things have always appealed to me"

"Let's see it was 10 Ncpd cars that how much could cost fully equipped 40 to 60k or so...along with the 12 drones that cost quite a bit more than the patrol cars that would be 80 to 90k per drone, with wiring and billboards the sum would be close to..... 1,790,000 Ed, which would be way more than your salary over several decades detective, tell me did I get it right have I been close? or did I overdo it? Or maybe?.....

"Did I get it right?! didn't I? If it is, tell me and don't laugh at me, I did it, didn't I? ¡¡¡¡Don't tell me I got IT? I... got..... got... THE RIGHT PRICE!!!! FUCK!!!Yeah!!!!

"WAAA!!! I knew it, I knew it, I had it right!, when I tell Aoi-obasan she will be so happy, she always loves it when we watch that show together, I think the student has surpassed the master, grandma!!!!!"



"You think you're funny kid?"

"Well you have your days, some days you are funnier than others, but it's the attitude that matters, not the joke `per se'."

"Do yourself a favor kid, stop your bullshit and start talking tell me where did you get the grenades? You can only get them on the black markup, so tell me who your seller is, so we can clear the streets of people who would sell this kind of hardware to a kid?"

"I ALREADY TOLD YOUR PARTNER who went crazy... I think you have the wrong person... I'm just a shy Asian guy...pffhahahahaha.... Sorry detective, the price thing from before I was just saying that because you brought it up I have no idea who or how someone did all that wrecking.

Whoever it was they are a bunch of..... animals!! nothing more than animals!!!, good thing there are you guys keeping the `streets clean', have you considered installing water cannons on the patrol cars?! I hear they are great and would help you guys clean up the streets pffhahhahhahahahahahahaa"

Continue laughing at the detective in front of me who already I knew who is from the Cyberpunk game was Harold Han, River Ward's let's call him a pragmatist partner.

"Well as I was saying detective Han, you've got the wrong person I was addressing a ma-ma-math class Phahahahhahahahaha"

I stopped to wipe away a tear as I laughed at my own foolishness...when.

BAMM!(slapped my hand against the table).

"Do you KID think this is a game? Do you think just because you play dumb and tell jokes you'll walk out of here like it's nothing? Do you really think your actions have no consequence or what KID? Or that all the expenses of what happened and the people who got hurt you're not going to pay for?"

"Harold, let's speak of your proud Ncpd members shot at me and my .... girlfriend we were unarmed and you might believe I fucking blow Arasaka HQ, until I have a TRIAL your suspicions and proof you shove it up your ass asshole."

"We are unarmed and do not resist arrest. At best I am an alleged suspect and also VICTIM of the attempted murder of the pig of your partner who tried to KILL us. DETECTIVE, I believe that on the crime severity scale, attempted homicide is higher than vandalism, sooo

Go eat it to the mayor! or something like that and leave me in peace, Fuck! "

"Besides, as for the damages...Shouldn't you thank me? now you would have brand new patrol cars from some corporation that will make a 'donation' like a master buys a new collar for his dog.... so towards your question about the damages, I don't give a damn... as for the damages of the cops... Tch, don't make me laugh, I gave all them an excuse to take the leave..."

"You really think that just your testimony and your girl's testimony about Mendez's attack gives you a free pass to get out of this one?

Let me broke the fucking bubble you live in. There is no evidence to prove your version that Mendez went crazy and opened fire on you, The gun that went off possibly malfunctioned ... as for Barry's testimony."

Detective Han stopped talking when he said that and touched a button on his side of the table, turning off the mic that was set up in the centre of the table, with the cameras in the room as well.

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