Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Kuraudo 2

[Hanako Pov]

"Y-Yes Hanako-sama" When I heard Oda's answer with some panic in it, I turned my gaze out of the window, Trying to control my still overflowing emotions, but at least more stable, than when I got the emergency notice of Sora's condition.....

When it happened.....

I could barely think, everything in my head had been frozen, leaving only worry and fear for my son's life... let's say that even, I could say that had reached Dangerous levels.....

Even in that state I did everything I could to hide them so they wouldn't be noticed, but failing, apparently because of Oda's state. Even now that, that the danger towards Sora's life, had been solved, calming me down, he answered me with some panic in his voice....

But back to Sora....What happened, what happened after Sora's trace was lost since Av was recording him?

What the hell happened to my son after his madness of jumping off the bridge?

When I saw that, how my son jumped from the top of the NC bridge, singing and screaming as the cameras recorded him.... I almost had a heart attack from the nonsense that kid was doing, good thing his face was covered, doesn't he realize how dangerous the nonsense he was doing is?


A part of me was happy, seeing my son with his `friend' ..... seeing him happy, seeing him behaving like this.....Free and carefree, doing things that a normal person wouldn't even think of doing...

The Sora I had seen on tv.... was brazen and enjoyed his freedom while doing whatever he wanted.... even though in the process I wanted to kill him myself.

Thinking of Sora, I had to control myself from smiling even in my current state.

Of which I am better after receiving the notice that Sora's nanobotic activity had returned to normal and was starting to repair the damage generated by the Nanobots' own overloading of Sora's body in order to make him survive whatever happened... that put the life in danger... of..... MY SON!

The same system that informs me and monitors all the data of Sora's activated Nanobotics 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and almost drove me to madness when it informed me of the emergency that Sora was going through, in order for his nanobots behave like that, for him to behave like that.

So what had endangered my son, so that he had to participate earlier than agreed?

Did they find HIM?

That's why I need Project Kuraudo to move ahead of schedule.... thinking about Project Kuraudo, I remembered something and turned back to the nervous Oda, who when he saw me looking at him again almost seemed to jump out of his seat a little...Weak men.... this is the one in charge of my security?

"Ahmmm" I sighed at the thought of that.

"Oda about Kushinada, the girl who was the only one who managed to escape, in the breakout attempt, did you manage to get my message to her?"

"N-no!!!, Hanako-Sama, we managed to find her a few days after the escape took place, but, she attacked us at first sight, hacking us in the process and escaping.... We couldn't make the message get through, I'm Very Sorry Hanako-SAMA!"

Answered Oda to my question almost shouting at the end, for the failure of the mission that I entrusted them, to get a message to that girl... In the message I apologized to her for what had happened, as well as a generous remuneration in Eurodaloras, as well as a job application, not for Arasaka, but, for me personally.

I wanted her to go to NC, I would give her funds to live there, in addition to what I had already given her, while reporting for me, About Sora.

That from the looks of it Musashi-san and Aoi-san are not enough to control that child. They don't seem to me to be aware of all the secrets that boy hides....I doubt that they even know that Sora, their beloved grandson, is the famous Jackie that even here in Japan, they sound his songs on the radio...

Thinking about the failure to get in touch with Lucyna Kushinada, it made me wonder where she might be now...?

Let it be what fate decides..... I just hope that girl can be happy after all the pain my family has done to her..... to all those kids they used and died...just a little older than my Sora... Making me even more repulsed of my name, more than I already am.....

Making me avoid, fear and yearn at the same time to meet Sora face to face... when at last, we meet as Mother and Child.

What will he say when he finds out that I am an Arasaka? And in turn he too. Will he feel responsible for the darkness of that name like me? Will it make him change like it happened to me? If Sora finds out that he is an Arasaka will he change? Could finding out that he is an Arasaka be something that would drag down my son's freedom that he lives with, taking away his smile in the process?

What makes us live with a mask on our faces to always hide what we are and what we feel, in order to survive in this dark and cold world, which is the corporate world .... or maybe he finds another answer to the shackles that can become an Arasaka?




Without an answer to all those questions that plagued my mind, making me want to know my son but at the same time I wanted to hide so that he would never know who I am...

I was speaking again, to get out of that black hole that is Sora for me in my mind, a bottomless pit for my worries, but also the biggest source of joy in my life, just knowing he is alive and safe. happy and free.....

"Oda I want you to hide as much as you can the data we have in the network about Lucyna, it is safer to hide it than to erase it, that would draw too much attention, `of the why? and the who? ', she has erased something inside the corporation's network.

Arasaka has already made her suffer enough, I want her to no longer feel that she is being pursued by the megacorp."

"As you ordered, Hanako-Sama, Hanako-Sama" said Oda, as I turned my head towards the window....Thinking for a second, before I got sucked into the black hole of my mind.

`Where will Lucyna be?'

Next thing I started thinking about Sora again, and after a while something occurred to me and I turned to Oda.

"One more thing Oda.... contact the Marketing section of the Corporation I want them to take care of a certain event and make a generous donation as a publicity act....."


[L̶u̶c̶c̶y̶n̶a̶, Lucy Pov]


(Shortly before the EMP grenades exploded).


"RUN" Kiwi said, within seconds of a fire truck bursting with blaring music into District Zero.

Without time to ask for explanations to a Kiwi who after saying that word ran away without looking back...following her...reminding me myself when I escaped from.... Arasaka.

After a few seconds following Kiwi who was running as if escaping from something, it could be heard.






"Ahg! How fucking disgusting...that's why I told you to run....fuck!"

Said kiwii, in a serene voice with almost metallic tone in it, even when she was pissed, by...


Because of the effects of the EMP Pulse, creating interference in our Cyberware.....especially with our Interface to connect to the Net.

"Tch, that fucking punk, fucking bastard... where did a kid get EMP grenades.....Shit, I can only think of `Welcome to Night City, where even the fucking kids carry EMP grenades, and go FUCKING with the Ncpd'

I still don't know how he figured it out, but we have to be thankful... if it wasn't for his warning...we could have ended up in a Scavengers lair.... Geeez!, it gives you goosebumps just thinking about it..."

"What warning are you talking about?" I asked because I hadn't seen anything other than the show those two guys who looked to be about my age were putting on.

Climbing on a fire truck with the Ncpd chasing them, with music playing through the PA of the truck. As they laughed with their masks with animated lights.... that I liked... I wanted one!

I could only stare at the guy on top of the truck..... who looked at me.... as if he knew who I was, as if he knew me, which scared me thinking how could this guy know me? Arasaka leaked my information to hunt me? But in the look of the boy..... there was surprise and joy when he looked at me.... to change to one of sadness... making me puzzled about how that boy knows me.....

"Haven't you noticed? The kid who was up on the truck, when he got to district Zero, and saw us..... knew we were netrunners and purposely showed us the EMP grenades he had stashed in his jacket..... as if it was a warning for us to get the hell out of there... what a kid, didn't you notice Lucyna?"

"He did that?! And you don't call me LucyNA!"

So he also knows that Kiwi is a netrunner? Who the hell is this kid that knows who are we?

"Yes he did ... you're already better Lucy?"

"Yeah where are we going now?"

"You go find a house or somewhere to spend the night, you're still too young to work as a Merc at least until you turn 16, I'm going to the Bar where the Mercs hang out, see if I can find some work."

"Ok. I will let you know when I have a place to stay."

As I said goodbye to Kiwi, I was moving around the city until I ended up watching a shuttle take off from the Nc Spaceport, watching an incipient Moon in the orange Night City sky.... remembering the folks I left behind... all those who died while we were on the old net..... as I thought about all those things I remembered the guy in the fire truck again. ..... and the expression he was making even with half of his face covered... was an expression I had never seen on any of us who grew up on that base..... as I watched the shuttle climb into the sky.... finally staring at the sky..... making me think that .... 'I wish I could live my life with that kind of expression on my face too...'.

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