Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


They came from my eyes, my eyes shone like Mendez's, but in light blue.






The sound of the falling drops made me react by bringing my hand to my nose, which was bleeding heavily. Giving me the feeling that this was my limit.

When I realized that my nose was bleeding I noticed that my body had several small wounds, almost like cuts, from the shots of this thing, which I couldn't totally dodge.

Suddenly when I was checking the state of my body...I felt all the strength leaving me.... making me lose the strength of my legs as well.

Gritting my teeth as much as I could to squeeze my will and make my legs I wouldn't fall down

I ended up kneeling in front of Green Eyes Mendez who upon seeing this recovered his smile, seeing that I had come out of my possessed state...while I lost all my strength, using all my will I had left to stay conscious, while I am kneeling with my sword leaning on the ground to help me not to fall....

"HIIIIIIIIII thattt surpriseddd meeeeee.

"NoOoOo Worryyysss I won't tellll theee otherssss thatt you'reeee stilllll aliveeeee!

"Buttt thisssss THIS carbon cluster, this HUMAN... DIE! NOW!


Said the green eyed being, as he raised his gun, making me notice the cold barrel of a gun on my forehead, cooling it a bit from the high temperature I felt in my head and all over my weakened body.

But without changing neither my look wanting to kill the being, nor my smile of having enjoyed this short life while living it without remorse, well almost..... some of them had.....


Shouted Judy, who was up running towards me, seeing how they had me with a gun pointed at my forehead....

`Sorry Judy' I thought again in what I believed were my last in the end I'm going to die a .... again eh!




Judy's Pov


What the fuck is that? I thought as I watched the lights overload and the asshole who was insulting my Sora and behaving aggressively, screaming while grabbing his head like a madman.

When he stopped screaming .... he changed as if he had another personality or something like that, lighting up his eyes in the process, when he changed he made a creepy smile towards us, that reminded me of the silly story that Sora told me about how in his previous life he had seen a man-bat or something like that fight against a crazy clown in a city as dangerous as NC.

When he told me things like that I didn't pay attention to him, because of how silly he seemed to me.... but that thing that looked at us... was scary.

Thing I had sworn to myself, not to let it control me anymore, but looking at that thing....didn't seem human to me.

When that thing smiled towards us .... No, he was smiling and looking at, Sora while he was in front of me, as if protecting me from that thing that had possessed the cop.

The cop with green eyes started to move his mouth as if he was shouting with sick joy towards us-...towards Sora... but without being able to hear anything he said, as if no sound was generated from his mouth.

Before I knew it, Sora pulled out a small sword that in an instant expanded into a black sword.

When he did that I could see Sora serious as I have never seen him before....he looked like he was scared for the cop with green eyes, as if he knew what was happening to the cop who moved his mouth without speaking anything only making it more terrifying.

Can Sora hear what he is saying?

When I thought that, I could only see the cop open fire on us, not even giving me time to scream, I could only see his arm turn into a blur and the sound of gunshots, at what I thought we were going to die, before I felt pain, I saw one thing before the gunshots came.

When the cop's gun fired, almost at the same time Sora turned to me, I could see his face...Sora had a look of concern for my well-being, but on his face also was a smile no less terrifying than that of the green-eyed cop.

Only being able to think with worry what was happening to Sora before we were hit by bullets possibly killing us,

Sora had black eyes, even the Sclera, and his iris had a bright blue circle, making them look almost demonic.....but beautiful at the same time, the light blue color shining in Sora's eyes was as blue as the sky and the expression in his eyes, his look was one of concern towards me, as if I was his first priority something that even in these desperate moments...made my heart pound when I noticed it.

And the part that scared me. And I thought it was like that of the cop who shot us, it was the same smile....NO! Sora's was similar, but it was different, it was more aggressive full of violent intentions, but, just as maniacal as the cop's, it didn't match Sora's face, reminding me of a predator or a beast.

When I thought all of that.... A little surprised at how much my brain had processed in such a short time before the bullets came.


I watched as Sora disappeared from my sight and when I realized again I was lying on the ground looking at an looking at the orange sky already darkened with the last lights of the day fading away.





I turned without knowing what had happened to end up lying on the ground without feeling anything without feeling any pain, towards where that noise came from that sound that seemed to me like, to metal clashing rapidly ...

I was speechless because of what I saw.... Sora was moving with his sword as if he was dancing while spinning on his body making his limbs become blurry in the process, while with his sword that seemed stuck to his hand by the movements he was making, making me be hypnotized watching him....dancing with the sword?

Sora's sword moves seemed like a water current.... as if its cuts were the current with Sora in the middle generating it, reminding me of when the underwater explosion generated those same currents that reminded me of Sora's sword movements, pushing us into the depths, but in this case saving us of the bullets as they softly touching Sora's sword making them deflect, Sora's arm movements were so fast I couldn't see them, his legs and arms became blurs as they moved. ..... leaving a smiling Sora in the process, but with a less terrifying smile as if it had blended with his usual... creating one that, while still Maniacal....but... looked like.... was having a good time even now!!!! when a few moments ago he seemed to be scared.

When I thought that Sora had finished his sword sequence reflecting or dodging almost untouched, he had several wounds on his arms and one on his face below his eye.

When Sora came face to face with the green-eyed cop who seemed surprised to the point of erasing his creepy smile, suddenly Sora put a hand to his nose, collapsing shortly after doing so, as if all his energy had left him, forcing himself not to fall, sticking his sword into the ground, to end up on his knees in front of the green-eyed who had grown a smile again when he saw Sora's state.

Before I knew it I was already on my feet once again running while I screamed and saw how the green-eyed cop moved his mouth again without noise and put the gun on Sora's forehead...My SORA!



As I shouted that, I saw something raise an arm high in the air with its gun in his hand, behind the green-eyed policeman, which made me fill with joy and hope.


Pov of Sora



thought those last words I waited for the sound of the gunshot.


BAK!(Gun buttstock)

Only to be surprised by the person who just saved my life by regaining consciousness.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM, YOU CRAZY SON OF A BITCH! I'm going to have you thrown off the force for this, BASTARD!"

Barry who had regained consciousness and he was the one who butted the possessed Méndez with his pistol, causing him to lose consciousness as his green eyes green eyes were turned off/disconnected.

With this AMAZING intervention by Barry, saving my life, I was able to think about everything that Being had said, as I noticing how I was losing my consciousness, relaxing my mouth which I had clenched like a rabid dog, so I could squeeze out all the will I had left, which I felt dissolving, along with my consciousness, but still smiling as I saw Judy running towards me while screaming something I couldn't hear, with tears in her eyes on her face worried, made me remember something....


I laughed, `Yeah.... I'm not going to die a virgin. ' I thought before fainting, in Judy's embrace, that I unconsciously clenched my mouth/will again to wait for her to come.


Oda's Pov


I Sandayu Oda of 37 years of age, with 19 years of battle experience, I was afraid.

I was afraid of the woman in front of me who had ordered us to go back to the car, leave the guard and return as fast as we can to her private residence, Hanako-sama's residence.

I was afraid because of the expression Hanako-sama was making, which outwardly looked like the same icy face as when she ordered us out of the car.

But if you kept close to her in an enclosed space, like inside a car like the one we were in, for a while you could notice that there was something a worry or obsession that she was trying to hide, that seemed to terrify her, adding a sense..... of madness to the icy expression that Hanako-Sama was keeping as if it was a mask to hide her true feelings, but that she couldn't hide completely making it leak out mixing with her icy mask..... creating one that was frightening.

Just as i was thinking that, Hanako-sama, had another change again, triggered by what seemed like some kind of message she received, which made her calm down again, as if the worst possible outcome of whatever was troubling her, had been resolved in her favor.

Appeasing Hanako-Sama who started looking out the window without looking at me, returned only with her serious and icy expression, which only made my skin crawl and asked me without taking her gaze away from the window.

"Oda, how is the `Kuraudo' project going?"

When Hanako-Sama asked me that, I remembered and thought of an answer that the current Hanako-Sama could accept.

The Kuraudo Project, is a secret project of Hanako-Sama, when apparently according to her, she received some information from another project about the extraction of secret information from the Old network, by Arasaka, using 13 children who had been raised to be Netrunners, for that project.

Something that when Hanako-Sama found out she ordered us to stop without fail, without inform us where she had gotten the information, from a Project that was in the shadows of the company.

That Hanako-Sama ordered us to investigate so that we could stop it.

We found out that there was no data in the company's administrative network and no update on the status of the project, there was no record of who had authored or financed the project, leaving only very few people within Arasaka, who could create that kind of project in the shadows without anyone asking or without leaking information...Only someone with the same level of power or higher than Hanako-Sama, could create that kind of project hidden from the eyes of everyone in the corporation.

When we finally found where the project was being carried out to stop it on orders from Hanako-Sama by killing anyone who resisted in the process, 'no mercy to those kind of humans' were Hanako-Sama's words.

When we arrived there was an escape attempt from the base, by the 6 surviving out of the 13 children that initially made up the project, to extract information from the Old Net, with all the dangers that entails.

Which 7 of the children had to pay for with their lives.

Of the 6 surviving, who were trying to escape, only one made it, leaving his teammates injured or dead without looking back.

When we cleared the base of hostiles who opposed Hanako-Sama's orders, we found the remaining 5 children had been seriously wounded and were barely alive when we found them.

We informed Hanako-Sama, she ordered us to save these children barely conscious or dying, at all costs, from which we were able to save 4 of the 5 children, who had tried to escape, 2 girls and 2 boys, which Hanako-Sama took under her wing and healed them, protecting them in the process.

Creating the Kuraudo or Cloud project.

Ordering us to instruct them as soldiers and bodyguards as well as education as assistants.

Making me wonder if Hanako-Sama wants these children to be some kind of unit to protect her in the future?

"The children are learning well Hanako-Sama in five more years no doubt they will become, one of the best undercover units in Arasaka, Hanako-Sama-"

"You have 3 years more."

Replied Hanako-Sama almost interrupting my sentence about the status of the Kuraudo project.

"Excuse me Hanaka-Sama? But what do you mean?"

I replied understanding perfectly what Hanako-Sama meant, but still I didn't understand why the sudden rush.

"I want those children to be among the best in 3 years, not one more, not one less" Hanako-Sama said slowly and calmly, but feeling a lot of restrained emotions in her tone, while moving her head, which looked out of the window for the first time since she spoke to me.

"Did you understand me Oda?!" staring at me as she said with her icy serious face making me....

"Y-YES Hanako-sama" saying in panic and with some pity for those 4 brats who think of Hanako-Sama as a protective and loving savior/mother to them. Making me think, `You don't know how wrong you are brats! ' as I imagine the kind of hellish training those 4 are going to be put through in order to please Hanako-Sama's orders.

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