Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


[Ishii Pov]

Shit.... if I get caught that with my Arasaka Yukimura I could be in trouble, I even bought and installed some Kiroshi Optics with Target Analysis, along with a Tiger claw dermal print tattoo on my forearm to use as a Smart Link, so I can use Smart Weapons.

Although the supervisors can't frisk me without the testimony of a student, and needless to say most students wouldn't dare raise their heads to me, much less have the balls to testify against me, the only problem is the Mini-Bitches and that little shit Sora.

Some supervisors years ago abused their authority, by frisking students abusing them while doing so, doing touching and stuff like that, thanks to complaints from students and parents, Supervisors from then on can't Frisk students without another student's testimony about some illegal substance/object.

hehehe blessed perverts, but I understand them, when I see the faces of the newcomers... I..... Now I also understand Kazuo, my old fencing teacher, when he did what he did...I would have done it too...I don't hold so much grudge to that old man anymore after all he taught me this way.... but I would have killed him anyway.

The only problem is those wannabe whores, from the Mini-Mox.... if I get kicked out of high school because of the Mox... tarnishing the name of the Tigers because of those whores.... father.... I don't know what he would be capable of doing to me, but I know..... I would never forget it.

I have always hated Father, he has always been impassive to everyone including his family only caring about the Tiger claws, the institution, not its members, he couldn't care less if they live or die, he accepted no excuses and all mistakes he made each of them pay with his fingers... if they had failed too much or their failure was too great and they had no fingers left to pay for them, they would pay with those of their family members and if their failure was irreparable with their lives.

Nor did he care about his family even when the only light in my life died he didn't care. I still remember when I told him that my mother had died when I was 7 years old `` a pity Hiroko was one of the good ones..... she always put up with more than the other whores, wahahahaah'' the only thing I could think after hearing my father call my recently deceased mother a whore was.... my mother's name was Hikari... even he didn't remember the name of the woman who gave birth to me, I was surprised, how little my father cared about us. When I realized that, something inside me snapped.

I hated Shiro Shigeo, my father, the leader of the Tiger Claws, but if I managed to kill him, it would currently do no good, I could not inherit his power and control over the Tigers, I have to wait to steal everything he has, like his ace up his sleeve, that he is so proud of, I had already managed to steal his startup and user code, I just need to keep it up and be patient, when I am sure I have stolen everything he cares about..... then I can kill him. I already have it figured out how and everything!, in front of his men while they watch, without moving an inch showing my father that, just like he doesn't care about his men, his men don't care who his boss is.....hehehehehehehe

Even at the worst moment in life, after my mother's death when my 12 year old self told him one night about ... how his right hand man Kazuo Taoka, my supposed fencing master .... had abused me, he just laughed and kept drinking, surprised because he thought Kazuo liked that stuff, as for me all he said was 'If someone has taken away your manhood, you should get it back'.

He only gave me a knife and those words..... he didn't judge me, he didn't pity me, he didn't get angry, he didn't care, I don't even think he remembers, because of how drunk he got that night and how surprised he was when I killed Kazuo with the knife he gave me.

When I was 12 years old I killed for the first time, when Kazuo after a training, he tried to abuse me again, I hid in my clothes the knife that father gave me and I stuck it in his neck.

What the fuck am I thinking!?... if I go on like this.... I'm going to remember my screams.... if the best thing is to make someone scream to silence my screams, YES! that's the best thing....ahmm

What was I saying? if the mini bitches and that little shit of Sora are the only ones that can give me problems....

That fucking brat, I still hadn't forgotten how he had broken my nose with a headbutt when I was making my move with the newcomers, I like their scared and bewildered faces from the first days at the high school, when I saw Judy Alvarez I don't know why, but..... but from the first moment, I saw her I.....wanted to see her face screaming and crying as I used her over and over again, hahahahahahah, Ahhh! I can still imagine her screaming.... shit I have to stop, I'm getting.....

Agh whatever, that bitch and that little shit got lucky, if it wasn't for father's warning about a guy surnamed Inuzuka .... I would have left him just like that faggot who wouldn't stop screaming, Daniel.

We'd better get out of here, I don't like having to give in to that little shit, but it's better than the alternative.


[General Pov]

Nodding his head Ishii agreed and said, "Alright, we're out of here..." As he said that he turned to Cesar and said, "But don't let him think we're going to forget this old man."

Cesar, The class supervisor, at first didn't change his expression, but lowered his gun, and when he saw that the situation seemed to turn out and that Ishii was really going to leave the class he put his gun back in his holster, but keeping one hand on it, the rest of the students also calmed down and started to come out from under their desks seeing that the situation had calmed down a bit and they didn't have a gun facing them.

As Ishii and company walked out, passing in front of Sora and Judy again, Ishii stared at Sora who kept looking out the window ignoring Ishii, Which irritated Ishii because of Sora's attitude and his lack of respect and fear, acting as if nothing could be done to him, growing a perverted smile at Ishii as he came up with something to fuck with Sora, looking at the person next to him that he always defended.

"It's still not too late for what I told you, if you become my doll, you'd really learn what a man is, you know?, not like the little shit next to you."

Ishii said while at the same time he spoke he raised his hand to caress Judy's face, as he imagined really dark things seeping into her perverted and sadistic gaze

Making Jud freeze at the look and the smile Ishii was giving her that this time, was really making her feel sick and paralyzed for an instant by the disgusting emotions seeping behind Ishii's gaze,

Seeing how Ishii's hand was about to touch her, judy reacted again shaking her head in disgust avoiding Ishii's hand, but before she could do it, Sora had turned around and was looking at everything, he turned his eyes towards Ishii, while saying a short sentence to him

"Ishii.... if you touch her.... I'll cut your hand off."

After seeing that Ishii's hand had stopped, Sora turned his head towards the window again ignoring Ishii, on Sora's face there was no joy, satisfaction or mockery, just a serious expression, almost counting himself.

When Ishii heard Sora's threat, he was surprised and annoyed, even erasing his sickly smile, he was surprised because he had unintentionally heeded the threat, and annoyed by Sora's attitude, thinking that he could command him and that there would be no consequences, blaming Sora's behavior on the damn warning that his father had given, and that Sora was just taking advantage of the warning by stretching it until it was broken.

Judy unwittingly being saved once again by Sora from a bad situation and having stopped Ishii with her threat, flooding her with a feeling of security, almost intoxicated by that feeling Judy ended up doing something, which she would later regret forever. Because of the events that would trigger her comment.

"You know Ishii some of the Mini-Mox girls joined after they met you, after you used them once you were done harassing them, forcing them to be with you out of fear... and because of the things they say after being with you" Judy said as she stopped talking and held up her hand closing all her fingers except for her pinky which she started to wiggle a bit as she continued "Your `little' thingy can't teach anyone anything, thanks, but I'll take Sora's from what I've seen so far.... I know he can teach me a lot MORE than you."

`What did Jud just say, did I mishear?" thought a perplexed Sora, who was now looking out the window not to ignore or calm down but to keep them from seeing his face embarrassed by what Judy had said.

"...." When Judy said that without the slightest hint of embarrassment on her face as she had a smile on, Ishii had frozen in place taking some time to process what Judy had told him, some of the students turned around looking at Sora, as they smiled and gave him knowing and mischievous looks on their faces.

`Shit what are jud thinking!, it's true that in these days we've spent in the apartment alone.... we got to know each other better Jud and I without doing anything crazy..... but' but something did Sora thought.

"PFFFFFFH" With some sounds of restrained laughter among the majority of students who had heard Judy's retort and "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Wihhahaaha" the not at all restrained laughter of the Mini-Mox who were all laughing at Ishii for Judy's comment.

An Ishiii who seemed to be still frozen as his brain had refused to process what he had heard, but when he heard the laughter of the other students who had never dared to laugh at him, it woke him up like a hammer on the head.

Embarrassed by the laughter, Ishii thought of nothing else and raised his arm quickly as "WHAT DID YOU SAY BITCH!" he shouted and threw his raised arm towards Judy's face with all his force, hoping to see her scream in pain and regret for having dared to laugh at him.

Judy, noticing the knuckles rapidly approaching her, only had time to close her eyes and prepare for the blow... but before the blow came, she felt a strong wind whipping around her and.....


A loud noise behind her that she did not expect made her cringe in surprise at the sudden noise, when she opened her eyes for the blow that did not come... judy saw Sora's arm that had stopped Ishii's arm, a few inches from her face, touching her hair.

Standing right next to her was Sora looking furious as a bird of prey at Ishii.

At this situation, everyone tensed up again because of Ishii's violent act, which, although it had surprised them, they realized... that obviously someone like Ishii was not going to accept such a joke.

But what most surprised the people in the class along with Ishii was Sora's reaction and the loud noise he had generated by standing up, becoming a blur to most eyes in the class even Ishii's eyes that had cyberware in them.

Sora had caught Ishii's arm before the chair he had kicked hard as he got up crashed into the wall, leaving the class speechless at the blur Sora had become to move faster than the metal chair he had thrown so hard that it had crumbled into pieces when it crashed.

While everyone was still trying to process what had happened Sora spoke, in a low, cold tone that made people's skin crawl as they listened and saw the expression Sora was making, as he continued to hold tightly onto Ishii's arm

"What did I tell you, Ishii?" asked Sora as he increased the pressure of his grip. Ishii groaned in pain and realized that he couldn't move an inch. With a surprised expression, he raised his head to look Sora in the eye.

`Since when did he get so tall?' Ishii thought in disbelief as he realized that Sora, who he used to call "little shit", had grown up and become more intimidating in the short time he hadn't seen him. The age difference between them almost seemed to have disappeared and Ishii understood why he, earlier, had unintentionally heeded Sora's warnings, The sense of danger that Sora was conveying to him made him feel intimidated, not believing that he was younger than him.

Ishii began to feel anxious as he realized that he could not move his arm as the pressure increased. He wondered if Sora was carrying cyberware too?

Activating the Kiroshi Optics scanners with Target Analysis in his eyes to scan Sora for any cyberware that might explain what was going on. Ishii began scanning Sora.

Sora felt a disgusting sensation similar to the one he felt when Cortana was recording them, but worse, it was more nauseating as if something invisible and sticky was crawling over his body. Sora felt the origin of this in Ishii's eyes as he was being scanned. In response, Sora forcefully squeezed Ishii's arm even harder.

Ishii screamed in pain and with his scans still active, he saw something in him. As Sora felted small discharges pass through his arm into Ishii's and knew it was Arc. wondering what he was doing, but seeing Ishii's increasingly pale and frightened expression and how he was even pissing himself, Sora knew it must be something good.

That made him smile...

Moments before, when Ishii had begun to see something strange, Ishii had started to panic when he saw darkness starting to appear in his vision from Sora. For Ishii, it was as if the pixels of his Kiroshi Optics were turning off and creating a formless figure that grew from the darkness of the pixels around Sora. The figure completely covered Sora, shrouding his face with darkness from pixels and terrifyingly clear blue eyes. Suddenly, as the shadow finished settling on Sora, it grinned terrifyingly like a beast about to devour Ishii.

Making Ishii who had seen all that "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" scream in fear and panic pulled out his Arasaka smart gun from under his jacket with his free hand, firing it as fast as he pulled it out.

But with the current state of Kiroshi Optics they could not target the shadow that Ishii saw covering Sora, making the few bullets that Ishii managed to shoot, flying aimlessly around the classroom, before something suddenly caused him to lose feeling in his hand, making him stop firing.

Moments before Ishii fired, Sora without wasting time seeing what Ishii was going to do also moved, with the hand he didn't have holding Ishii that all this time been wielding gestuda, became a blur when unsheathing Getsuga. of which could only be seen for less than a second before it was sheathed again, a beautiful blade with an almost brilliant white sheen on its edge with the rest of it behind his Hamon being ebony black, cut Ishii's hand that held the weapon, before Sora re-sheathed it, the next instant

The cut was so fast that Ishii's blood hadn't even stuck to Getsuga, and so clean, that Ishii's severed hand holding the weapon, didn't fall until after Sora re-sheathed Getsuga.


With the sound of Ishii's hand falling to the ground with his weapon still gripping it tightly his could hear a....

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Ishii's scream of pain as he fell to the ground while holding the end of his stump which was bleeding non-stop, staining the classroom floor with blood.

After Ishii's scream, no one in the class reacted or said anything. Everyone stood still, frightened by what had just happened. Only Sora approached Ishii, squatting down so that their gazes were at the same height. In a calm voice, cold and full of hatred for him, said;

"I told you I would cut off your hand, Ishii."

Sora, had been holding back all the time, since he saw Ishii's face, Making Sora look out the window to control himself, lying to himself, saying he did it because he was bored, but truth was he was trying to calm himself down, so that the feeling of hatred he had towards Ishii, wouldn't ``possess'' him and make him do something crazy.....

After watching the Daniel's beating Video and remembering Ishii's interest in Judy, Sora had been having nightmares in which Judy was the protagonist of that kind of Ishii's videos....

His hatred for Ishii increased to a disturbing level for Sora, who was lying to himself, denying the importance of his dreams and denying his growing hatred..... until now.

Sora stood up again and seeing that his chair had just been destroyed, he looked at the empty desk in front of him, picked up the chair in front of him, sat back down at his desk and leaned his head back on his hand as he looked out the window.


After Sora sat down, the first reactions came.


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