Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


When the first students reacted again screaming, they woke the rest from their trance. Causing everyone to react again.

Especially the two accompanying Ishii, who was still sitting on the floor clutching his stump, one of them took out a Bounce Back, or some other type of first aid medicine from his jacket and injected it into Ishii's forearm, which stopped him grunting in pain and stopped most of the bleeding from his stump.

Cesar also reacted again, controlling the class and calming the students, while also approaching Ishii's severed hand and securing his weapon.

Taking the hand and the gun he approached Ishii and his companions, although he didn't show it, Cesar seemed pleased by the sorry state of Ishii, who was still sitting in a puddle of his own piss and had a blank stare staring at his stump, not quite understanding what had happened.

Cesar sent Ishii's two companions and Ishii to the infirmary, he also gave them his hand, cut from Ishii to one of them who did not like very much to be the one to carry it.

When Ishii and company came out of class, Cesar took a long sigh and looked at Jud and me.

"Sora, Judy you can come with me to the hallway."

When we came out Cesar, asked us, "How do you guys want to do this?"

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I mean how do you want me to write today's event report.

If I didn't ask you I would put that Sora Inazuka, cut Ishii Shiro's hand, when the former stopped an aggression to his .... girlfriend? Judy Alvarez, who had dared to ridicule in public the leader of the Tiger Kuvx, son of one of the leaders of the Tyger Claw...."

When Cesar said that, Jud who was still a bit in Shock from what had happened reacted, realizing that if she hadn't....

"Oi, Cesar, don't say it like it's Jud's fault I could have done something else, but... Besides, what were you thinking aiming your gun at Ishii and bringing up Daniel?"

"Ahmmm, I'm just worried about you guys, you know it's best not to relate to them..... about Daniel, not here, not now."

"Tch... whatever you say, then leave Judy's name out of it and that's it."

"Are you sure, Sora, I..."

"Yeah I'm sure Jud, I like it better that way, knowing ishii he'll never tell how he got his hand cut off and pissed on, better to leave you out of it, that way you're safer, besides I still have-"

"Wait a minute that's a waste of history" I was interrupted by a voice coming from the classroom entrance.

"What are you doing here?" Cesar asked the group dressed in brightly colored sportswear and revealing transparent parts, all the clothes were from BITCH, the Mox clothing brand,

The group, led by Selen ``Q'' or Selena Quinn, an African-American girl, older than us, was the Mini-Mox who had left class, listening to our conversation with Cesar.

"We were listening, Hey you Sora if you're going to tell the old man that left Judy's name out, then say that a Mini-Mox was the one who ridiculed the Tyger Kuvx Leader!, Besides it's not like it's a lie, for us we consider judy one of our own, kind of, like an honorary Mini-Mox"

What do they want to start a gang war over this? If Ishii's father finds out that the Mox are related this could escalate further.... Ahmm that's why I didn't want to relate all this shit, it's better if only I show up in all this crap, if I'm lucky the leash grandpa put on the Tyger Claw's, would have to put up with.... that little cut, right?

"Sora what do you think?" Jud asks, to know my answer.

"Huh? No, it's better if no one else shows up besides me, I understand you want to use it to fuck with the Tygers, but they can also go off the deep end and start a gang war, I refuse to be in on that shit or have anything to do with it."

"You think we're asking permission? Like we said Judy is like she's one of us." Said Selena getting serious, the younger sister of Susana Quinn or Susie ``Q'' like her sister, a member of the Mox and who at the time of the game would be one of the bosses. Selena, however, was never named.

"Tch, for my Jud can be the reincarnation of Lizzie for you people, which I will keep saying the same thing, stay out of it, I don't want this to escalate to more..... if I had thought things through a little more even I wouldn't have acted like this.... what a bummer."

"What did it scare you what Ishii is going to do?.... Still, it must have been great to cut that bastard's hand off."

When Selena said that, without meaning to or realizing it, it made me relive the moment when I cut Ishii's hand..... Which made me realize how thrilled I had been to do it and how much I hated Ishii for how much I had enjoyed it, controlling myself from getting a heinous grin on my face as I thought.

It made me realize how much Hate I had been contending, due to the dreams I had some nights since I saw Daniel's video, but not with Daniel, it was with Jud in them, being even more horrible than Daniel's video, when I woke up, I... pushed them to the back of my mind, avoiding thinking about them, with difficulty as I remembered them perfectly when I woke up, seeming more like a memory than a dream.

I... don't regret cutting off Ishii's hand..... I only regret that I wouldn't have been able to ki-


"Eh? What's wrong?" When Jud called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts I realized that I had stopped holding back my expression, growing a violent smile, which had even made Selena....

"Hhahahahahaha so you've enjoyed it so much hahahahah, Okey as you say we'll leave this matter I'm not going to get angry over a simple report, although I still think it's a wasted opportunity to screw the Tygers. But if you care so much about leaving Judy out of it, I recommend you two spend some time apart when you get out of here, If Ishii were to do something he'll do it outside of here, where there are no rules..."

"One other thing, Judy my sister has asked me to ask the brainiacs I knows, she has a business in mind, let me know if you are interested in earning a few Eddis."

With those words Selena and the rest of Minis, walked back into class, after they left I finished talking to Cesar about the incident report, leaving Judy out of it.

The rest of the day went by without any incident, I talked to Jud about what Selene told us and we agreed that she would go home with the Mini-Mox after High School or directly with her grandparents if they came to pick her up the couple of weeks left to finish the school year, we also talked about the Business that Selena had said.

Which if I guess correctly will be either editing or creating porn Bd's. Hahah I don't know if the current Jud liked the idea too much, I didn't like it either, I didn't want Jud to become that lonely and cold girl that worked in a dark basement that appears in the game.

But before I said anything, Jud told me that she was kind of excited about the idea of being able to earn some Eddis to help her too with our company, with a big smile on her face....

When she told me that, I didn't say anything, if she wants to do it and when she finds out I'm sure she will be surprised, but if she, still she decides to go ahead, I will respect her decision.

When the last class was over, I said goodbye to Jud and Peter who had come to pick her up and went home in my airb, when I got home....

"Hi! I'm back!"

"Everything okay at the high school, Sora?"

"Yes, Aoi-Obasan, nothing that got out of hand."

"Well, Sora come I want to introduce you, although I think you already know each other more or less, to my little brother your uncle Hiroyuki." Said my grandfather Musashi who were sitting on the living room sofa next to Aoi-Obasan in front of a person who could only see his back, until he turned around, revealing his face and said.

"Hello Sora!"


"SORA! Where are your manners?"

"Tell that to your brother look at the face he's making, he looks like he's going to jump on me, he's just holding back because you're present grandpa!"I said to my grandfather, while pointing to his brother Hiroyuki who had turned to greet me revealing a terrifying smile as he did so, full of revengeful intentions.....'Shit!`



"Boy, you didn't forget what I told you when you degastes me locked up, did you?" Hiroyuki said while his grin widened.....

"Grandpa! Say something to your psycho brother"


"I heard from Musashi that every day you guys can you have combat training, tell me have you already gone in?"


"No, they haven't trained yet." Grandma! Betrayer!

When Hiroyuki heard Aoi-Obasan, he got up from the sofa, took off his black blazer quietly and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt as he headed towards the door of the training area while....


Two blades unfolded from his forearms, revealing twin mantis blades, as he reached the door he turned to his brother and me, saying as he smiled violently "what are you waiting for?"

"I forgot, I have a lot of studying to do to prepare for my final exams for the course.... so I don't think I'll be able to train with you guys, which I would love to! You know I would, but-"

"Sora.... don't think you're going to leave me alone against the Hiroyuki that you turned on..... Hiroyuki, since he was little he's always been very spiteful, he never forgets, even if you save yourself from this one, he'll get you another time, believe me it's better we get through this fast....."

"Fuck!.... okay! You want me to beat the shit out of you old man, so be it FUCK!" I said as I too took off my jacket and grabbed Gestuga. somewhat resentful and annoyed by the situation.

"Have a good time dear" Said my grandmother, as she patted my grandfather's back in encouragement, which made me think, 'Do you think I want to do this?'.

"Ahm, I'm getting too old for this sort of thing" Said my grandfather as he got up and headed for the training room reluctantly.

[General Pov]

At the same time in a 6-story building in Japantown, owned by the Tyger Claws, the building was used by the Tyger Claws as one of their bases, on the first floor facing the public there was a gambling business, slot machines and pachinkos, while the second and third floors were used as a base and managed the real business of the gang, such as the company bar which was on the fourth and fifth floor, it was a private drinking and company bar, where several powerful and wealthy people could enjoy company and entertainment with privacy. With private rooms on the fifth floor.

The sixth and last floor was used to hold and ``educate´´ new girls who were smuggled into the country or were unlucky enough to end up in the clutches of the Tygers, on the sixth floor there was what could be described as a dungeon with several rooms with bars on the windows, where the Tygers ``educated'' the girls or boys they kept locked up, while abusing them, drugging them, making them dependent on drugs and then paying for their abuse with more drugs. ... creating a horrible cycle of rape and drugs that broke the will of most of the people locked up in there.

Since the invention of the Doll program that lets the program take control of the body protecting the user, from the life of Sex lndutria. no one in Nc does things like the Tygers, but sadly there is demand for sex without the program sick people who like the girls or guys they buy to have feelings, to be afraid, to be desperate, making them do things that the doll program could not do..... and that is why the Tygers kept using the old system of drugs and rape.

On the third floor in a room that the Tygers used as an office. Ishii stood in front of Shiro Shigeo one of the Tiger Claws Leader of all Night City and his father.

"So what happened" Shigeo said to his son who was standing in front of him.


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