Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Peter Álvarez

15 minutes after leaving the corporate center I arrived at Judy's house, or rather her grandparents' house, after separating from Gloria and David, I crossed the bridge to go to Watson, passing by the crossroads of a certain alley where there is a certain BAR that I'm dying to enter, but I'm still too young to be allowed, besides it seems that you need a certain renown in the city to enter...I wonder if Rogue will be able to recognize my resemblance to a certain EX of hers.

After crossing the bridge to Little China I had to go all the way up Kabuki, to finally get to Charter Street.

As I slid past the 3-storey rectangular building with the second floor overhanging a bit of the building with most of the frame protruding orange.

As I stepped off my board in front of the door, wondering if I should go first to greet Judy's grandparents, Ainara Alvarez, and her husband, just as I was thinking that,

An older man, 58 years old, in a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, with suspenders that joined his dark brown pants, which gave him a somewhat old-fashioned look like the Hipsters of my former life, arrived as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

The man was Pedro or Peter Alvarez, Judy's grandfather, he was a very nice and calm man, slim with round glasses on his face that made him look like an intellectual.

<O Sora you're finally here eh, I just got back from helping the ranita- ¡¡¡phmg!!! Judy, don't tell her I called her that in front of you, or she'll kill me...> Said Peter as he had real fear on his face for calling his granddaughter RANITA in front of me...Relax Peter it's not like I'm going to call Judy that from now on hehehe I thought as I put on a smiley face

<Don't worry Peter, my lips are sealed like you would have sealed them with a carbon nanotube alloy, stuffing my mouth with ``Pyramid´´ acoustic foam> I said knowing this man would get my little Geek joke.

<hahaha> as I thought he was amused, and added.

<Well if it is as you say then I have nothing to worry about, well Sora I won't keep you any longer, by the way, let us know if you want us to prepare food for you, I know that when one is immersed in a project, time flies and distractions bother, even if it is to eat>.

<Don't worry Peter, Aoi-obasan has prepared food for judy and me so you don't have to worry>

<oh Aoi-san has been too much trouble, give her my thanks when you come back home okay Sora>

I affirmed, while also asking Peter something that has been bothering me.

<Sure Peter, one thing, have you seen Eco I sent him over here when...I got separated from him while riding my airb, and he should have arrived by now>.

Seeing my face of concern as an owner/creator for his pet/creation, Peter smiled and said.

<Well if his father/creator has sent him to her mother/cocreator 's house, he's obviously going to look for her isn't?>

Tch in my mind before that, traitorous robot who abandons me to go find Judy, without paying much attention to Peter's joke, It's not that I'm not interested in Judy, she is funny, intelligent, very cute and we get along very well, we share many hobbies, but I remember that in the game she is only interested in girls.... although I have seen her giving me some glances when we worked together in a truck and I took off my shirt to be more comfortable to work in the summer heat of Night city.... I don't know, maybe she is also interested in boys, but she had a bad experience with them and she decided to go for girls only, who knows....

Having finished talking to Peter, it makes me recognize all the technological knowledge that Peter has, without really knowing I just say for my own opinion, but I think Peter, could work perfectly as an engineer for any corporation, I still remember when grandpa gave me a chip with a teacher AI that had all the knowledge about robotics and engineering that I would have wanted, when I asked grandpa where he got it from so fast, he told me with a loving smile that from one of his old acquaintances from his job as a bodyguard of the one who lived in Japan.

I met Judy when I was 7 years old when she moved from Laguna Bend shortly after arriving at school, when I found out we were going to the same school, I wanted to meet her, because of the game, when I met her I realized that we had a lot of things in common, we are also the same age, plus like Peter she also really likes engineering and robotics, we always had topics of conversation, I even left her the chip that grandpa gave me a few months after meeting her, for Cortana to teach her.

That's the name I gave to the AI teacher inside the engineering chip, it was a basic teacher AI that explains all the knowledge inside, well it recites it and answers limitedly to what it can, when you ask, it lacks a lot to be called a real teacher.

That's where Peter came in, a few days after giving him the chip Judy somewhat embarrassed told me that her grandparents wanted to meet me, as Judy did not hesitate to show her grandparents what her new friend had left her, mistakenly thinking it was a simple Chip with some technological knowledge.

When I told my grandparents that I had been invited to a friend's house, my grandmother seemed very happy that I had a friend inviting me home, as I have always had acquaintances, that I talked to, but not really kids that I could call friends, I really wasn't interested in having them because of the definition I have lived by of ``friends'' that I thought they weren't worth having.

That changed for me when I met Judy who I approached out of pure curiosity, to see how much they would be alike, Judy was the first person I saw of the game .... I was curious if everything was really like in the game if the faces, the characters of the people I know could be taken into account in the future, and when I saw her, she had her iconic hairstyle with her hair to one side, but longer as if she had never cut it and without shaving her left side of her head instead wearing her hair from the left loop behind her ear, with beautiful brown hair, with a much more childish face, but certainly with the same features she had in the game and when I got to know her I was surprised.

She was really lazy, she was always late for school because she rushed until the last minutes she had to sleep even if she had to skip breakfast in order to sleep a few minutes more, when I met that side of her, and she told me about her grandparents with affection, about her new house in Night city. I got to know the kind of person that is Judy Alvarez that you can't get to know just by playing the game, as I said she is so lazy that when her grandparents move to Oregon, if they do, she would live in the same bed she did when she was 7 years old in the same room, never conceiving of moving house, just to avoid having to make the move.

Also knowing that something had to happen to her, to change and become her non future version of the game, to not be able to notice the joy that was inside her when you met her in the game, as it is now, like the message she sent me, if I played a joke on her she would not forget it and would always send it back to me sooner or later, how she was depressed for a whole week when Peter was robbed for the first time in Night city, he got out alive, but not unscathed, from the blows he received, one with a gun butt, he damaged one of his ears and had to get a cochlear implant. How happy she was when I left her the chip with knowledge, how thrilled she was as she told me a year ago that she had found an abandoned fire truck near her house, that she wanted us to repair together, as she had originally thought to do it alone, when she was a little older, but when she remembered me, she was glad that, because if I helped her, she wouldn't have to wait years to get started.

With all those little things I got to care and be friends with Judy.

Going back to when I told my grandparents that a friend had invited me to their house, grandpa started questioning me about, who they were, how long I have known this friend of mine and everything you can imagine.

When I answered everything they asked about where their houses were, if there would be adults and who they were....

Aoi-obasan started with many Aras aras and some Fufu`s laughing when she found out that my friend, was a girl, which amused my grandmother a lot saying things like ``Ara Ara, I didn`t know that my little Sora-chan was so interested in having his first friend with a girl, Fufu'' as she ends up laughing, making a joke that a 7 year old boy at that time wouldn't have to understand, but I understood and ended up embarrassed by what my grandmother said with a red face, funny thing, although I can say that at that time I would have to be 23 years old in real age. ...I did not notice it at all, I think it is because the body and brain are the ones that react before these things, and not my experience of my life, as if my brain was not fully developed/tuned, as if my emotions and reactions were the strings of a guitar that you tune by putting or removing pressure, I think the brain of a child is similar, as if it were not fully tuned, having emotional imbalances in the tuning process of the mind when we grow up. Hence the tantrums, the lack of self-control that a child has, or in my case a fit of embarrassment that made my 7 year old face look like a Cherry

Which my grandmother saw, and laughed mischievously as she blurted out, if you guessed good, more Aras-Aras, and Fufu`s.

When the weekend came, my grandparents took me to Judy's house.

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