Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


"Ma-ma, don't be angry, I didn't call anyone like that at the interview for the academy, they were impressed, because of my grades at school, only .... they looked at me something wrong when they came to the bank inspection and the lack of a family member, saying that I don't meet the minimums to get a scholarship...".

When Gloria heard that she made a sad face, but kept listening to her son who continued talking.

"Mom. when they look at me like that, I wanted to leave that place with the looks they were giving as if I was worse than them, just.... I stayed because of you, I don't understand why you want me to go there so badly, I don't know what I want to do but...."

Gloria stopped her son and arched toward him, leaving her purse on the floor.

I leaned on the nearby railing watching the cars pass underneath as I ate my last onigiri and continued to catch Gloria's attention.

"David, I want you to reach the top, I want you to have a family, I want you to not have to worry about the Edis, I want you to have insurance to cover you if anything happens to you and when I am gone you have a secure job, I want you to be safe in this dangerous world, I want you to reach the top of Arasaka with a smile, knowing how high you have reached"

Listening to Gloria's maternal instinct taking over her mouth, made me wonder if it is for those reasons that my mother sent me away, wherever she is.

As I was thinking about my mother, and what Gloria said to David, I noticed a Cyber-junkie....., just kidding, they are still called junkie, but you could consider them super-junkie. Who was approaching Gloria's bag on the floor, without her not seeing him because his back was turned.

About the super-junkie these guys are up to their asses in Blue Crystal or whatever drugs they catch like; Syncomp, Dorph, SynthCoke.

And when they are at their peak of their organic high let's call it, drug generated, they pop in a bd of anything that will give them another high with bds of murder, sex, snuff, gore, of someone using the same drugs they already have adding the effect, of anything you can imagine it's like rule34, but with bds, if you can imagine it surely there's a bd of that.

Giving you another shot to your brain, but this different this cyber, adding the two moments of ecstasy, frying your brain in dopamine,

there are cases that are told in the news and on the radio, of people that their high is so high that many of their neurons can not withstand the large amount of dopamine and neural impulses, which make their heads EXPLODE, well not that, but their neurons can't take it, dying, leaving junkie with brain damage, or if they are lucky, they have only killed their hypothalamus, with it, their dopamine releaser and regulator of hormone production, leaving junkie, unable to be happy naturally, with continuous mood swings, leading them little by little to violence or madness, in short;

DRUGS, high with bd's, and everthing left in his mind.

These were the ingredients chosen

To create the Super junkie

But if accidentally

Added an extra ingredients to the concoction--


Thus, The Cyber-jonkies or cyberpsychos were born

Cutting Powerpuff Girls intro song out of my head, dropping the joke and now seriously, this is how you get to a type of Cyberpsychosis.

Those who destroy their mind with drugs and if they are too chrome, in the end their heads are a collection of different softwares without a mind to guide them, making their cyberware sofwares become corrupt as they try to synchronize with the melted minds of their users generating failures, in both the cyberware and the user.

Moving as I threw the last bit of my breakfast into my mouth I moved to intercept the junkie who was approaching to grab gloria's bag, I would not intervene, but, the Choom carries bad intentions, it seems that to avoid being followed, he wants to push gloria off the lookout, she would not fall to the road because there is the structure that connects the walkway to the plaza, but I doubt he cares about that.

"Be careful"

I shouted as I grabbed the outstretched arm of the Junkie who was trying to grab the bag first before pushing, when I grabbed him I turned on myself spinning the junkie with me and when I noticed that he had his chest leaning against my back with his center of gravity above me, I threw him forward with all my strength, throwing him over me and the opposite railing, as he wanted to do with gloria, but i threw him towards the road where the cars were passing.

After a few seconds

PAKK(body crashing)

Hooonk beeeeep Screeeeeech!!!!!

With the sound of honking horns and braking cars dodging the junkie's body by sheer luck, I turned to a surprised Gloria and David at what just happened.

As the Junkie stood up not knowing what has happened and ran out of the middle of the road.

I looked at Gloria who looked angry about something when she said to me.

"Thank you, for stopping that jun- that man, but you had to throw him towards the road? You know he could have died, right?"

When I heard that there was a smile on my face, at the woman who was worried about a man who wouldn't hesitate to throw her, without doubt, for stealing a purse, which probably doesn't have any cash in it....fucking idiot(the junkie)

"You know he intended to throw you right?" I answered the same way she asked me.

I then looked towards the young 11 year old David remembering when I saw all the amazing deeds this kid will perform in a few years time and how I felt seeing him...HEHEHEHE I came up with something that just made me laugh in my head as I turned my gaze back to Gloria.

As I also noticed the traffic and the types of vehicles passing underneath us.

"You know Gloria, it's fine that you want your son to get to the top of a relatively secure job in an office or be insuring with Trauma Team and all that, but have you thought about the price David would have to pay, to get to those positions you imagine, he would have to pay for it, with his smile and happiness. in a cold world where you can't even trust your reflection, treacherous and lonely".

I said as Gloria was stunned by what I was saying, or perhaps bewildered that I knew her name, as I looked at her eyes fondly for my memories of the series.

When I saw a large garbage truck approaching, I braced myself as I said my final words to the mother and son who were looking at me

"There are many ways to live, and no doubt there are some better than others, but instead of marking a path for David, help him find his own, so when the time comes for him to start walking it, it will be the one he chooses and he won't end up walking someone else's."

I finished saying as I grabbed the railing facing the road as I jumped in sync with the garbage truck passing underneath, jumping with one hand on the railing and the other grabbing my Airb, which I brought to my feet in the air that magnetically attached to the board.


Landing on top of the garbage truck with a loud noise I advanced towards the front of the truck where the driver is.

When I was on top of the driver's roof I came down on the windshield stepping more on my front foot hitting the glass with the compressed air passing under my board, making the driver hit the brakes, while using my nailed foot as a pivot to turn, being thrown into the air with the accumulated force of the braking of the truck by the driver when I damaged the windshield, and my own when turning my board with force.

Shooting into the air smiling and screaming out loud, while my heart was pounding, as I spun myself around in the air, I was always impressed with David's actions, and now he was going to be the one to be impressed. Also, I'm really grateful to my body, I've always felt comfortable when I move, like it's easy for me to go through the process of imagining making a movement and then performing it correctly with my body.


Landing with great speed and with so much force that the repulsion of my Airb was overcome, making me brush the ground created sparks as I landed on the catwalk structure, making me almost fall, advanced towards my exit of the traffic circle over the structure, I jumped back hard towards the road, heading for the exit direction Watson and Little china, finally direction Judy's house with no further distractions on my part.

I also sent my route to Eco to go on his own or to meet me on the way according to his judgment of programmed action.


While on the catwalks where Sora had done his stunt for what could be termed as showing off in front of an 11 year old.

A mother turned to her son and said.

<David don't learn anything from that crazy kid you hear me, that's not how a young man has to behave, you hear me David!!!>

I said annoyed by the expression my son was making, and also by the things that annoying young punk had said to me, it´s true that had saved me from being robbed, I carry several chip`s with Edis from our account to pay different bills, if I pay them myself we save the transfer fees charged by the bank.

if it had been stolen from us... just thinking about it makes my skin crawl....

I know I should be grateful to the young man who saved us .... who unhesitatingly..... threw the junkie on the road! What is he thinking!?! doing something like that, is he crazy? He didn't really seem to care about killing him....

"Ahmmmm" Sighing trying to calm down.

I still resent what he said about David having to pay with his smile and his soul, to move up in corporate life.

I already know that, dammit! I'm not stupid. I know how cold and twisted people can be, more if they move millions of Eddis as their job, but...what other alternative do I have for my David to live a quiet and secure life, that's the only thing I want for my son and with his potential, I know David can reach high....

"Hey David are you listening"

"Hey mom, if.... in next quarter, if I get into 0.5% would you buy me an Airb?"

Hearing that I could only notice a vein swelling in my forehead at the bad example my son was indirectly asking me to imitate, bright eyed, like a puppy begging for food even a stranger.

0.5% eh, I said in my head as I thought about my son's plea/negotiation, if David really manages to reach the top 0.5% of his grade at the Santo Domingo public school, then he will almost certainly be picked up for the Arasaka academy for next the course.

"Okay, but you have to promise me, that you will not behave like that young punk you hear me David!"

I said annoyed remembering again that annoying young man, who I couldn't hate for some reason, just as by his look I felt some affection and concern in his eyes almost as if he knew us.

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