Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Mancave

[Sora Pov]

(17 Hours later)


How long have I slept? Is it daytime or is it nighttime? As I felt somewhat disoriented after waking up I looked at the time on my IDn's menu it was 7:35 Pm on Sunday, June 13.

I had slept over 20 hours..... fuck!

When I got out of bed, I felt light and full of energy, making the memories I have of feeling heavy and sluggish seem like a lie... I felt good, better than yesterday when I woke up.

With this feeling I reflected the mirror of my room while I took off my shirt that stink after the duel with Ojii and the 17 hours of sleep.... when I looked at my reflection, I was surprised I hadn't grown and I always had a trained body, but something thin without marking my muscles too much..... but my actual body... all the muscles were marked and toned... as if they were in the optimal state in my body.... even my figure had changed a little bit..... making it more proportioned, you wouldn't notice much if you didn't own the body, but my actual body had better proportions with my shoulder muscles more developed while my hips were still slim.

I was muscular, but not in a vain way with big muscles, mine if I had to describe them would be.... the optimal ones? As if they were the perfect proportion to have a balance between strength and speed.... as if they were ready for.... combat?

Is that what happened to my body, the AI is preparing it for combat? It wasn't just my body my mind felt light to test it I thought of an idea of the thousands of things I wanted to build, I thought of improving the Tanto that after deflecting the shots several sections of the blade were screwed up making me concentrate on the Tanto when I stopped and looked at Getsuga who was in my room it seems that grandfather had left her here.

He had put some ties like straps on it, similar to the ones my Tanto had to tie it to the belt... Seeing those strips I thought of another option to carry Getsuga with me from now on.

And I came up with the idea of creating a belt with magnetic hooks to carry it.... With that idea I started to concentrate on it while I was in the shower and it was amazing, from the calculation speed to the concentration I felt how each one of them had improved, I could remember all the results of the calculations about the belt design in my mind while I was taking a shower..... even the calculations about Ampère's Law about the magnetic field... everything from head..... amazing!

What the fuck did you do while I was sleeping Arc? Not that I'm complaining... but I would have liked to know.

When I finished showering I got dressed with clean clothes putting on some jeans and a black t-shirt that when I saw it I bought it without hesitation it was V's favorite t-shirt of the game, a yellow bruised face with a mouth full of pills, that since I bought it has been Sora's favorite t-shirt.

I also tied to the belt of my pants with the straps that Ojii had put on Getsuada with this will be enough until I build the belt.... you'll have to hold on Getsuga' I thought while I grabbed the hilt of Getsuga that I had tied to my belt.

I put on my jacket and also the scarf Jud gave me, making me look in the mirror as I was fully dressed and with Getsuga on the back of my hip with the hilt a few inches from my right hand and the end of the scabbard dropping down, but from the shape of Getsuga itself it didn't look like a sword, it looked like I was carrying a rectangular stick tied to the back of my waist.

I also took the Tanto, with me and kept it inside my jacket, I would have to repair the blade and the tools for that I have them in the apartment I have rented to keep all the things I don't want the grandparents to know I have, it is also the place where I record all Jackie's videos.

When I came out of my room I went downstairs, I could only meet Aoi-Obasan who was looking at me with some amusement on her face from the kitchen who looked like she was preparing dinner

"Not bad 20 hours looks like your grandfather won the bet, I bet you weren't going to wake up today."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to sleep for 20 hours either, by the way grandma where is Ojii?

"He has gone out to meet with his-..... With an acquaintance. Sora did you grow up while you were sleeping?"

"Eh? I have no idea, hey grandma, who did Ojii meet with? an old co-``worker´´ from Japan?"

I said changing the subject quickly, about the change my body had gone through which apparently is not as small as I thought, while making quotation marks with my fingers about grandpa's former `job'.

"Hum? Why do I notice you different?.... you look a little older and at the same time the sensation you give me is sharper... Hmm that interesting.... about your grandfather, ``Do you want to know?´´"

Aoi-Obasan said returning the same quotation marks back to me.


"Sorry Sora if you were a good boy who would tell his grandparents what's going on in his life and not run crying to his mom I would tell you."

"...!!!... I didn't! I ran out crying to HA-(SHIT) Mother "

"Mother that's cute! You scared her you know? So what name were you going to say little Sora?"

Aoi-Obasan said surprised for a second when she went back to her usual smile as if she had found it funny.....shit!

"I don't know what you're talking about Obasan....."

"Sure kid, whatever you say, Ahmmm(sigh)... An acquaintance of your grandfather's has asked to meet him"

"Grandma you are not telling much...."

"Impatient boy, your grandfather is off to meet his brother."


"Yes he does but they haven't spoken for a long time...:"

"He also works for Arasaka?"

"Ara Sora why do you say Arasaka?"

I seriously stared at grandma, in case she really believed that with her question and make me doubt or something.

"Ara boy you really are a box of surprises you know, today we not only found out that you and your mother had a way to communicate, but you also know the truth about where your grandfather worke. Ara you amazed me, Little Sora, I wonder how many more secrets you have discovered and how many you hide your little..."

Grandma said while staring at me and said while holding a hand to her heart as if she was suddenly in pain.

"AHHHAAA! how have you changed, where is my little and cute Sora? when he has turned into you violent teenager who goes around hitting old people with his sword...?" she said as she wiped away an invisible tear playing the victim, talking about the duel with Ojii

"Of course, it wasn't your husband who kicked me against the wall, besides, the only one who hit the old man was Eco..." I turned to Eco while I winked at him and...


"WU-uuhmmmmmm" Eco replied as she lowered her ears at my sudden reprimand.....

Which I said following grandma's joke while blaming Eco out loud but....

[Don't worry little one you haven't done anything wrong....


[except tell Jud what I do, that hasn't slipped my mind]


By message was another story, well not so much

"Now seriously speaking why didn't you guys ever tell me about Great-uncle and he's Arasaka too?, I heard about grandpa and his work since chip with Cortana grandma, back to uncle, where has he been all this time?"

"Tch scoundrel child, spied on your grandparents, about your uncle.....Yes he also worked in Arasaka, and we did not tell you anything, well rather your grandfather did not tell you anything because they have not spoken for 21 years that was when Ishida our son-.... "

When Aoi-Obaa-san stopped talking she kept looking at me for a few seconds with sadness in her eyes for what she was remembering, but also some determination when she finished her silence

"Your brother Ishida, passed away under Hiroyuki Hatake as the head of his unit, your grandfather's brother, and since Ishida.... left, Musashi and Hiroyuki haven't spoken again.....A short time later Hiroyuki retired from Arasaka, and moved to London where he found his new job"

"Hm and why the sudden visit to Nc? Going so far as to ask to meet with Grandfather if their relationship is..... so difficult?

"Well boy that would be your fault, you know? Hiroyuki doesn't work for a corporation or a normal organization..... he works at NetWatch headquarters."

"WHAT! NETWATCH! Why? Don't tell me that..."

"Yeah, just what you're thinking, I wouldn't have to tell you, but..... if I trust my instinct I know you know a lot more than you seem to and from the things you've told so far I don't know why, but I feel like you'll understand.

Like I said I don't know what you told your mother Sora, but since 17 hours ago the entire Kiji Faction within Arasaka has been moving non-stop YOUR mother has mobilized everyone within her faction.... above all, to check the BlackWall, they even contacted NetWatch "


"Ho! silence I think it's the first time....instead of some question or joke about who your mother is or what the hell is the Kiji faction as if you know both questions... Ara but how interesting Littler Sora really! How interesting!"

Grandma said while squinting her eyes while still having her ever-present smile.... but I don't know why it made me swallow hard because of the expression Grandma was making staring at me....

"So Uncle HiroyukI wanted to meet Ojii because of mother's warning? What's the point of that Ojii doesn't know anything about what happened."

"Well Hiroyuki really didn't want to meet with your grandfather he wanted to meet with you, but your mother and grandfather refused, so your mother informed your grandfather with everything you didn't tell him and it was decided to be the one to meet with NetWatch instead of you."

Damnnn!, mother wastes no time ....

Awesome I felt a little bad when mother cut off and deleted our conversation but seeing what she's been doing(Smile)..... well..... lots to think about few things to do so I better get on with my thing. I'll ask grandpa more about his brother and NetWatch when he get back.

"I see..... Well grandma I'm leaving!" With no more time to waste I said to grandma as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed for the door.

"W-Wait Sora where are you going? you don't think you're not grounded do you?

"Well technically yesterday I won the duel .... so you lost the opportunity to punish me the moment grandpa decided to punish me with the duel remember;

- We try to do things peacefully and talk it out, but with you, there is no way....


- For you that's how it has to be done right?

See that's why I've already been punished grandma...."

I said as I brought out my inner grandfather in me to imitate him as best I could.

"Ahmm..... I'm just going to leave you, so when you come back you can say the same thing to your grandfather, just so you know Sora."

"HeHe sure!!!, don't worry about dinner, I have plans to sift around."

"Okey.... say hi to Judy for me will you"

"Sure- Shit! I mean, I don't know what you're talking about grandma"

When I left home without wasting time I was heading towards Westbrook, Japantown which is where I had rented an apartment next to small garage that was also for rent in the same building, which was close to megabuilding 8.

When I left the building and started to head towards Japantown I noticed a black car pulling up as well..... Hum. Without giving it much importance for now I got in my Airb, while I put my rings back on the top of my ears so I could listen to music while I was heading to Japatown.

14 minutes later I arrived to Japatown, alone .... when I noticed that I was being followed even after several minutes changing direction ... I started to cross alleys to lose track of the car that followed me .... who the hell were they?

While I was walking through Japantown I passed by the Megabuilding 8 and a smile came to my face when I passed by the Turbo's Bar..... making me remember the Edgerunner show.... for that very reason I had chosen this apartment to rent.... if I'm not mistaken.... in a few years or maybe months..... who knows, maybe the empty apartment next to mine has a new and beautiful owner ... after all she is already in Nc

"Muahahahahahaha...." `instead of looking for her, she will come to me' "....Muahahahahahahaha"

While I was laughing like a villain for my plans to meet a certain white haired woman, I entered a building near Turbo Bar and Mega-building 8.

The building that had a pink neon sign that said TENGU on the entrance, when I got on the elevator and arrived to my floor, Eco and I entered my base, in my mancave, in the apartment where Jackie records all his songs, where I keep all my stuff.

I wanted to go get Jud but before taking her to the apartament first I have to pick some things up

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